Poll: What's your sexual orientation?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
HoneyVision said:
I just don't necessarily relate to any of them. I have my sexual preferences but I wouldn't associate with any of those labels.
I'm intrigued, now.

If you don't mind telling, what's your deal?


New member
Sep 1, 2010
hetero, with a chance of actually being asexual. i kinda haven`t dated anyone in forever, have forgotten how anything is really done in bed, and the fact that i work in a hospital leaves almost no time outside of it. any free time is spent consuming foods and sleeping like a dead thing.

my life is sad... :D


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
I'm still unconvinced that asexuality is a valid sexual orientation, largely because it's the only one based on a negative statement (or lack of). I definitely am open and accepting of anyone regardless of preference, orientation, or lack of orientation, but I'm not convinced that never experiencing sexual arousal isn't symptomatic of a disease or defect of some kind.

The fact that 6% of people on this poll self-identify as asexual really makes it into a kind of joke. Heck, half the posts say "I'm hetero/homosexual, but might as well be asexual." If people can choose it, it can't fall under the same umbrella.

I still will treat anyone with the respect that I would expect, but I've never heard a convincing or passionate argument from an asexual person that makes me believe it's an orientation instead of a state of being, disability, mental illness, or lifestyle choice.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Straight male. I can appreciate a hot dude, but I wouldn't call myself bisexual; while there are definitely moments of "well, that's a fairly attractive dude" that's about as far as it ever goes. No sexual thoughts/etc.


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2013
Silvanus said:
HoneyVision said:
I just don't necessarily relate to any of them. I have my sexual preferences but I wouldn't associate with any of those labels.
I'm intrigued, now.

If you don't mind telling, what's your deal?
I think most people assume that your sexual preference is in direct correlation with your romantic preference. But for me it's not. I prefer men sexually, but women romantically. So for me things are a little complicated. Which is why I don't associate with any of those labels.


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2013
CFriis87 said:
HoneyVision said:
I have my sexual
CFriis87 said:
HoneyVision said:
If there was a "None" option, I'd tick it.
Depending on what you mean, I guess you're either asexual or pansexual.
I just don't necessarily relate to any of them. I have my sexual preferences but I wouldn't associate with any of those labels.
That's why I mentioned Pansexual, since that wasn't in the poll.
Pansexual has nothing to do with me.


New member
Feb 2, 2012
Asexual female with a tendency to squee over sexy guys. Can I acknowledge they're sexy? Yeah. Would I want any of them to f--- me? Oh god no. At least not as a female. If I had the time/money/effort I would be a transsexual homosexual.

So I guess that makes me a homosexual guy trapped in an asexual woman's body.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
It's nice when people remember that asexuality is a thing, and not just an excuse for why lonely shut-ins haven't lost their virginity.

Beautiful Tragedy

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I swore I posted in this thread, but I can't find it...weird..

anyway Straight Transwoman (I like men!) :D

/wipes drool from the corner of her mouth.
Apr 8, 2010
KamiAmaya said:
Asexual female with a tendency to squee over sexy guys. Can I acknowledge they're sexy? Yeah. Would I want any of them to f--- me? Oh god no. At least not as a female. If I had the time/money/effort I would be a transsexual homosexual.

So I guess that makes me a homosexual guy trapped in an asexual woman's body.
Interesting. Sounds a little bit like a case of autoandrophilia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoandrophilia#Autogynephilia_and_autoandrophilia] to me...


New member
Dec 7, 2007
I'm heterosexual to the core. I once heard someone say that the majority of people were most likely bisexual with a simple preference for one gender over the other, but I've never had a sexual fantasy involving another man, so if there's any gay in me, it's not pronounced enough to matter.


New member
Feb 2, 2012
Chromatic Aberration said:
KamiAmaya said:
Asexual female with a tendency to squee over sexy guys. Can I acknowledge they're sexy? Yeah. Would I want any of them to f--- me? Oh god no. At least not as a female. If I had the time/money/effort I would be a transsexual homosexual.

So I guess that makes me a homosexual guy trapped in an asexual woman's body.
Interesting. Sounds a little bit like a case of autoandrophilia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoandrophilia#Autogynephilia_and_autoandrophilia] to me...
Ha, I've never heard of that. I'm going to have to read up on it now :)


Sep 2, 2012
Angelowl said:
Meanwhile I feel completely rejected by the lesbian community around here, due to me being bi, eating meat and not caring about gender studies.
I could sort of wrap my head around the other two, but eating meat gets your ostracized by the lesbian community?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
Jux said:
Angelowl said:
Meanwhile I feel completely rejected by the lesbian community around here, due to me being bi, eating meat and not caring about gender studies.
I could sort of wrap my head around the other two, but eating meat gets your ostracized by the lesbian community?
Ostracized may be too strong of a word for it. Everyone is presumed to be at least a vegetarian, preferably vegan. I trying to comprehend it myself. All the meet-ups, parties and so on for girls liking girls around here are built on that presumption. All vegan cafe, pubs with only vegetarian dishes and so on. There doesn't seem to be an explanation behind the whole thing anywhere, but I guess that there is an unspoken rule somewhere that if you have boobs and like girls you simply don't eat meat.

Could be a clash between the country and the big city as well as people were genuinely surprised that I was out of town.


Sep 2, 2012
Angelowl said:
Ostracized may be too strong of a word for it. Everyone is presumed to be at least a vegetarian, preferably vegan. I trying to comprehend it myself. All the meet-ups, parties and so on for girls liking girls around here are built on that presumption. All vegan cafe, pubs with only vegetarian dishes and so on. There doesn't seem to be an explanation behind the whole thing anywhere, but I guess that there is an unspoken rule somewhere that if you have boobs and like girls you simply don't eat meat.

Could be a clash between the country and the big city as well as people were genuinely surprised that I was out of town.
Sucks to be them, meat is delicious. :D


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Angelowl said:
Meanwhile I feel completely rejected by the lesbian community around here, due to me being bi, eating meat and not caring about gender studies.
I won't lie, I originally thought in that context that you were using a double entendre.

OT: I guess heterosexual with a dash of bicuriosity?

At least, that's the only way I could rightfully explain having dreams where I was in a relationship with another guy and consequently thinking about what it might be like, even though I've never really met another guy that I find sexually attractive.


New member
Feb 8, 2013
Jux said:
Angelowl said:
Sucks to be them, meat is delicious. :D
Agreed, om nom nom. :3

shrekfan246 said:
Angelowl said:
Meanwhile I feel completely rejected by the lesbian community around here, due to me being bi, eating meat and not caring about gender studies.
I won't lie, I originally thought in that context that you were using a double entendre.

OT: I guess heterosexual with a dash of bicuriosity?

At least, that's the only way I could rightfully explain having dreams where I was in a relationship with another guy and consequently thinking about what it might be like, even though I've never really met another guy that I find sexually attractive.
In all honesty, knowing myself it might've just been that. Not sure how I missed that one.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit. On my end I concluded the fact when my best friend had dragged me to a magic: the gathering tournament and I kept getting distracted to the judge's butt.