Poll: When do you think Final Fantasy will stop?


New member
May 14, 2009
As long as people love anime and emo haired pretty boys there will be future FFs.

Note: Don't get the immpression that I disslike anime by the way my sentence is, I actually rather enjoy anime, just not the emo losers that some have.


New member
May 16, 2009
I would say after they reach 100 I mean that would be extremely impressive to make it that far.


New member
May 29, 2009
Pankeyman said:
eelel said:
Pankeyman said:
eelel said:
Pankeyman said:
eelel said:
They will stop when it stops making money over in Japan.
Actually FF isn't very popular in Japan, not as much as Dragon Quest (which isn't very popular here.)

Dragon Quest: Big in Japan, not USA.
FF: Big in USA, not Japan.

Personally I prefer Dragon Quest since it's more about the journey (quest) than the story.
What is the diferance between a journey and a story?
(crap, what do I say?)
I guess journey as in through most of the DQ games you have a rough guess who the bad-guy is and the game builds on that suspense, wheras in FF it's just a spiraling series of events (it can often get convoluted too). The only FF I ever really cared for was VI, it's truly amazing. The rest are'nt personally that great, I've always liked EarthBound and DQ better.
fair enuff btw I like your avi
Thanks. But despite the jacked Def, having max 5 Hp and giving my enemies a ton of Exp when dieing isn't all that great...
yw :)


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Probably when this thread ends, which will be never.

Seriously people, they aren't sequels, they are titles that have adopted the FF title to garner more sales. They are linked in no way shape or form besides the title.

I'm sure I'm not the only person in this thread who has said this, and I'm sure we don't need another 200 people to echo the same 'when the world ends'. I say this in aid of not seeing this thread pop up on the front page every four seconds, not in malice.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
In realty, when people quit buying the games.

Its a great idea. A francise that as nothing in common with the previous episode..including quality.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
they will stop when hell is frozen over, pigs are flying, lightning is consistantly striking the same spot every time and men and women fully understand each other's brain processes.

when they stop making the series, the name of the series will no longer be ironic. there can never be a "final fantasy". unless the last one they make is called "Eternal Fantasy"...or something. and end it there.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
About To Crash said:
yeah_so_no said:
That would be a terrible idea and I hope they never do it.

People who play and love Final Fantasy games are in it for the stories and who like the turn-based battle system. Having detailed and intricate plots is counter to exploratory games (and personally, I'm not fond of exploratory games because I want to know where I'm supposed to go and what I'm supposed to do--I play JPRGs for a reason, after all), and not everyone likes real time. You basically want FF to...not be FF anymore.

If FF turned into what you wanted, I would never touch FF again, and I love FF.
I realize that there are reasons people do play Final Fantasy games and will for what I estimate is a long time. See, I have this wild notion that, if you're making a series of games so successful that it's lasted through most consoles, then there should be some sort of obligation to mix it up. And yeah, it might fail horribly if Final Fantasy XVIII was what I asked for, but something tells me SquareEnix can afford it.

And there will always be JRPGs.
Change just for change's sake usually pisses off the people who like it as it is. Plus, it's not like FF hasn't changed their combat system--yes, it's always turn-based, but they have changed the rules of the turn-based system a lot. You can't even try to tell me the turn based system in FF 3 is anything like the one in FF10 or FF12, and FF13 is doing it in a different way as well.

They have no obligation to change, and given all the hate FF12 has gotten for trying something different, every incentive NOT to.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
I loved some of the earlier ones, but the latest releases are just becoming more and more tiresome. And seriously, they need to stop with 7. I'd love to see them build on 8 though.


New member
Apr 12, 2008
Onmi said:
Charley said:
There's actually a formula for this - it's

((Sonic + 1) x (Mario + Pokemon)) x Episodes of Naruto
Why Naruto? not only is Detective Conan and One Piece more POPULAR in japan they have both been out much longer (And One Piece has LESS filler) After all One Piece was the one that broke records set by Dragon Ball and other shonen series, if anything thats more appropriate.
Mainly because I think Naruto is utter drivel, and has gone on far too long. My lack of opinion on the other two excluded them by default. Plus humour doesn't have to be factual.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
The Final Fantasy series honestly hasn't been running that long. It's gone just over two decades. I mean, comparably, Mario has been going for two decades and a half. And Half-Life series has been going for just over a decade. Honestly, the only reason why Final Fantasy seems so long is because Square just throws Roman numerals at the end of almost every FF game they make.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
They'll keep pumping out FF games until they don't turn a profit anymore.
Which is probably going to be never.