Poll: Were you bullied as a child?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I was bullied quite a lot, but I was able to get my revenge. He kicked me in my bad leg and I snapped and smashed his head into a locker. He wasn't hurt. Badly.

God's Clown

New member
Aug 8, 2008
I was some what of a bully in highschool. Only to certain people that pissed me off though. Was kind of bullied in elementary school, then I got pissed and socked some kid in the stomach, and he cried. So they stopped.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
5th & 6th grade SUCKED for me. It's been pretty good since then, although those years really had a lasting effect on me. They taught me to never let others push you around thinking that you can just ignore them, if anyone told you that fighting is wrong and that you should never fight someone, take my advice and fight back. If someone is bullying you; you fight. It dosn't matter if you win or lose, it's just the fact that you had the balls to fight back when you could have just let then torture you. I hate myself for not fighting back when I had the chance, but it has taught me a valuable lesson. No one is ever going to push me around ever agian, at least not without a black eye.

My advice: The next time someone screws with you, give them a punch they won't soon forget. It's the only way their gonna stop messing with you.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Yeah, bullied, physically and mentally, blackmailed too, and kids are just adults without the filter of social rules to contain the evil.

Anyone who thinks kids are lovely, or is considering having children, well, I always suggest they read http://www.playgroundlaw.com/cgi-bin/browse.pl

'The law of the playground is a shoddily put together but endlessly fascinating database of tales of school life, mainly based around how mean they were to the kid who was a bit 'different'.

I'm not saying it's ok, but for a kinda heavy and and downbeat topic, a few guilty giggles might not hurt.

Disclaimer: May apply more to Brits, and to people at school in the 70s/80s!


New member
Jan 13, 2009
here is a good one...

i was bullied a lot. one day i decided i had enough. Walked up to the group who bullied most people in my high school and approached the ring leader i was eating a burger at the time but that didn't stop me, and without warning just punched him in the face as hard as i could. Once he hit the floor I kicked him in the head and walked away.
Never got in trouble for that but it felt good.

Was never bothered after that at school. He did try to bash me at football training of all places. But of course my team came over and we kicked the shit out of him and his group instead. HAHAHAHA. how i miss the old days


New member
Jan 20, 2009
no i didnt take shit from people and i just stayed out of the way of the atheltics (i know i spelled that wrong but i dont care about english) people say that i was mentally grown up by the time i was 13 and before highschool i relized that i better build some muscle so i did and i stayed out of the atheltics way and they saw that i wasnt worth messing with that and i earned respect in gym class and i was able to fit in with them when i had to my advice to kids who are going into highschool: get really good at all of the stuff you do at gym class (i was naturaly good which earned me some respect) and get strong AND ALSO DONT THINK THAT THE WITEST COMEBACK TO BULLYING IS BRINGING A GUN TO SCHOOL and by the way the only person i ever went out of my way to pick on was a ex-friend that was a ***** to me and the only other person was this little prick that always tried to sit with me and act like he was part of the punks (let me qualify punks i hung around with the people that listened to AC/DC didnt care about school BUT they were not bullies the one i that was really my friend just liked to have fun and never bullied anyone once and even said when i was being to mean to the prick and no he did drugs and beer but i didnt however) me and him fucked about every hot girl at the school so i was luckier than most but my best advice is STAND UP FOR YOURSELF


New member
Aug 10, 2008
i was bullied until i slammed the asshole's head into a locker door. i haven't been bullies since i don't think.

ahhhhh.... the taste of payback


New member
Jan 19, 2009
I was, as a quite book worthy individual (not a nerd, too stupid for that) that was an army brat on top of it. Repeatable moving ensured I never had any real core of friends when I was younger, marking me as a outsider. I still have this title, but after meting someone who taught me to psychoanalyse situations I am glad I am a outsider and not one of those mime driven groupies.... So yeah, I was often considered a target for bullying. Most didn't bother cause I wouldn't react to their actions with more then a shrug but some persisted.

All that stopped after one incident:
There was this kid at a day care centre who picked on me mercilessly because I read books instead of... I don't know it was a damn day care centre, not like there was much to do there! In any case one day, after relentless teasing, I looked up from my book and said, well I can't remember as I was a kid back then. But it was a simple challenge, a official 'duel' via fists, 'anything goes' but first to yield loses and that is the end of it, no more bullying after that regardless of the outcome.

One punch was all it took to have him crying to mommy... well actually he went crying to his friends mommy, who it turned out ran the centre. My parents where proud of me though, even after being told never to come back, cause I stood up for myself. Still there is a reason it is often said bullies can't take a punch: They really can't. They are used to being the one doing the punching that they can't even get over the fact they have been hit back even in their own minds. Something in there snaps in most bullies and they begin to cry, probably because it hurts their tiny little brains to realise someone isn't scared of them.

Interestingly enough it was as if a switch was flicked on in my bio-chemistry as no one, not a single soul, bothered me from that day hence. It was as if they could smell the fact I wasn't just someone who could fight back, but someone who would do so without remorse for whatever actions I must take in doing so. Indeed I have been in several fights since then, none because of bullying though, and all the time I fell into a berserker rage. I probably would of killed someone if it wasn't for my bear of a brother pinning me down till it passed.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
ace_of_something said:
No, I was much bigger than all the other kids. (Usually the tallest/biggest in my class). I was kind of a bully myself though, sort of.

Usually, I stepped in when another kid was being picked on beat up the bully and than got in trouble. I never cared cuz in my mind I did the right thing helping the kids being picked on. I read way to many comics books as a kid.

I grew up to be a cop...
you have my respect... not for the cop remark but because you stepped in to help weaker people and that is always worthy of respect. I am honestly pissed that this day and age we teach our children not to fight back. Indeed, a person who protects someone being bullied or fights back against a bully tends to get punished far worse then the person who did the bullying in the first place.

That disgusts me...

Mean Mother Rucker

New member
Oct 27, 2008
I had a lot of un-released anger around 6th-8th grade, so I sucked it up and lived life unhappily. So there's this kid named Mike and he just looks like a pushover, and one day, I wail on him unmercifully. We then cracked jokes and we became cool, even though I kicked his ass from 7-3 on weekdays until mid-7th grade.
He was my conduit of anger and frustration, but he understood, and ultimately, that made our friendship stronger. And now we're tighter than Cheech & Chong. I'm not saying that kicking the ass of someone is good for a friendship, but since I was a bully because I needed to vent at the time, it just helped to get some release and someone who understood what I was going through without judging me.
Not all bullies are the same though, you can't think the "All bullies are cowards" then have your ass handed to you on a platter made from the shattered remains of your thoracic cavity. There are just those that think being an asshole is fun. They then fail at life and are the meeting point of pity and sadistic pleasure when you see them on the sidewalk asking for change or at their low-paying jobs, or they become the bosses that are hell-bent on making your life as close to being mauled then eaten by a bear, surviving all that, then living as a bear-turd for the last 3 hours of your life as possible.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
My worse case bully:
A principal of a school.

I kid you not, this arse hole thought it was a good idea to pick relentlessly on a third grade kid just because he didn't like my mother. She is a strong woman and he didn't like anyone not being subservient to him I guess. That she took an active roll in any school we where part of, and was loved by other teachers and parents for all the free work she did around said schools, really raked him the wrong way. She was always there, willing to stand up for herself and others and was a direct threat to his authority.

Being a typical bully he couldn't directly confront her over it but he decided to make her children lives as miserable as possible as they couldn't fight back.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
I was bullied for a while in eighth grade until I broke the bullies nose with a baseball bat during physical education class.

He left me alone after that.

Ya violence. =)


New member
Aug 12, 2008
I moved around a lot as a kid. I was also fat. I talk funny. It's not any sort of speech impediment. I just have a mish-mash of accents from all the places I've lived. Race has more than once caused an issue.

I put up with it. I didn't start fights or finish them. It was never even that bad, until middle school. I had moved to a white bread small town. I still had a bit of the ghetto in how I spoke. They didn't like that. That was rough.

I started working out. One day after lunch, I said to myself, "The next sonofabitch that messes with me is going to get it." Not five seconds after that a basketball was bounced off the back of my head. I turned to see the smiling face of one of the bastards that messed with me. I jumped on him and beat the shit out of him. It took two teachers to pull me off him. It seemed to impress the rest of them. People didn't mess with me after that.

I later moved to a new town for high school. I made sure that shit never flew when I was around. I remember one day at that school where I stopped it but good.

There was a fellow who ate at my lunch table. He was a big guy. He ate quickly. A friend of a friend was eating at our table and she asked, "Why do you eat like that?" She went out of her way to single him out. Perhaps out of context it could be taken another way. She was trying to put him down.

"No. Cut that shit out. Go eat somewhere else and leave him alone." She was shocked. Everybody at the table was silent. She protested that she had done nothing wrong, but I knew better. Even if the guy wasn't really a close friend, he deserved to eat in peace. She went somewhere else.

People that mess with others like that are vampires. They're poisonous and foolish. I could go on, but this is long enough.