Poll: What Is Your Virtue?


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Courage: I will not change my mind in the face of agression or bribery. And once I set a goal for myself I absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead. I mean complete it.

I'm kinda anti-hope, I have none and destroy it in others. Yet this anti-hope is the source of the strength of my courage.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Chicago Ted said:
Nothing to complicated here, but I'm wondering which of the Seven Heavenly Virtues is most prominent amongst those on the Escapist.

See also the companion thread to this on which of the seven vices is also the most common among everyone around here. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.336727-Poll-What-Is-Your-Vice]

Personally, mine is almost certainly Temperance. I believe indulgence is fine as long as it is taken in moderation.

So, what's yours?
Temperance. Given my long-distance relationship, I can't go without it.

Also, a bit of Charity. I try to help people out when I can, just not in a monetary way.


New member
Dec 31, 2007
What version of Ultima were these ones from again? I am pretty sure there were eight, when I last checked...


New member
May 23, 2009
Hope definitely,though I'm also very Faithful and have Fortitude depending on most situations.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Charity, I genuinely enjoy helping people and don't expect any reward for doing so, although I have been known to willingly recieve payment for services rendered.

Dutch 924

Making the impossible happen!
Dec 8, 2010
Hang on, I have them written down:
Honest, Courage, Loyalty, Happiness, Kindness, Generosity


New member
Oct 22, 2011
Its a toss up between courage, loyalty, and diligence. I'm not really sure what's most prominent.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
Charity - I wish, but not so. I've come across homeless people before, and I was certainly heartbroken, and I knew that my money would do more good in his hands, but I couldn't bring myself to give it to him, because of me me me. I did once, though.

Faith (Loyalty) - Faith, no, not at all. Loyalty, though, I hope to be loyal to my friends. It's never been tested, of course. I like to think I'd help out my buddies in a fight, for example, but one of my friends, with whom I was discussing this, pointed out that I'd more likely freeze up and be essentially paralyzed if there was ever a fight; he predicts such from his own experience with fighting and from knowing that I've never been in a fight before.

Fortitude (Courage) - Again, this isn't something that I feel has been tested. I think I have physical and emotional strength under circumstances not too far out of the ordinary, but when faced with true peril, I can't say how I'd act. I had a dream where a girl I'm infatuated with fell from a gazebo suspended on a bridge into the waters below, and even in the dream, rather than leap after her, I tensed up and just looked at how fucking long the fall was. Maybe if I could swim...

Hope - Yes, and I actually hate myself for it. The girl I mentioned above, for example. I keep toying with the idea that she likes me, which is why she continues to talk to me even though I don't really have any attractive traits, but it's more likely that she is simply a very nice girl.

Prudence (Chastity) - Ha! No.

Justice (Diligence) - Justice, ah, not so much. I'm pretty passive. People have wronged me, I suppose, but I've never attempted to even the score. Never really gave a shit. Diligence: I should certainly hope so. I've been trying to diet and whatnot, and I've lost four pounds, but I still have a lot more to go. Trying to drop down to 185 lbs at least so that I can officially bench my body weight, but I think I should weigh more like 150-170.

Temperance - Again, I should hope so. I might combine Diligence and Temperance into Discipline and aspire for that.