Poll: What turns you off about MMOs?


Friendly Neighborhood Troll?
Apr 11, 2009
I think the KotOR MMO is going to be great, the payments don't put me off at all, and as there will be a story here, I will enjoy.

I wonder why people are so hostile towards SW:TOR?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
i voted other

no mmo has made me feel a good sense of progression without boring me

well, there was one

and thats Dungeons And Dragons Online

it was fun and i actually FELT like i was the one leading the attack, not just telling my character what would be nice of him to do


New member
Apr 23, 2008
nin_ninja said:
Basically what it says.
You might want to rename "The neverending menial quests" to "Grind"

Oh, and for the monthly fee bit, if "$10 a month to play a knockoff of KoTOR, bastards" comment was about Star Wars: The Old Republic, then maybe you would like to wait til its actually made before you complain about it - if its about Star Wars Galaxies or something, fair enough, I've not played it so can't judge.


New member
May 25, 2008
Chipperz said:
I love MMOGs.

I hate the people who go out of their way to slag them off, because it's really, really pathetic.
Ninja'd before even posting lol :D

I don't really see any actual valid arguments agaisnt MMO's just opinions, which is fine, I respect everyone's opinion here (those who are bashing MMO's are wring in my eyes, but thats me) but it does get pathetic how people will go out of there way to slag them off, just like how "Hardcore" gamers (I assume the whiney fucks like yo be called that?) at the mo are calling Rob Kotic evil, listen kiddies, Hitler was evil, Stalin was evil, Rob Kotic? He is a business man, nothing more, nothing less.


New member
May 17, 2010
Pretty much all of the above. I voted for the fee, but the repetitive gaming, lack of choices and consequences and story deficit are part of it.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
More importantly, what turns you on about them?? o_O


OT: The people, My God, the people. I'm not saying that everyone is an asshole, but lets be honest, it is a hefty majority.
Sep 14, 2009
Marowit said:
gmaverick019 said:
Marowit said:
Amalith said:
I like MMOs, I really do, but I refuse to pay an extra $15 a month on top of the game's cost to play the damn thing. I kinda like the idea of lifetime subscriptions, but I'm not paying $300 for a game, ever. Thus I do not play MMOs.

Oh, and don't give me that "it pays for the servers and added content" shit. I get it, they have an excuse to charge for it, that doesn't make it worth the money.

It's interesting. I play a MMO, because it saves me sooooooooo much money. Seriously. Over the last 5 years I've played WoW I've paid for 3 xpacs ($150.00), and $15.00/month (~$900.00) so $1050 total for 5 years of gaming.

If I bought only 5 console games a year (which is a pretty conservative) over 5 years I'd spend $1,500.00...I'd be willing to bet most people easily buy double that number of console/pc games simply because their not perpetual/evolving with updates (Just in WoTLK we've received 4 ---8 if you include hard modes--- raids, Ulduar through Ruby Sanctum).

Now, I'm not saying the sub fee isn't a valid argument I just know MMOs save me money when I look at the total picture.
the only problem is that your playing the same freaking game. me personally, and obviously alot of people on here, thats just not enough, if i wanna play the same game that much and have that many quests, i can easily play oblivion/fallout 3/morrowind, so why would i pay for 2/3 the price of normal gaming for one game when i can enjoy an abbundance of games like i love to do. so the price for it still sucks dick to me and alot of other people.

if that game had JUST dlc, and not stupid subscription fees, you'd have pocketed probably an extra 850 dollars or so by now, which is utter crap and i dont want to have to pay for that, for stupid little updates that most companies give out for free or they are so small they hardly make any difference.

Ah see, I like the social component that MMOs provide. I've played the Bethesda games, and every time I played them it just felt so isolating which made me lose interest after the first play through. Having the different story-threads weaved through the various zones, many of which I have still yet to level through, keeps the game pretty varied and feeling new-ish the three-times I've leveled through the content.

As for updates, obviously the addition of full-raids and 5-man dungeon content being considered 'stupid little updates' is your personal opinion. But, I've found I spend more time with them than the first two DLC's for Fallout 3. Again though, that may be the social component.

As I've said before, when it comes down to dollars and cents WoW is just cheaper for me, even though it has the $15.00 subscription - I just get more bang for my buck.
the social component is big actually, i used to play diablo II all the time and without doing the rushes and whatnot with friends it was incredibly boring, so i will give you that, that having friends and whatnot in there makes the difference, which i can also agree on that alot of bethesda games feel 'empty', regardless of their fun levels.

but, if thats worth it to you, that is fine, i have no quarrel and i would never dream of stopping you from enjoying your game

truth be told..if TOR is as good as people are making it out to be. and being that i am a bioware fan, i might just join the darkside of mmorpg's...


New member
Dec 9, 2008
I love MMO's.... it just... it....

Allright, I hate it when I get so into it, that I wanna do everything in it as efficient as possible, and then forget to have fun in the process... happens quite a lot...


New member
Mar 3, 2009
The grinding.
The monthly fee
In some cases the stale gameplay, where a trained monkey could learn to press the 4 keys used for your dps cycle.
I don't liek RPG's where the RPG element is more or less taken out, in favor for weapon-stat bases combat(read: booring combat, with little input from the player apart from hours spend grinding for the gear that makes you über)
Repetitive quests with lame story, kill/open/harvest/whatever x number of y's and bring me their z's, and fed-ex quests makes up waaay to much of the MMO's i've played, and often the X/Y/Z are something lame for a lame purpose, cause the devs ran out of cool ideas.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I just don't want to be a GGRRRINDERR... looking for [insert random crap from some mmorpgs here]!


New member
Nov 7, 2006
gmaverick019 said:

truth be told..if TOR is as good as people are making it out to be. and being that i am a bioware fan, i might just join the darkside of mmorpg's...

I know I'll be giving it a spin. When it gets closer to launch we should set up a server for escapists to play on - now that would be fun.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
I have fucking life to take care of, and i always like more to spend some time on me than on my virtual paladin. And there is no story, I hate grind, most of player are unimaginable idiots, and all other stuff you mentioned.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I like MMO's (or more specifically, WoW). As far as subscription fees go, I figure $15 a month for an incredibly addictive hobby is a good enough deal to warrant signing up. However, with the upcoming changes in WoW, I may not end up getting back into it as I had planned.

Guild Wars is the only other MMO I've played, which I did enjoy greatly, but I got out of it, and can't remember how to play, therefore never got back in. Laziness, I guess.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
I love WoW, the monthly fee actually saves me money as well as I'm spending a lot less than I used to on other games.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
Basically, what turns me off is the usual RPG element of MMO's. Not that I mind some aspects, like leveling up, but what turns me off is that most actions are of the "click, wait till animation is complete of your attack, wait till power is recharged of that attack, click again and wait some more"

That's why I'm currently intrigued by the upcoming DC Universe Online MMO, which is more action adventure orientated, like a beat'm up with superpowers.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
well i remember back in the day when parents didnt complain about the content of video games.

back then their was a lot of grafic language and violence and ill say it...nudes

i think the fact that parents complain about the video games grafic context is what turns me off about games now-a-days