Poll: Twilight birthing scene 'causing viewers to have seizures'


New member
Nov 18, 2009
The graphic birthing scene at the centre of new Twilight film Breaking Dawn has been blamed for causing a wave of seizures in US cinemas.

The latest installment of the smash hit contains a tense scene where Bella gives birth to her vampire husband Edward?s child.

The scene, shot with flashes of red and black has proven too much for the cine-goers, with some of them suffering epilepsy attacks in the theatre.

One viewer, Brandon Gephart of California, told local news channel CBS Sacremento that he was watching the scene when he began having convulsions and later woke up on the cinema floor.

"He was convulsing, snorting, trying to breathe. He scared me big time,? his girlfriend Kelly Bauman said.

Gephart was later treated in hospital while the rest of the screening was cancelled.

Similar incidents have now been reported around the country.

According to ABC4, one man in Utah reportedly blacked out during the film and his wife said that he was shaking, mumbling and blinking rapidly.

Epilepsy specialist Michael G Chez was quoted by CBS Sacramento as saying that that the scene may be triggering photosensitive epilepsy in those who are genetically predisposed to it.

"It's like a light switch going off, because it hits your brain all at once,? Chez said.

Similar seizures can be triggered by strobe lighting, Chez said, but added that an one-off seizure was unlikely to cause much harm to those who had been affected.

Article from: From: http://au.news.yahoo.com/entertainment/a/-/entertainment/12058370/twilight-birthing-scene-giving-seizures-to-viewers

I laughed so hard when I read this, but I'm thinking it wasn't just the birthing scene, maybe it was the "movie" leading up to the scene? Hahaha


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Allow me to express: AHAHAhahahAHAHAhahahah. Serves them right for watching that abomination


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Oh right, and vampires sparkle so thats why they stay out of the light. PLEASE!

If that WAS true they could just call it a skin condition and all vampires could walk around with their sparkly skin and be all like "Yeah, its a skin condition, wanna fight about it?"


Karma Haunts You
Jan 5, 2011
Oh man, where to start,

Maybe with the people who are already coming in here spewing how bad the movies are.

We get it, we hear it EVERY DAY. YOu don't have to go into EVERY twilight thread and rant about how much you hate the show and how bad it is.

On a more related note, it sucks that people got fits from it, it didn't seem to strobey at all.

Also, wait for the flaming. It will happen.

Also the people who are coming in here and just talking about how bad it is without even posting anything related to the topic. Does not belong here.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Shame for epileptic people I guess. But now an excuse for boyfriends and husbands not to watch the film.

Dr Pussymagnet

a real piece of shit
Dec 20, 2007
Caramel Frappe said:
.. I'm surprised they even have a birth scene in the movie, let alone the book. What was the author thinking when including that, and no not because of a birth scene altogether but the fact Edward is a vampire.

Vampires shouldn't be able to reproduce. Edward told Bella that his heart doesn't pump blood so honestly- how can Edward have an erection? Sorry to bring that up, but fact is Hellsing had the right idea so that's why Dracula needed Frakenstein to power up the eggs, making those babies come to life.
I thought the idea was that Edward saved his last load for the past two hundred years.

I mean, that's what I heard.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:
.. I'm surprised they even have a birth scene in the movie, let alone the book. What was the author thinking when including that, and no not because of a birth scene altogether but the fact Edward is a vampire.

Vampires shouldn't be able to reproduce. Edward told Bella that his heart doesn't pump blood so honestly- how can Edward have an erection? Sorry to bring that up, but fact is Hellsing had the right idea so that's why Dracula needed Frakenstein to power up the eggs, making those babies come to life.

Anyhow *ahem* the whole story has full of holes. Like, why did the wolf pack protect Bella in the 3rd movie if they knew that Edward and Bella had the possibility to make a child? And how could Edward have urges when his body does not trigger- .. .. it's fiction I know but the strongest point I have is since Edward doesn't have a beating heart, none of his other organs should work including his private part. I feel weird stating that but it's true.

Hope those people recover from seeing that scene, must be pretty upsetting getting that from a movie.
I really, really hate to defend Twilight...but he's a magic mind reading vampire. His adopted sister can see the future. His romantic rival turns into a giant wolf thingy.

Yes, vampires "shouldn't" be able to get erections, but they shouldn't be able to be vampires in the first place either.

Oh, and they didn't know you could have half vampires, cause normally a male vampire wouldn't bother holding back and leaving the human woman alive, or something.


And Van Helsing did not have the right idea about anything at all.


Aug 3, 2008
I read about that, I thought it was because Edward sparkled too much. I also wonder if Kristen Stewart changed her facial expression, or acted at all while giving birth
Anyway, I hope those people are okay. The directors should have used more care with that scene though, keeping in mind people who are sensitive to things like that.
(Like the Pokemon Polygon episode. I watched that and flashing lights usually don't bother me, but that episode made me ill).


New member
Apr 16, 2009
If the whole birth thing is as disturbing in the books as I heard it was, then that is unnervingly appropriate.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
That first guy was smart, faking a seizure to get out of it, his girlfriend wasn't the wiser.


Nov 1, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
.. I'm surprised they even have a birth scene in the movie, let alone the book. What was the author thinking when including that, and no not because of a birth scene altogether but the fact Edward is a vampire.

Vampires shouldn't be able to reproduce. Edward told Bella that his heart doesn't pump blood so honestly- how can Edward have an erection? Sorry to bring that up, but fact is Hellsing had the right idea so that's why Dracula needed Frakenstein to power up the eggs, making those babies come to life.

Anyhow *ahem* the whole story has full of holes. Like, why did the wolf pack protect Bella in the 3rd movie if they knew that Edward and Bella had the possibility to make a child? And how could Edward have urges when his body does not trigger- .. .. it's fiction I know but the strongest point I have is since Edward doesn't have a beating heart, none of his other organs should work including his private part. I feel weird stating that but it's true.

Hope those people recover from seeing that scene, must be pretty upsetting getting that from a movie.

Your clearly not supposed to question Twilight logic, good sir. Vampires without beating hearts can get erections because.. plot. That is all. /eyeroll

More on topic.. this is what you get for going to watch another Twilight movie, of course. It's so bad, it's either funny, or it gives you seizures from the sheer underwhelming experience of it all. These things should really be classified as a health hazard..

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Wow so now there is another reason to avoid watching the film at all cost! Still I hope the victims had recover and they SHOULD edit that scene out.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Twilight gives people seizures?

Huh... I never would have guessed.

Honestly, they couldnt pay me to watch it. Bill Gates, with a contract stating he would sign over all his worldy possessions and money, couldn't get me to willingly sit there and put my eyes on the screen.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
So, the movie is so terribly bad that at this point it causes seizures.

We all knew it would come to this, it just had to build up.