Well then. Let's start your education with the Japanese treatment of POWs. While Germany abided, mostly by the rules of warfare when it came to enemy combatants, the Japanese looked at surrendering soldiers as less than human. They would ship them back to the main islands so that medical students could vivisect them for practice. IF THEY WERE LUCKY. If they weren't the medical experimentation they suffered was similar to that inflicted on the civilian population.SICK0_ZER0 said:Yes, as far as I know it was purely aimed at killing as many civilians as possible, and that its effects are still messing up unborn babies to this day? Though I barely know anything about the battles in the East during WW2, I have only studied the major battles relating directly to Germany and Italy.
Like the military PoWs, the Japanese viewed the civilian population as less than human. They would routinely pass them on for "medical" experimentation, that included vivisecting mothers on a bet to see what the gender of the fetus was. They confiscated women and forced them into prostitution, at gunpoint, literally. And this is before we even get into the use of actual torture in an effort to obtain intelligence.
And all of this came out at a death toll of around 20 million in China alone. (I can fact check the number again, but if it's wrong it isn't far off the mark.)
EDIT: In contrast the Germans continued their campaign of hunting Jews and "undesirables", but, as I mentioned above, their methods of execution were positively humane by comparison.
I say that if population of the islands had been exterminated, the balance of dead civilians still would have been on the Japanese.angelrubio said:I say Japan should drop a couple of nukes in a couple of good old American cities: All is fair and everyone would be happy. ^_^