Poll: What's your religion?


New member
Mar 24, 2008
what on earth kind of thread is this? Never mind how prone this issue is to overly heated conversation, this is a deeply personal question that I don't think has any place on a web forum.

I'm just going to stop now because it kind of pisses me off.

Ares Tyr

New member
Aug 9, 2008
Aries_Split post=18.70309.687839 said:
Ares Tyr post=18.70309.687827 said:
Aries_Split post=18.70309.687819 said:
Ares Tyr post=18.70309.687815 said:
Did I ever mention that I am a very bad Buddhist? Just because I believe it is right does not mean that I follow it super-strictly. I treat other people kindly and fairly, but I'm also a martial artist, you gotta remember, and I really like to fight. My brand of Buddhism is kinda like ol' Samurai style. And he's a ninja, making us mortal enemies.

Atleast I maintain over five of the precepts.
I thought it was an "all or nothing" kind of thing...
If you want to reach Nirvana it is. I'm mostly concerned with just maintaining good karma. I'm what you would call a 'lay-person'. Maybe my outlook will change with age, but at the moment I am a firey-hearted 18 year old with nothing to lose and the world in front of me. There's alot of fun to be had before I trade it in for a more concentrated life of insight.

Hell, the original Buddha, Siddhartha was a prince, husband, and father before being enlightened himself. Don't hold it against me.
I wasn't persecuting you, sorry if I came off that way. I'm not sure I'm ready to give up all my desires yet either. I think I'll enjoy my lust a little longer.
Its not just you, I was just trying to convince the other fellow that I'm not just "playing around" in my religious belief.

Which is perfectly fine. You can indulge in things without being a terrible person. The main thing you want to do in that is to just be kind and considering to your fellow man, and to the Earth. Just because I'm not actively pursueing nirvana does not mean I'm not a good Buddhist, it just means that I'm not a monk, or I'm not prepared to go that path yet. So don't let the whole sacraficing wordly attachments thing turn you off the beliefs, my friend.

mark_n_b post=18.70309.687859 said:
what on earth kind of thread is this? Never mind how prone this issue is to overly heated conversation, this is a deeply personal question that I don't think has any place on a web forum.

I'm just going to stop now because it kind of pisses me off.

I don't think anyone has really gotten heated over anything thus far. As long as people are capable of maintaing a level head, some amount of mutual respect, and a small amount of maturity, this can be (and so far is) a perfectly valid and in my opinion, very interesting discussion topic.

The Iron Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Aries_Split post=18.70309.687849 said:
The Iron Ninja post=18.70309.687841 said:
Would you two eat a cockroach if you stood on one? (for what it's worth I've heard they actually don't taste that bad when deep fried)
...This post was stale like moldy quail and it equates to a big, fat, PHAIL!
I would be angry, but then I see how happy your avatar is. I can't stay mad at that face.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
Whats all that methodist polythiest stuff? By religion I thought you meant stuff like 'Christian, Jewish, muslim, athiest, etc.

I know it sort of makes me look like a closed minded twat, but I have no idea what they are (the polythiest methodist stuff I mean, I know what the basic religions are).

I'm an Atheist by the way. I think it is more of a 'down to Earth' look at life, But I found it hypocritical when my elders said stuff like 'magic doesn't exist' or 'no one can create stuff out of thin air', when in fact they were religious them selfs...


Beware of geeks bearing gifs.
Aug 11, 2008
Theres no such thing as magic, but Jesus can walk on water, theres only one logical explination, Jesus was a Ninja.

On topic though I'm an agnostic in the sense that I dont believe in God or religion, in fact religion is evil in my opinion, but if some one showed me evidence that god was real then as a scientist how could I not believe.

The Iron Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
scarbunny post=18.70309.687943 said:
Theres no such thing as magic, but Jesus can walk on water, theres only one logical explination, Jesus was a Ninja.
It's true, I've seen him at all the conventions.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Thanks rossatdi, you saved me a trip to wikipedia lol.

For the sake of Mr Sword (and others)

Monotheist- Belief in one god. (Christianity, Islam, Judaism)

Polytheist- Belief in many gods (Hinduism, Some strains of Buddhism, Shinto, some Neopagans)

Pantheist- God is everything and is in everything. (Some New Age folks, some Buddhists, some Hindus)

..all of which I had to go to Wikipedia for just to double check. /sigh


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Max Hegel post=18.70309.687893 said:
Extreme Atheism (like regular atheism, but with more swordfighting)
I lol'd. I'm an atheist, but take my morals from a range of religion, and can see myself heading for Taoism eventually.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
The Iron Ninja post=18.70309.687945 said:
scarbunny post=18.70309.687943 said:
Theres no such thing as magic, but Jesus can walk on water, theres only one logical explination, Jesus was a Ninja.
It's true, I've seen him at all the conventions.
Man, those ninja conventions scare me. Everyone is so awkward to be around, and all those speaches. You were their last year, I so should have won that medal for biggest body count. It's all about the politics nowdays. Luckly they only last about 0.008th of a second.
What were we talking about again?

Redlac post=18.70309.687952 said:
Pantheist- God is everything and is in everything. (Some New Age folks, some Buddhists, some Hindus)
Hmm, I guess I'm sort of leaning to this. But i don't thinks so. I imagine that's more the old, 'God can see you masterbate, so don't do it!' type of beliefs.

I don't know what I truely believe. There's some powerful force we can't begin to imagine. If ever we witness it, our mind would snap. But that pysical being that we see would be but an Avatar to our feeble 'matter' that would construct it. Like Cthulhu really. Wow, that IS Cthulhu.

Razzle Bathbone

New member
Sep 12, 2007
You know that old Buddhist saying: "If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him"? It's supposed to be a lesson about attachment. The worst thing a Buddhist can possibly do is get all attached to the idea of being Buddhist, to the point where they stop paying attention to the world around them.

So this one time I was walking down the road, right? I almost bumped right into the Buddha! So I go to kill him, right? And he says "Wait a second, wait, hang on. Can you do me a favour?"

"What's the favour?" I asked.

"Can you lend me twenty bucks?"

"Well, what have you got for collateral?"

"Uh, nothing right at the moment. But you know I'm good for it, right?"

"Hmm. Well, you are the Buddha. All right then."

That was three months ago.

The Buddha owes me twenty bucks.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
In real life: Untouchable atheist.

In-character: SilverWing-ist. (If you absolutely need me to make up an "ism" suffix to it.)


Beware of geeks bearing gifs.
Aug 11, 2008
Eipok Kruden post=18.70309.688262 said:
I'm an atheist. I just can't understand how a god could possibly exist.
However being the universe is infintite it makes sence that there is a being out there in the infiniteness that is godlike.

Same argument for aliens really

a big stupid idiot

New member
Jan 9, 2008
I go by the belief that no-one can be sure what the actual truth is.

Also I laugh at the numerous amount of Atheists claiming that by being atheist, they escape all the ignorance of a religion, when atheism is essentially the same thing as religion, just opposite.
Feb 13, 2008
Buddhist goes into a Pizza Shop and says "Make me one with everything."
The Pizza Man takes his £20 note and says "Ah, but change must come from within." :)

Poly-Agnostic btw.