Poll: What's your primary gaming platform?


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
I haven't even turned on my PC in close to two years now, and it's been in storage for the past year. So all my gaming has been on PS4 and Vita lately, other than playing Peace Walker on my PSP for the past month or so.

Cold Shiny

New member
May 10, 2015

PC has all of the versatility, while Nintendo is the only true console company left.

The wiiU is also the only console you will get 60 fps on lol.


New member
Oct 6, 2013
PS4, 3DS, PC. In that order.

Destiny on PS4, Monster Hunter on 3DS, and some of the better looking games on my PC (which is currently Tomb Raider). I don't even know why I own an XBox One at this point, to be honest.


New member
Feb 6, 2014
I was going to say that my primary AND only platform is PC, but then I remembered I play a lot of games on tablet as well. So it's curious to me you haven't listed a phone as a platform.
Do you think mobile games are not real games?


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Nintendo 3DS. I mostly game while I'm laying in bed, or watching tv, or on a bus.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Xbox One. I do have a PS4, but I tend to get most multi-platform stuff on XB1 because I like the controller much more - and when it comes to multiplayer stuff, my friends are on XB1 too.

EDIT: Shit, didn't even notice the combination of the above. Would've picked that since I've been making time for the 3DS too recently, and I do love a bit of Football Manager on the PC.


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
I'm all over the place. Right now it's he 3DS and I assume that won't change for the next few months thanks to several new (and long) games. After that I'll probably go through a PS3 or PS4 phase, or maybe I'll give my Vita some extra attention. That backlog has been building up. Of course I'll continue to put hours in to Hearthstone and my Steam stuff. Or maybe I'll play some retro stuff on the Wii U.

The only system I've really been neglecting is my Xbox 360. The exclusives I'm interested in dried up several years before the current generation even started, and while I do have a backlog, it's not big or interesting enough to requir immediate attention. The Xbox 360 isn't even all that great at Netflix/Crunchyroll and it's not as if it can play Blu-rays. So... yeah. The controller is total best buddies with my PC though!


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
That's a hard question, I've got a GameCube, N64, NES, SNES, Wii, PS2, PS3, and Xbox 360 all hooked up to my TV and I don't really spend more time on one console than the others at the moment. I haven't touched my Intellivision or Amiga in quite some time, though.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
PC, followed by Wii U. I also have access to a PS3, which I use to play those last-gen titles I would kick myself for missing (like Ni No Kuni).

There are a few too many upcoming console PS4 titles I can't miss, though. Something's gotta happen.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Honestly I'm playing on my 3DS quite a lot more than my Wii U, PC or my PS3. That's probably the order too...3/DS, Wii U, PC, PS3. I recently put about a hundred hours into Yo-Kai Watch and I've moved on to Final Fantasy IV-DS at least until I decide whether or not I really want Final Fantasy Explorers or see if I can find a copy of Fire Emblem Fates: The Actually Complete Edition. I expect to put more time into my Wii U when Twilight Princess launches...especially if I finally get around to picking up Tropical Freeze afterward...and I'm still interested in Rise of Lyric if I can find it for less than $20...

I want to use my PS3 a bit more actually. I have 4 Sly games on the thing and I was really charmed by the first. There's also Uncharted 2 which I'm curious about but I just know there will probably be zombie bullshit in it like with the first after a while. I hate zombie bullshit...

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Pretty much exclusively PC.

I have an X-Box 360 that red ringed like seven or eight years ago, and I never cared enough to get it fixed. I also have a PS3 that I bought during an Amazon sale to play Valkyria Chronicles (prior to the PC port) and Last of Us. These days that PS3 is just a glorified Blu-Ray player.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
PS4 right now. The last couple months I played Bloodborne like there's no tomorrow, and am currently waiting for Dark Souls III.

But it all depends on how you look at it. In terms of total hours clocked, PC is my ultimate #1 platform. After moving out from my parents I've only had my increasingly shitty 2013 laptop, which can't even run Life is Strange properly. So my PC gaming is on hiatus for the foreseeable future. For the past 1,5 years I've mostly played PS3, after finally getting it and all the games I wanted for it. I might also get a 3DS some time in the future. I haven't played a Pok?mon game properly since Gen III, and being completely green to all the new Pok?mon and features they've introduced since then would definitely be a fresh experience.

Oh, and welcome to the Escapist. You may be pleasantly surprised that "PC master race vs console peasants" squabbles tend to be very rare here these days.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Kinda jump around a lot but mostly play on PS4/3/2 PC WiiU and SNES. Dont often fire up the Dreamcast or N64 anymore which is a shame.

Difficult to pick one as I tend to go through phases of playing one of them and ignoring others for long periods but at the moment I am primarily playing on PS4 and probably will be for a while with SFV being released (unless I can get the money to upgrade my PC then I may switch to that for SF if the version doesnt suck).

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
That easily changes on a weekly/monthly basis.

Now with my interest in Fallout, I mainly play on my laptop. But I have 6 consoles (excluding duplicates) and a handheld aswell, so.....

I picked "A combination of the above" but it is not entirely true considering my PS2, Gamecube and Sega Genesis.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Laptop when I'm at college and PS4 while at home.

I've been mostly playing Battle.net games like Diablo 3 and Heroes of the Storm on my laptop, then I switch over to PS4 and Witcher 3 when I'm home on the weekends.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
PC...Dropped off the console thing after the PS3/360...well kinda. I got a wiiU for hangouts and stuff and it's great for that but never really played it on my own.

Consoles lost their purpose for me, they were supposed to be drop a game in and play with little problem sorting, but with the PS4/XB1 they've adopted all the irritating aspects of PC with none of the benefits. This was hinted at with the PS3/XB1 to a degree but I mean ...I dunno you don't even get the satisfaction of a manual while you're waiting to play your game these days.
You know...learn about the game you're gonna start, see some lovely art, etc. Now it's: drop disc in, update console, update game, download DLC, check for DLC, play a handheld while all this BS is going, get into that game instead and turn off the thing. Just, as little extras as possible please. I swear it's a strategy to kill physical media, just dwindle the stuff you get till you're numb and just blow the full 60 on a download they can take away at any time.

I used to get excited for consoles, what they could do, how games looked, especially when they were sporting smooth ass 60fps. Now it's all ...full price remasters of games and nothing new that jumps out. |:

Don't have to bother with remasters, just pop on the game and it runs great and looks great and didn't cost anything extra, with any controller!

Just frustrating to see it like this I guess.

PC has only expanded for me since I got a Surface Pro since it's pretty beefy games on a small device or just emulation...Or you know the full intent for getting the device, that being to make art on it. That's been my most pleasant surprise in recent years.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
2/3 PC, 1/4 Wii U, 1/6 split between PS3 and 3DS.

Recently played:
PC - Fallout 4, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Endless Legend, Darkest Dungeon
Wii U - Yoshi's Wooly World, Bayonetta, Nintendo Land
PS3 - Dark Souls 2, FFX-HD

Consoles for action and platformers, PC for strategy and FPS.


Jun 5, 2013
I do dabble in other platforms, mostly 3DS and Xbox, but PC is where I play most of my stuff. It's just easy. Games are cheap, they have a long shelf-life, with pretty much everything being playable back to 90s, it's generally good cost for hardware, I don't have to upgrade that often, and I can keep some of my old components.