Poll: What do you think of furries?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Triscut900 said:
Lenoh said:
0p3rati0n said:
Griffolion said:
Sorry for being totally out of it, but what are furries?
according to urban dictionary-
Urban Dictionary is a terrible place to get advice from. Google is better.
Or the furrehs usergroup http://www.escapistmagazine.com/groups/view/Furrehs
better idea? DeviantART


New member
Jul 16, 2009
I know a couple of furries and they're all good people, but also kind of strange. So I'm fine with them.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Nothing much really.

It doesn't appeal to me in the least, but since it's inherently harmless I'd never dream of criticizing it either. It would be quite petty to at all get one's panties in a twist over something like that.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
CarlMinez said:
Well furries can hardly be blamed for that. They can't help what people choose to label as furries or not. If you were to dig into the fandom, you'd find that most furries don't even use that word anywhere near as often as absolutely everyone else who speaks of "furries". A fursuiter is not called a furry. A person who likes furry porn is called a yiffer. And so forth.
I've seen furries call a 'yiffer' a 'furvert'. I've seen the furry community, and I'm not all that sure that the furries themselves are even on the same level with their names. A lot of furries call things by different names, and most non furries just put them under the all-encompassing title of 'furry'. Hell, I've seen some furries call all of them furries.
From what I saw from the community, a lot of them had their own ideas what they were. A lot of them assumed their fellow furries had Fursonas, Fursuits, and Furry Fetishes without ever knowing about them. They just assumed, because those three things are what Furry means to them.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
ultimateownage said:
CarlMinez said:
ultimateownage said:
The people who like them, or the anthropomorphic animals? Or the people who dress in suits? Or the people turned on by them?
That's what annoys me. get your damn definitions straight Furries, and then we'll talk. The fact that a lot of them seem to act like being a furry changes their personality in any way gets on my nerves.
Other than that, I don't care what they do or do like.
People who like anthropomorphic animals = furries

People who dress up in fursuits = furries

People who are attracted to fursuits = furries

It's not more complex than that. Other than that many furries hate fursuiters and vice versa.
Which having 3 (and more) definitions that go with the word furry, all in the same culture, is confusing as shit. And really, a lot of the hate stems from that misunderstanding.
There's no true definition of the word. Basically if you like anything related to anthropomorphic animals and you want to call yourself a furry then do so.

For some furries it's entirely non-sexual, some just like the community, or they might like drawing art or writing stories etc. For others it's just a fetish and they'll focus on the adult content. For most you'll find it's a mixture of the two, liking both non-sexual and sexual aspects.

I will say that the fursuit thing in particular is very very rarely sexual. There's nothing sexy about being in an incredibly warm and constricting suit, you'd be sweating like hell! Fursuits aren't much different from any other type of cosplay, just a bit of fun :D

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
Don't give a shit.

I hold the same feelings towards them as I do anyone. Don't fucking bother me with your crap and we're copacetic.
I dislike the negative attention they get, nobody should be persecuted. But I also dislike the way some of them draw so much attention to themselves. Going on and on about it and making the thing their entire fucking life.

It doesn't need to be a big deal, okay. Stop making it one.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Vocal, very visual minority that believes other people finding it stupid when they walk around with a fursuit in public should be called "fursecution" ruin it for the vast majority who just find the idea appealing but otherwise are completely invisible.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I have several friends who are furries, so I'm alright with it provided I don't have to see the porn stuff.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
As a furry I don't feel there's anything wrong with them. Heck, my favourite web comic is currently made by a furry. I don't know who ChewFox, Sabrefox, or Kiira are but regardless of whatever things they've done I don't feel the need to judge them, ever. I don't want to be that guy that says 'Furries are all right but I hate the stereotypical ones!' I'm fine with all furries and basically everyone as long as they don't cause suffering to other people or animals.

Furries that hate furries are just as wrong as those gay people that hate other gay people simply because the other gay people are extremely stereotypical. In the end it's incredibly judgemental and hypocritical to judge people based on their preference if they follow it a bit more extremely then you. I once wiki'd all the fetishes. And you know what I found out? There's a fucking lot of weird ones. Hell, I'll even go ahead and say that behind closed doors everyone has at least one pretty fucked up fetish.

So regardless of whether you're a furry because you like anthropomorphic animals or if you want to stick your dick in one I'm cool with it. You'll never see me caught dead using a fur affinity account and you'll never see my caught dead wearing a fur suit - but I'm cool with it.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
They seem to be the internet punching bag. I don't like them but I don't think they should fuck off and die, only because I'm not into something doesn't mean it's bad.


New member
Oct 18, 2010
There people like you and me, that just like to get there rocks off differently I can respect that. People that like pee on them must have a shower before starting a conversation with me however.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
i dont mind furries my friends can be furry if they want i have one friend who is as long as he doesnt get me into it on ways i dont like i dont mind at all

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
voted: 'I don't give a flying furry.'

I really don't care at all what people choose to do with their free time. As long as they aren't causing anyone any harm, who am I to judge?

I'm sure every single one of us does something that another group of people out there finds to be strange or offensive or whatever for completely arbitrary reasons. /shrug


New member
Dec 23, 2009
CarlMinez said:
ultimateownage said:
CarlMinez said:
ultimateownage said:
The people who like them, or the anthropomorphic animals? Or the people who dress in suits? Or the people turned on by them?
That's what annoys me. get your damn definitions straight Furries, and then we'll talk. The fact that a lot of them seem to act like being a furry changes their personality in any way gets on my nerves.
Other than that, I don't care what they do or do like.
People who like anthropomorphic animals = furries

People who dress up in fursuits = furries

People who are attracted to fursuits = furries

It's not more complex than that. Other than that many furries hate fursuiters and vice versa.
Which having 3 (and more) definitions that go with the word furry, all in the same culture, is confusing as shit. And really, a lot of the hate stems from that misunderstanding.
Well furries can hardly be blamed for that. They can't help what people choose to label as furries or not. If you were to dig into the fandom, you'd find that most furries don't even use that word anywhere near as often as absolutely everyone else who speaks of "furries". A fursuiter is not called a furry. A person who likes furry porn is called a yiffer. And so forth.
Umm not sure which part of the fandom you were looking into xD We call everyone in the fandom furries. I've never heard the term "yiffer", and fursuiters are still called furries.