Poll: The New Bioshock

General Recluse

New member
Aug 21, 2009
Im not sure, Bioshock 2 wasnt as good as the first but maybe the brighter setting will fit more with this one.

im on the fence about this one


New member
Apr 11, 2010
I really, really hope they don't mess it up, but I have a nasty feeling that they will. Part of Bioshock's brilliance was the creepy environment with a bajillion psi waiting to crush you just behind glass everywhere you go and psychotic DNA-zombies waiting around every corner to amp up the adrenaline factor. Sure, I like the steampunk aspect and really think they could do something great with it, but not in a game similar enough to Bioshock that it would warrant having the name Bioshock. It looks to me like they just copied and pasted Rapture into the air. I don't see how a peaceful sky environment could possibly deliver the same level of atmosphere that a dark and threatening underwater environment did.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
This looks pretty awesome, as much as i like rapture's dark, leaking halls, the change of local looks very nice. Im also glad ken and irrational games are back, the second bioshock was kind of a piece of shit. The new "big daddy" (not sure what to call it) looks really creepy. Im looking forward to hopefully some dark-rainy atmospheric sky levels.
May 5, 2010
Well, let's look at what we know:

-Bioshock is, as far as I'm concerned, the best game of all time.
-This game contains the phrase "Bioshock".
-It takes place on FLOATING CITY IN 1912!
-CONCLUSION: This game will be awesome.

I rest my case.

(And don't tell me how much Bioshock 2 sucked, I actually liked it. It came very close to being better then the original.)


New member
Nov 4, 2009
Looks cool, actually. I don't want to get my hopes up, however, as that only leads to anger, and anger leads to hate, hate leads to violence, and violence leads to the Darkside.

[small]What, I just don't want to be disappointed? That, and I needed to slip in that reference somewhere .[/small]


New member
Sep 10, 2008
It looks like it has potential, though I don't see how it is in any way related to the bioshock story.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I'm very excited about it! From the trailer, it looks like we're going to see Colombia at its prime, just as it cycles down with its citizens choosing sides. I think this will give us something akin to the "Pre-fallen Rapture" that people wanted from the prequel, without over-doing rapture. It's a different enviroment and time even, so this means that they have everything to work with so long as it does not contradict Bioshock 1 or 2 if it is indeed related.

I also believe it's best we don't see any clear connection to the other Bioshocks. Why would we want basically more of the same? I would not be nearly as thrilled if it was another bit in Rapture.This leaves even more room for discovery in the new installment to discover that connection.

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
I'm fucking pumped. See, Ken Levine (the key creative force behind both System Shock 2 and the FIRST Bioshock) is once again involved in the development. To put it plainly, his mind is a national treasure. He knows what to put in a game and what not to put in to make it a classic.

Here are a few of his comments and some of the gameplay features he mentioned in a recent interview:
1) "This is a RE-IMAGINING!" He will only take something from the original games if he feels it will fit. Even set pieces, like the Little Sisters, are not safe. He will only take the absolute best of the best from the original series and put it in this one.

2) You control an actual person this time. Instead of playing a "blank" like Jack Ryan or Subject Delta, you play as a person with a personality. Someone who TALKS!

3) The world will not be falling apart anymore. Columbia (the city in the game) will be fully functioning. People will be sane, but just be gun nuts. Levine says it will be like the Old West: don't fuck with people, and maybe they won't fuck you. That's a big maybe, though.

4) Did I mention that it takes place in the 1910s in a city in the sky, and that you can shoot CROWS out of your fucking arm? It's like bees, but...crows!

Once again, fucking pumped. I'll stop loving Ken Levine when he makes me stop loving him.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I'll see how it goes. Bioshock is fun but has incredibly pretentious followers who sometimes skew the truth due to their rose-tinted glasses. I also disapprove of Bioshock's attempt to put in (what I think is) too much Shooter and not enough RPG. I'll twittle my thumbs until the real quality of the game becomes more apparent.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Going by the description, it seems to be another buddy-cop game. To which I say meh. If otherwise, the response is still the same. I didn't care much for the first one, less for the second. But hey, nice to see them shy away from the technical aspect in favor of more and more magic.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Perhaps your right...
Vrex360 said:
I really don't know how to feel about this. I mean I was among the people who cried boo at the announcement of a Bioshock 2 set in Rapture so the idea of a third Bioshock that has nothing to do with Rapture but is rather a fantastical steam punk world in the clouds that just borrows a few similar themes just feels like even more of an unneeded sequel.
I mean think about it, imagine if they made a sequel to King Kong that then didn't feature New York, Skull Island, Dinosaurs or a Giant Gorilla and was set in a completely different location notable only by having some new monster take King Kong's place and have no emphasis on continuation of that plot.
Would you still think it could be called 'King Kong 2'?

Just to be clear I do not think this is a bad idea for a game. If we want to have a story of a city in the clouds then I say go for it and yes it is true that they have said and done everything that can be said and done in Rapture but maybe that means they should abandon the Bioshock label altogether and just call it as someone else suggested 'Aeroshock'.
I mean Bioshock was the spiritual successor to System Shock. Why can't Aeroshock be the spiritual successor to Bioshock?

I am just curious though, without the dystopia, Big Daddies, gene altering substances, Little sisters, questions regarding humanity, philosophy and the Genetic Civil War.... exactly what 'themes' are there left to explore in Columbia enough to even give a connection to Bioshock? The 1930's art design and music seems to be one and the general philosophy of building a new city away from the rest of society but truly if that is all then I see very little connection between this and the first Bioshock.

Like I've said before, Bioshock was a masterpiece that had the strength to be a tightly self contained immersive experience. The addition of the sequel only endeavored to mess that up and now an obscurely connected 'sequel' just feels like it's forgotten its own roots.

I'm not saying that this doesn't look like a great fantastic and interesting game but the fact is if you label it with Bioshock, people are going to expect Bioshock stuff. No plasmids or Little Sisters is something people will notice. I wouldn't use the Halo label and then make a game about a war in Modern Europe.
All I'm saying is, it looks amazing and odds are the game will be a great interesting new spin and it is interesting to go from the bottom of the sea to the top of the clouds. But I just think that maybe using the label 'Bioshock' is a little innapropriate. Especially if there are no plasmids, remember 'bio' is short for 'biological' which is what Plasmids are.
Ultimately if they called it 'Aeroshock' or 'Cloudshock' and called it the next in a 'trilogy' of '-Shock' games, then I would be more impressed.
...but you were expecting the studio not to bank on the title of a game franchise (let's not be silly and act like this isn't a successful franchise already) I'm glad that the title alone isn't stopping you from thinking that this game will be good. I haven't played Bioshock 2 and after recalling that it was made by a different developer I don't think I will but I think Mr. Grey said it best.
Mr. Grey said:
I remain neutral. I haven't enough information to make proper judgment yet.

Ldude893 said:
Rename it Aeroshock and I'll accept it.
The term bio in Greek can mean "one's life", so if we follow this line of thought Bioshock can mean "A shock to one's life." And as shock can mean "to strike or jar with intense surprise, horror, disgust, etc." Then Bioshock is an appropriate name to this current installment.

The infinite I have a problem with, I don't want to be infinitely shocked... that might kill me.

[sub]I got the joke, I just wanted to bump it a bit further.[/sub]


Apr 28, 2008
I would have preferred it was an X-Com game (a real one, not this 2k marin bullshit).


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2009
This could be very great, with emphasis on could. I absolutely loved the original Bioshock, but I didn't buy the 2nd because I felt it would kind of kill the experience of the first. This looks like it's what Bioshock 2 should have done; have your gameplay the same, keep the same general feel, but go someplace completely new. It's what all sequels should do (maybe unless it's an ongoing storyline,) and at least 2K has got that, even if it took them one game.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Im really not that into the new Bioshock game.

I was a HUGE fan of the first one, and even liked the second one quite a bit, but I think this new one in its own way, ruins what Bioshock was all about.

If any of you remember, Bioshock was about Rapture, the great, undersea city that was destroyed by the people and the corrupt leader, Andrew Ryan (and the second game mostly held the same thought), Bioshock was all about throwing someone into this place, having no idea where he is, and what hes doing, all the while trying to survive in a harsh, intense urban invironment, with all kinds of screwed up psychos trying to get to kill him, just for ADAM.

But in this one it really seems the only thing I saw that stuck with the origional thought, was there was a Big Daddy. And thats it. Im not sure how scary they can make this new floating city, and who knows, maybe within the next 2 years ill eat my own words, but as of now im actually not excited and a little dissapointed in the new installment. Did I want the 3rd game to be set exactly in rapture again with some other hopeless guy? No, Id say Rapture has had its toll, but at least keep the scary feel, at least keep a creepy if not weirded out environment that can keep you on your toes...Im just dissapointed because they took away what seems like the entire atmosphere that created Bioshock.

Im not saying it will be HORRIBLE, in fact it will more than likely have a very captivating story, and I might actually really like it, I just dont like that they took Bioshock and ditched its eery atmosphere that I loved so much.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
I will probably buy it, don't know if I will like it. It seems so much more happy and cartoony than the original, the atmosphere is so different and seems more like physical comedy than the slight sense of horror (even though you are invincible in the game because of vita chambers).

... I do thinks it's kinda funny how in their quote they don't mention Bioshock 2 at all, and talk about how much they definitely *cough* wouldn't make a sequil back in Rapture *cough*
Ken Levine said:
When we completed the original BioShock, we felt we had said all we wanted to say with Rapture, but we weren't done with the idea that is BioShock. BioShock is so much more than a story of a single place or a single time. We had so much more we wanted to say.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Jezzascmezza said:
MercurySteam said:
even though it may not come out till 2012.
Wait, isn't that they year the whole world's going to die?
Yes, because a bunch of people I don't care about says the world is going to end in two years, of course I'm going to drop what I'm doing and start praying for repentance and scrap all my plans for the future.

I mean really?

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
It looks... interesting. I'm on the fence about this game, but I have to admit it adds a nice new area instead of Rapture. Also, they did a pretty good job on the sky part of the game making you feel like you were actually falling. That part did seem pretty real.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
NPC said:
I will probably buy it, don't know if I will like it. It seems so much more happy and cartoony than the original, the atmosphere is so different and seems more like physical comedy than the slight sense of horror (even though you are invincible in the game because of vita chambers).

... I do thinks it's kinda funny how in their quote they don't mention Bioshock 2 at all, and talk about how much they definitely *cough* wouldn't make a sequil back in Rapture *cough*
Ken Levine said:
When we completed the original BioShock, we felt we had said all we wanted to say with Rapture, but we weren't done with the idea that is BioShock. BioShock is so much more than a story of a single place or a single time. We had so much more we wanted to say.
They didn't make Bioshock 2 the story was Jordan Thomas idea, it would be odd for Ken to write another game set in rapture and its great that he won't if this is what we are going to get instead.
