Poll: Tolerance of other's opinions


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
It's already been the case several times, especially when people are only basing their opinion on a yahtzee or heck, any single review and just parrot what was written in it ;)

examples: Hunted: the demon forge, King Arthur 2, Clive Barker's Jericho.

Ok maybe not favorite game ever material, but hunted is in all seriousness one of the best coop games ive played and king arthur 2 was seriously solid and awesome, as long as you are cool with a much more restrictive campaign.

So in conclusion it would be Other: Whilst not exactly thrilled that games i really like get universally accept as shit, especially when most saying it havent even played the games in question, its annoying but i really cant do much so live and let live.
Not like i don't have controversial gaming opinions of my own after all.

Edit: this applies to faceless people on the internet, with friends or people i can have a conversation with, its an entirely different story.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I find it weird that respect in modern definition is to not only smart people to keep believing dumb shit, but even encourage it. Iuno about you guys but if I was wrong then I would hope anyone not seeing as an innate retarded child would have enough fucking respect for me, to correct my mistaken ass.

What? You don't think I'm mature enough to take it?

Not smart enough to understand?

That tells me exactly how much you respect me.


New member
Dec 2, 2012
Good thread, I've been meaning to start a topic similar to this one for a while. I'm an overcritical asshole, and when I discuss media with people, they always take an antagonistic approach to arguing back. I never really understood why, because I'm criticizing something that someone else made, and yet the people who like it respond with personal attacks against me, as if I've personally insulted them. Or they dismiss me as a troll if I don't like what they like. Then, I read some game reviewer's blog, I forget whose it was now, but apparently he has a strong anti-fan following, with the shit-huskers of the gaming community following his posts solely to condemn him in the comments section, and I had a hate-epiphany: these imbeciles actually are devoted to the entertainment they consume. They think it's a part of who they are, that it's a part of them, and take every nasty word said about something that isn't them, personally. Which is hilariously pathetic, of course. I'm beginning to sympathize with developers who misuse the word "entitled" when describing their fans.

Have we forgotten Fight Club already? ?You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. I agree wholeheartedly, but maybe for different reasons as the author--I am not a gamer. I am not a cinema nerd. I am not a comic geek. Rather, I am an amalgamation of all of these things, and more, with these subculture designators being relegated to hashtag keywords on the twitter post of my persona. Look, world, I'm Dick Wig Sixty-Nine, #gamer #archer #lover #hater #goodwithanimals #greatcook #masterdebaterslashmastermasturbator. While they do describe things I like, or little fragments of me, I'm not just those things; those things are those things, separate and distinct, from me. Moreover, your opinion of them has absolutely no bearing over my ability to enjoy them except, of course, if they really aren't very good, and I simply didn't notice it until someone pointed it out to me. Which, unless I'm overly concerned with external opinions of me, shouldn't really matter.

Is that it, then? Were they willing participants in blissful ignorance, and now that I've robbed them of their ignorance, the seen will never be unseen? Or are they so worried with about what other, random people think of them that it overpowers their own ability to think for themselves? Is it some bizarre(to me) emotional reaction to an attack on an inanimate object with which they've bonded emotionally, and when I insult it it's tantamount to spitting on their wife? I still don't know all the particulars, just that they actually do take it seriously, a phenomenon with which I simply cannot relate on any level.

For the sake of this thread's poll, I chose to argue with them, because I like arguing. It's a very productive pastime, actually. You learn a little more about them, they learn a little more about you. Maybe they have good reasons for liking or disliking something that you're missing--I'm always open to that possibility, simply by virtue of different people responding differently to the same stimuli due to various deviations in personality. Echo chamber cranks are one step removed from the Unibomber, so I do my best to be a well-rounded crank. So, for that reason alone, I chose "argue with them." But, at the end of the day, I really don't care whether or not they like what I like. Unless it somehow deprives me of it, then it's fightin' time.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I wouldn't care. I might ask why but I'm not going to go on a crusade and demand that they appreciate the things I like.

If they just say "Oh it's shit" without backing it up or explaining why they think that then it's not worth the effort and at that point I just think "Opinion is opinion" and leave it at that.
Aug 1, 2010
I would find out why.

After discussing it, I predict the same thing would happen in nearly every difference of opinion: We would come to the conclusion that some aspect of the game requires a certain taste my friend doesn't have.

Now in terms of the title.... WOO BOY. I don't do well with opposing opinions. ESPECIALLY religious ones. The only time I've experienced mod wrath was from a disagreement over religion.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Mrkillhappy said:
I wouldn't care that much so long as they could give reasons why they didn't like it.

If somebody doesn't like it and they can give honest reasons as to why, I can happily accept that it's a matter of differing tastes.

It's when people say idiotic things such as "Halo has the worst graphics EVAH?!!?!" that I start to get irritated. I still don't get into arguments about it, because I know how it will end, but I am more inclined to stop taking them seriously.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
By default I wouldn't care, but if I were in the mood to argue, was bored, or had nothing better to do, then I might argue with them, even if just get understand their point of view.

Catie Caraco

New member
Jun 27, 2011
I chose "avoid them" for the poll, because I generally don't like being around the sort of person who is going to rain on my parade. However, I guess it really depends on the situation and the person. I love Final Fantasy Tactics to it's core, I love everything about it, even, at this point (having spent so much of my formative years playing it) it's poor English translation, it's glitches, all of it's faults. However, my boyfriend has never played it, and after watching my roommate perform HORRIBLY at the first few fights (mainly due to forgetting some of the gameplay and then trying to "man mode it" when he forgot to buy potions, and also trying to do the Dorter Trade City fight WAAAAAY to early) my boyfriend dismissed the game entirely. "It just seems like a lot of pointless micromanaging, and it takes too long." This I am easily able to shrug off. It doesn't bother me that he doesn't like it, because it has no effect on our relationship. His style of games and my style of games doesn't often overlap. But that doesn't really seem to matter, there are a few games we'll play together, and in the end we're both gamers.

In cases other than my boyfriend, it depends on how they react to my liking of the game. If they're just like "shmeh, not my thing," then I will be shmeh along with them. If they are obnoxious about it, I'll avoid them. If I think they might be swayed with a little bit of argument, I might try it. Overall though, people not liking something I like isn't going to make me like it any less, so it's not a problem.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I'd like to know why they think these things but other than that, I wouldn't care. I have been accused of arguing because I ask too many questions, though.


New member
May 3, 2011
as long as i get to say "I appreciate that you have an opinion, but I have my own opinion, so fuck off." or some politer variation as called for.

I will also respect someone else's opinion as long as the result of that opinion does not physically harm someone who is unwilling to be harmed.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
Honestly, I think I'd be a little upset, but not enough to affect my relationship with them. Different people like different things, but I am the sort of person to want to share something I find wonderful.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
I wouldn't care. I can actually understand that people have different opinions. Though, if someone goes on constantly trashing a game based on what someone on youtube said, when they have never even played it, I get annoyed. If you want to trash talk a game, actually try it for yourself, first.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
If they are thoughtful in their criticism, I will happily discuss the issue with them. Perhaps I might even share or understand some of their criticisms. I may not ultimately share their opinion of the game, but I have no issue with people analyzing or critiquing things that I love.

If they are vehement or hyperbolic in their criticism, I will attempt to reason with them and see if I can't soften their perspective. I dislike hyperbolic assertions, especially when they are presented as facts. And don't give me the "everything I write is my opinion" nonsense, there's a way to state an opinion, and there's a way to state a fact. If you're doing the latter, it's because you want your opinions to appear as writ. Don't act like you don't know what you're doing.

If a friendly accord cannot be reached, I will usually begin critiquing their arguments. At which point one of two things happens.

5% of the time the person will say "I was being a little over the top, but it's just how I feel", and we will agree to disagree.

95% of the time the person will start a flame war.

I have to admit, I don't understand the "I don't care" option. I know it's appealingly bad ass to appear as though you are forever above the fray, but why the fuck are you on a gaming forum discussing games if you genuinely "do not care" about the opinions or input of others? I can understand not letting it ruin your day or work you into a lather. But surely you care enough to TALK about it. Otherwise why enter the conversation in the first place?

Adept Mechanicus

New member
Oct 14, 2012
I wouldn't get angry about it. I'd have a reasoned discussion, but not too reasoned, because I got places to be. If it goes on for longer than 5-10 minutes and I've exhausted all my usual points, I'd move on to something else.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
tippy2k2 said:
Fuck, I could name my favorite video games (not an exclusive list here; just the games that get people going) and get that exact reaction.

Here's a list! Feel free to rage about it:

-Call of Duty Black Ops II (really any of them can go here)
-Battlefield 3
-Mass Effect 3 ending
-Dragon Age 2

My reaction:

I suppose I would tell them why I think X is great but I really don't care all that much if they don't like the game. I forgive them; not everyone can be as awesome as I am.
Your taste sucks and you should feel bad for liking those crappy games. You are what's wrong with the game industry and you will eventually be the cause of a thousands supernovas at the same time ruining all life in the universe.

Yeah, I went really overboard to make my sarcasm clear there... I agree with your post. Someone doesn't like a game I like. Well, that's a shame, I had really fun with it and I wish others would enjoy it the way I did.

Let's say I did care what people thought about the games I liked. Well, I tend to like JRPGS and I enjoy some of the new Mario games (not all mind). Being a frequent poster on this site I would give myself a seizure trying to keep up with all the criticism those games are getting. Now I actually agree with the criticism those games are getting more often than not, I just happen to like the games despite their flaws.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I personally wouldn't care as I don't get worked up about this but from my last post I can clearly see that some people like to stew and get physically mad when other people's opinion differ from theirs. It's a game people, not that big a deal.


New member
Sep 4, 2012
I don't care - I might not take their recommendations seriously in the future, but otherwise it doesn't matter at all.

That said though:

Strazdas said:
however if he is going around "omg this game sucks because ponies"
This is my exception too. If someone thinks a game is terrible because it doesn't have a certain feature or didn't hit certain plot points and it actually does - so they either missed it by playing a branching game differently or stopped playing before they got to it - then I tend to respond to that, because their opinion in those cases isn't based on matters of taste, it's based on an absence of information.