Poll: What is your most anticipated upcoming FPS?


New member
Feb 9, 2016
System shock

Metro Exodus

Squadron 42


Far cry 5

so my friends which upcoming FPS you are mostly looking forward to??

for me

System Shock > Metro Exodus > Squadron 42 > witchfire >>>>>>>>>>> Far cry 5.

this is how i rank my most anticipation. Metro and System Shock are only close. very close. if all those release in 2018 than it looks like great year for FPS.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Haven't we already had this topic somewhere?


-System Shock: Could be interesting.

-Metro Exodus: No strong feelings

-Squadron 42: Does this count? I know there's FPS sections, but it's primarily a flight sim (and I'm dubious of anything SC being released).

-Witchfire: No real interest, but I'll give it kudos for how bonkers it looks.

-Far Cry 5: Meh.

-Others: Um...Metroid Prime 4...maybe? Don't know if it counts, and I don't have a Switch anyway. Quake Champions could be fun, but my computer can't run it. And while I'd love something like Halo 6, Killzone 5, or heck, even Doom 5 to be announced, I'd also love a pony. Doesn't mean I expect hoofbeats.

Guess my vote goes to System Shock.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Hawki said:
-Squadron 42: Does this count? I know there's FPS sections, but it's primarily a flight sim (and I'm dubious of anything SC being released).
FPS part play major role here. if it was only space combat game it would get boring. the variety between FPS part, space combat part and also stealthy part make it more interesting because so much content is there.

star citizen on other hand is MMO space sim which i dont think will ever release.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
B-Cell said:
FPS part play major role here. if it was only space combat game it would get boring.
I'd like to think that space combat could stand on its own. If you try to have a bit of everything in a piece of media, it runs the risk of being unfocused.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
the next call of duty, because I am part sadistic and know for certain the derived entertainment won't require any purchase from me whatsoever


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
I must admit i dont really care for any FPS thats coming in 2018.

Thats not to say i wouldnt buy any of them after they come out, it all just looks so uninteresting compared to non-FPS.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Ezekiel said:
Watched the System Shock teaser just now. Looks slow. Plus, half the time, he wasn't even shooting, but using a melee weapon.

Metro Exodus looks like your typical cinematic shooter, complete with canned animations and ADS. Why was the dev player using ADS so much in the trailer? There's a huge bear right in front of him and he has to use ADS? Leaves a bad impression.
because Metro is inspired by Stalker which also have ADS but still one of the greatest game of all time.

metro exodus is story driven sandbox survival game. not a old school shooter.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
System Shock - I dunno, maybe it'll be cool. I'd worry about adherence to the originals, because innovative in its time doesn't save it from being janky garbage by evolved standards.

Metro - Yawn. I finally got through whichever one I was playing (the second one). Its like the railway sections of Fallout 3. Endlessly. With more boring weapons. And an even stupider karma system.

Squadron 42 - I'll believe this actually exists when its actually available, not that the video was particularly enticing.

Witchfire - Is there more then a 30 seconds of info on it yet? All I really remember of that was that it uses Shadow Warrior's dash, lol.

Far Cry 5 - I assume would be the same servicable mindless sandbox entertainment as its predecessors. Though they commented that they're still using the melee/tamed animal stuff, which was awful in 4, and still awful in Primal, so thats a huge negative point. What happened to Blood Dragon 2 anyways.

I assume whatever Call of Duty will continue to be a Call of Duty game, the likely reset-button version of Destiny 2 should be questionable at best, and Battlefield will probably try and find a way to shoehorn automatic weapons into the Civil War or something so they don't have to actually change up gameplay. If Borderlands 3 pops up as is rumored, you'll probably have to buy ammo with real money or some shit, because TakeTwo/2K is bound and determined to out EA EA, if they aren't already there.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Definitely Witchfire.

Oustanding looking atmosphere
Smooth, detailed looking gunplay
Thematically intriguing
Developers have good track record


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Ezekiel said:
Also, I laugh at the idea of more authentic shooters needing ADS. Medal of Honor: Frontline was one of the more authentic shooters I had played up to that point in my life, and I never had a problem with it not having ADS. It also wasn't plagued with this cinematic crap.
I have to ask, what is ADS?

I'm trying to think of what it could mean given the context but I keep coming up short.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Of those? Uh...maybe the System Shock remake? Or Witchfire? And those are BIG maybes, the former of which because I loved NightDive's remasters of Turok 1 and 2 and kinda want to see what they've done with System Shock, and the latter because it looks at least aesthetically interesting, if nothing else.

But honestly? I'm not really 'anticipating' any of those. They haven't piqued my interest, in any meaningful way.

However, I AM greatly anticipating the following:

Hell yeah, mother fuckers! MechWarrior is back.

Episode 1 and 2 are out now, Episode 3 and the rest of the full release hit this year.

I cut my teeth on the real classics of FPS, from DOOM to Quake to Half-Life. So I'm super excited to see this one come back.

There are a few I'm marginally interested in, but I'm waiting to see how they turn out. One in particular is:
The Source mod is getting a full, standalone game, complete with a single player campaign. Could be pretty awesome, if they don't fuck it up and forget the aspects that made the original Insurgency so good.

Abomination said:
I have to ask, what is ADS?

I'm trying to think of what it could mean given the context but I keep coming up short.
Aim Down Sights.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Timesplitters 4.

Anything else is just window dressing.

B-Cell said:
Hawki said:
-Squadron 42: Does this count? I know there's FPS sections, but it's primarily a flight sim (and I'm dubious of anything SC being released).
FPS part play major role here. if it was only space combat game it would get boring.
For you.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Ezekiel said:
Abomination said:
Vigormortis said:
Aim Down Sights.
Oh... why is this a bad thing? I mean, it's the accuracy tradeoff - less situational awareness as you're focused on one opponent.
Slowed foot movement. Smaller field of view. And, in order to validate it, the devs gimp hip-fire accuracy. Your bullet misses even though the barrel is pointed at the enemy. So it's unrealistic too. The gun also usually shakes more when firing from the hip, further reducing accuracy during rapid fire. I like fast-paced action, so I wanna see less ADS.
So you dislike realism, in other words. If you shoot from the hip in real life you're not going to hit anything further away than five feet. And if you move around while aiming you're also not going to hit anything. The "fast paced action" you mention is utterly unrealistic and only has a place in arcade shooters.