Poll: What did you do in the call of duty no russian mission


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I shot the bad guys i mean that was the point right but every time i do it fails me im stuck on the mission HELP!!!



New member
Apr 21, 2009
I was shooting the cases wondering why every single person was only taking Suncream and Boxer Shorts with flowers on with them on holiday.

I might have also killed a few people and laughed at the body glitch which happens on the ps3 version.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
maybe it was in the agreement with america after world war 2

We do solemly swear never to shoot unarmed people or depictations of people

ok guys the firing range has to be changed to monkeys instead


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
odBilal said:
i shot at the people and failed the mission since i have the german version -.-
What the hell? You fail if you kill someone on the mission?

I however killed everything in sight. You see, they are not really innocent people, but pixels.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
Torque669 said:
I was shooting the cases wondering why every single person was only taking Suncream and Boxer Shorts with flowers on with them on holiday.

I might have also killed a few people and laughed at the body glitch which happens on the ps3 version.
I didn't notice any body glitches, what happens?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
whoa sarcasm man

the point was more that when america went around making the agreements they screwed the countrys over pretty bad


New member
Feb 28, 2008
I joined in and killed everyone. It's just a game, in my eyes, and It doesn't bother me too much. I mean, if it was just thrown in there to be shocking with no other reason behind it I'd consider it trashy. It's artfully played though, and shows what can really happen in war/terrorism.

I guess there is always two sides to everything. Maybe I shouldn't have played it because it could, on a small level, desensitize me to these acts when they actually happen. Maybe, as stated above, it gets the player thinking about what terrorism can do to the people of this earth.


Behind You
Oct 31, 2009
I killed everyone and felt no remorse for them or their pixellated children. Actually...thinking about it, there were no children in that airport scene, possibly too contraversial? (I think it'd would've been too far in all honesty)


New member
Oct 14, 2008
I took the DVD from the disc tray and reduced it to a fine powder with a Hammer, which I then proceeded to snort.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
They're polygons and binary. I pulled the trigger until everything was dead.
Unfortunately, I didn't grasp what I was meant to be doing in the mission on the first time round and I tried to shoot the guys I was with.

If I felt guilt about anyone, it would be the soldiers I was killing.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Sccye said:
Started off grinning like a maniac and emptying hundreds of delicious bullets into the fleeing man-cattle. Then, when you see the sheer number of dead bodies, hear their screams and so on... it sorta hit me funny.

Construably, these might nearly just have been *people*. Mindless slaughter and violence in games like GTA isn't so bad, because it's so clearly caricatured. I mean, if you've got a pink afro, an eyepatch and do it with a double-ended dildo you found in the police station, it's just somehow not so serious. Especially when the little old lady / lonely fat guy pulls a knife and starts fighting back. It's just slapstick.

In MW2, it was just a bit grim. I wanted to chuckle exuberantly and guffaw at their little fally-over death spasms. To revel in their futile attempts to not die. But the aspect of the whole thing being like some kind of slightly black, comic pantomime was gone. Even in Soldier of Fortune II or other more hyper-violent games, the enemies and the people you were killing with homogeneous, blocky masses of polygons. I could gleefully shoot a man's kneecaps out, his gun from his hand and walk after him with a hunting knife while he tries to desparately stagger away on his ruined, mangled stumps of flesh. The screams were funny, in some horrible, black way. The whole thing was stylised to be ridiculous. The cries of agony, the movements, the aesthetic was all quite ridiculous and detached. Here there was a conscious effort to make not only the death itself realistic, but the atmosphere and the responses of the others. People twitched and fell, as in any other FPS.

But Makarov's cold detachment, the pace of his stroll, the complete *coldness* of all the other terrorists to the affair. They might as well have been going for a leisurely stroll in the park. In games like SOF2, nobody gave a shit when somebody else died. You didn't have any comrades, to speak of, who gave a truly moral dimension to your actions. Same true of most other games where you're the single moral agent. I tried to do that in MW2, like I usually do. But you didn't initiate the act. It wasn't your plan. These people weren't incidental. I couldn't be detached in the way I usually am. Which is really interesting, now that I think about it. Sorry for the wall-of-text. Was trying to pin down what it was that made me actually feel guilty and wrong in playing that section of the game.
I think that that sums it up, they worked a lot to make us feel guilty, kind of to simulate what a double agent would also feel when doing something like that. It was very well made


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
I watched my friend do it without killing anyone...the most boring experience of my life.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
dude I remeber hearing people being super sad about it saying they tried to stand between the civilians and your guys, but man I opened fire on them before any of the rest of them. seriously GTA, saints row, you can kill civilians clocktower style, i remember that being of the best pass times in the game. but I guess that makes me some kind of psyco eh?