Poll: What gender is your best friend?

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
It's a hard question, actually. I have two best friends - my Fiancee (who is female) and guy I've been friends with long enough that the friendship could order a beer and a lap dance for itself.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Complicated question. There are 3 people who I think of when I'm asked 'best friend?': my brother and two of my housemates. I'm closest with my brother but I only properly see him when I'm at home. The two housemate friends from when I'm at uni are both female and I get on with them incredibly well, mostly because they're just as nerdy as me. I answered 'other'


New member
Nov 5, 2012
krazykidd said:
I want to talk about best friend. I am a 25 year old straight black male. My best friend is a 22 year old Straight asian girl.We have been friends for about 7 years.

People find this weird,firstly because of the different races thing ( to be fair i live in Québec, Canada , wish is a very racist province ), and secondly because I have a penis and she has a vagina I'm a guy and she's a girl. Our friendship is strivtly platonic, however few people actually believes this. People often think that we are a couple, or that at the very least we are sleeping together. Both of which are false, but it's like people can't believe a guy and a girl can be friends ( let alone best friends ) without some side action.To the point it has caused Relationship problems for the both of us ( her with her boyfriends, and me with my girlfriends).

and as a bonus question

Do you find it weird when a persons best friend is of the opposite sex as them?

Remember: the key word here is best. As in really really really close.
22 yr old straight Male here. My best friends are straight females (two of them actually, my fiancée and and this awesome girl I met in college). I wanted to respond to that whole "people mistaking you for a couple" part, because I know exactly what you mean. My first year of college I met this girl who I quickly became good friends with, we had lots of common interests and just got along really well. We were both in very committed relationships at the time, (mine was long distance) so here was never any romantic tension or anything, we would flirt but it was honestly completely harmless, we were joking around. We love each other but just as friends, no bullshit. But before I knew it there were rumors that we were sleeping together and people would say that shit to my face, I'm like, the guy who's gonna marry his high school sweetheart and would never dream of cheating, and all of a sudden people think I'm the kinda guy who cheats, and poor Audrey, her boyfriend turned into a complete asshole, refusing to trust her. We actually stopped hanging out for awhile so she could try and patch things up with him.

People who don't think men and women can have meaningful platonic relationships suck.


New member
Dec 6, 2013
Actually a hard one. Since I've been into arts I've made a lot of girls(/now women) as friends and some friendships were quite close, but in the end friendships between me and other males were more stable as there was no chance of feelings intervening on one side or the other ^^ (or at least a lot lower chances).


New member
Aug 25, 2010
My best friend is a woman. It's completely platonic. At least, that's what we tell people (complicated). It's not so much. But I don't get how it's a problem either way, I kind of get sick of any kind of presumptions. I hate it when people insist on it, too. It's like when people think you're lying and continue to say "lier" and pretend to drop it with that "yeah yeah, whatever."


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I'm male and my best friend is a female. Sure she snores, smells and is not much of a talker, but hey, what more can you expect from a dog?


New member
May 12, 2011
I'm a man and my bets friend is a girl. It works really well since she's my cousin and a lesbian, so we just bounce of each other without other thoughts coming into play. Honestly I can't imagine my life without her and I think we'll be friends for a long time.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
The kind of thread to fish out good stories from people. And, oh boy, do people have stories to tell. I like it, the longer the better.

My best friend is my cousin, I guess. We're both male. We share some interests and have hung out a lot. That's enough to make a best friend for me. Though he's not intelligent enough to have a serious conversation with, but that'd make our friendship all different, wouldn't it?

For the other question: nothing too weird at least it shouldn't be. I've found some gals to be interesting enough to hang around with, but they all (I'm not even kidding) moved really far away soon after. Places varying from a town 200km away to freakin' China. Better making new friends!


New member
Feb 2, 2009
I am male and he is male, thus being the overriding theme here... However, I am heterosexual and he is homosexual, as well as being the opposite to me in almost every other category (I wanna adopt and he wants kiddies, ironically), he's more like a brother now; been my bestmate since I was 4! That's 20 years now. Oddly enough, most other "bestmates" (none will reach the status of the aforementioned) I've had have been female... I broke the heart of the first, the second didn't have a heart and the third broke mine >.< People.