Poll: Which Deus Ex: Human Revolution Ending did you choose? *SPOILERS*


New member
Oct 21, 2011
First off I'd like to say that this game was crazy awesome. :D I love games that actually make you think.

Personally I chose Sarif's. You DO lie slightly and put the blame on the anti-aug organizations (douches) but it also paves the way to continue technological advancement, and honestly who cares about those bastards. Over time humans have evolved and always been able to use their creative and innovative minds to come up with new solutions for arising conflicts/problems. Technology and human advancement will always be around, its not going anywhere, hence why I chose this path.

I liked Darrow's for the mere fact that it was the truth, whole truth, and nothing but. This truth brought exposure of the Illuminati (assholes) and their dreams of human enslavement. I did NOT like the fact that it would make the people who already had augs become outcasts, what's done is done, past is past. This would also pave the way for more illegal activity for blackmarket augs and cause far more crime than previously.

Let's face it, we all hated Taggart the first time we met him in David's office. He's an arrogant douchebag know-it-all who thinks he is supreme. I wasn't about to lie for Taggart's ass and not expose the Illuminati. The only point that stood out to me is that everything does need regulation so it will not get out of hand, which brings me to.....

Self DESTRUCTO!!! This option was my second choice because of the fact that the people's lives would be in THEIR own hands. Humans have always had control over big decisions and always seem to choose correctly, for the most part. Not letting the people know about the dickhole Illuminati isn't ideal but ignorance is bliss I suppose. I wasn't about to wish death upon Mr. AJ. Plus he still needs to ask Megan if she is down for the aug penis, considering he thought she was dead. Thus, I didn't choose this because I didn't want AJ to die and also wanted the Illuminati exposed.

Basically when it comes down to it there was something I liked about each of them, which is what the game intended, making the decision all that more difficult. Word of advice, save your game before making your first decision so you can go back and select each ending. (Plus you get an achievement). Also, there is a little something after the credits you'll get to see if you have the patience to sit through them.

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
I think the fact that there is a non-secret Achievement, or even an achievement at all, for doing all of them ruins the weight of the endings, as in the end I just saved beforehand and plan on doing them all to get 50g.
However, if I could only make one choice for the whole game, I'd choose Sarif's.
Augmentation technology is here, it's here to stay, you can't reverse it's existence as much as Darrow wanted to, and you can't regulate it too heavily as Taggart wanted to, so logical option for me was to calm fear and proceed into the inevitable new age of Augmentation.

However, I agreed with Taggart that regulation should exist, to some extent, in the same way gun laws are regulated, but only for the potentially dangerous Augs.
Things like increased strength/speed/etc shouldn't be regulated, as there are exeptionally strong/quick normal humans too, that's like saying the average man can go to the gym, but he can't have too much muscle. Ridiculous.

I did love the ending, I was wondering how Adam would end up affecting the entire human race, and it kept me guessing and was satisfying.
Final boss fights were shit, though.
Took out Namir with 3 Grenade Launcher shots...
They should've been more than just 'Shoot repeatedly in any way possible until dead'; like you should've had to figure out one of a few specific ways to kill them, for example luring the boss into an electrical field and then short-circuiting them.
Apart from the girl, they were just 'Use explosives at start'.
Still sucks that you couldn't either talk them out of violence or avoid them altogether, as is the style with the rest of the game.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
There's only one ending in Human Revolution. Some shit goes down on Panchea, people seem to forget about it inside a year, events progress to the original Deus Ex.

And this is (IMO) the worst failing of the game - lack of a meaningful choice. The only choice that I really got to make and that felt "significant" was when I stayed around to save Malik. The other choices come down to "kill a dude and get nothing or save/spare a dude and he gives you free shit later on". Gee, I wonder which I will pick. At least with Malik I had to risk my arse and go into the middle of a massive firefight to do the right thing. She doesn't pay me, I don't benefit from that decision at all. In fact, stealth characters on Give Me Deus Ex might have genuine problems with that fight if they aren't chock full of guns and grenades. It's a rare moment where the "good" choice costs you more than the "evil" choice.


New member
Oct 25, 2011
I went with self distruct. The idea was about as american as you can be. Leave no corperation to lead the people but let them decide for themselves as a conglomerate. I chose this over Darrows even though it is tecnicly lying because hiding the truth is the same as lying but either way it was the corperations causing the issue so removing all obsticles all together sounds the best, although sarif's was tempting =p.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
I was sorely tempted on my first play through to hit the Self Destruct, but that game's Jensen was so anti violence (I saved Malik non-lethally, that wasn't so easy) that it didn't fit with his character, so I went with Darrow. Truth will out. Second playthrough Jensen was a bit more of a killer, so I followed my heart and destroyed the whole damn thing, just like I did with Tracer Tong in Deus Ex.

Funny thing the saving of Malik, it had the same affect on me as Paul in Deus Ex. In both cases I did what they told me and about thirty minutes later I felt bad about it and had to load an old save game to try and rescue them.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I really enjoyed the endings but I still admit they were cheap-ish. Nonetheless I'm split between Sarif and Self Destruct but I usually lead towards Sarif but I do keep the other choices in mind, yes that includes Taggarts >.>

With Sarif... well... I was fond of him. While he did lie, usually it was for the better but I wasn't a tool and wouldn't take his lies for face. Given the chance i would always call him out on it but I supported keeping Jensens past a secret for that time it was. Not to mention how friendly he was not only with me but practically everyone. I don't think I've ever heard the man yell, or hell, raise his voice. This man I proudly endorse.

The self destruct option, the initial description that the world would be left with questions and the such just didn't make it a viable option. Only when I watched the ending did I see the logic. I understand what Jensen said about human decency and agreed. What i disagreed with though was to the extent and with the haste that decency would take. Jensen also talked about how he has never abused his power and that choosing a path for man would be an abuse. There's also the fact that the augmented population that upgraded their bio chip still went on an insane rampage. Sure you can spin it all you want but that doesnt leave out that they still went batshit insane. Also you die, and that alone had me go NO! There's also the fact that everyone on the station dies, this point erm.. pointing at taggart. With all the purity first and humanity front bull going on, I dare not think how this catastrophe would put augmented people in peoples eyes. And with Taggart dead and the head position of such a dangerous organization vacant, I dare not think of who would succeed him.

Darrow was OK. His aim was admirable but flawed. You're serious about going in front of the world and saying "The illuminati did it". I'm very sure he had documents prooving so but its still quite a claim: an organization from ancient times has been manipulating everything and such. At the same time at the top of the station when jensen was arguing about his morals, he sort of lost all credibility to me. Given the right stance and such yes, he could be seen as a mass murderer.

And then there's Taggart. First off, fuck this guy. I hated him so much and his reckless disregard for the good augmentations have done, mainly when he said that he would rather have me unaugmented AND DEAD, rather than augmented perfectly alive and healthy and wanting to punch him in the face. I probably mutilated that or missed the point of that but its basically the conversation you have with him outsides Sarifs office. I cannot express my hate for the guy and i thoroughly enjoyed telling him that with all the anti augmentation stuff, be it peaceful or violent, going on that he is desecrating the memory of his wife (Taggart: How... DARE you!) and such that this man would be the last person i'd choose to lead man down his path. Simply put, fuck this man. Argh!


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Bill Taggart. Because I didn't want to completely ban augs (being 90% constructed from them and all) but David Sarif seemed like such an ass to me. And it would suck to be blown up together with the station.

But in the end I chose every one of the endings, in order to get an acheivement...


New member
Nov 5, 2011
I chose Darrow's ending specifically because I uncovered his true nature in our argument scene -- spoilers and that -- when I confronted him about his leg brace he admitted to feelings of insufficiency and envy (it was a far better sequence than the ending) He implored me not only to tell the truth but to reveal his petty reasons. Surely that's the better ending, with Sarif and Taggart putting a spin one way or the other and the destruction of the base being the mother of all cop outs.

That said, the ending I unleashed was unaware of the discussion I had had with Darrow. It was just a multi-purpose, one-size-fits-all do away with augmentation ending. After the game had done so well up until now in giving my actions consequences, to fall at the last fence was a major let down. And to lay the various endings out as simple button pushes in a room--even invisible war wasn't that gauche. Great game. Poor ending(s).


New member
Mar 24, 2009
cvejic said:
With respect, I disagree with your assessment of the likely outcomes of each choice. First off, it has to be said that the choices are somewhat illusory, as this is a prequel and hence an "all roads lead to Rome" type of situation. We know what the future of this game universe is because it has already been written.
I hope not. I'd rather this be something of a reboot and EM not strive to funnel everything down to the original Deus Ex.

Michelle Myers

New member
Apr 2, 2010
I chose Sarif's ending.

The self-destruct ending, while heroic, wouldn't at all leave humanity free to decide for itself what to do, because it's not like the Illuminati were going to blow up with it. And, really? You're going to kill all those civilians just so you can sit on the fence?

Taggart's ending would have played into the Illuminati's plans, and while I agree that regulations and order are needed, I don't agree that they should conveniently be controlled by an organization that can condone the testing done at Omega Ranch or Rifleman Bank Station. On one hand, they want to limit augmentations, and on the other hand, they want dibs on the technology? Gee, I wonder why...

Darrow's ending was based on an exaggeration. Sure, this technology could be exploited, but look who exploited it. The most brilliant scientists were manipulated by the Illuminati and Darrow. The absolute most. It's not like they chose to cause all the insanity. And besides, the technology is out there (Dollhouse, anyone?), and nobody will believe him when he says the Illuminati are involved. Someone crazy enough to drive thousands of people crazy should tooootally be trusted.

Sarif, although wanting to broadcast a lie, made a good point about buying them enough time to counter the Illuminati, and I feel I can trust him not to do inhumane experiments. Yeah, he did tests on Adam Jensen's blood, but that's it. He wasn't tortured. Give Adam Jensen to TYM or Versalife and they'd do a hell of a lot worse. Sarif can responsibly do R&D, and he genuinely believes in helping people. And with Zhao gone, their company isn't at risk from them, and the odds of the Illuminati quickly procuring a way to topple Sarif Industries before it gains an edge in the industry are slim.

All in all, yeah, you'd be lying, but I don't think Jensen can afford the luxury of honesty. That kind of does sound like the Illuminati's justification of genocide and whatnot, but hopefully, Sarif Industries draws the line where the Illuminati cannot.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I eventually just went with Sarifs.
I don?t quite get why self destruct is the heroic ?no spins or lies? one. It just means everyone has no information, people are still going to manipulate and spin it so I don?t really see how blowing up the place and telling people nothing is suppose to help. You?re just going to get more confusion and more chaos. It?s like the ultimate cop out to me. ?ARHHH I can?t decide what to do so fuck it, I?m just going to burry everything and take everyone on this ship with down me!?
I would have thought if you wanted to not spin it or trust everyone to get thru this and make their own decisions you would have told the truth (Darrow). Tho of course if pick that option Jenson goes on an anti augment rant.

Bastiaan Bogers

New member
Mar 3, 2012
I chose for Darrow.

It seemed the right decision to me. In any case, I wouldn't have picked Taggart's side, because that would spread lies and help the iluminati get control over humanity, and freedom would be a thing of the past. I don't believe a group of men that powerful would monitor human enhancements a right way, and reign without corruption.

Sarif's way didn't seem right to me either, because it would have been a lie too, and would have entirely opened te path for augmentation development, granting companies too much power. In this case, the people wouldn't have really realised the danger of augmentation, and also corruption would probably be as big as a problem as in Taggart's option.

So there were only two options left: Broadcasting Darrow's story or blowing up the facility. If I would have blown up the facility, hundreds of innocent people would have died, including Jensen, and the world would have had to find out the truth by itself. Besides that blowing up a facility that would stop global warming, and dying, didn't sound attractive to me, there were some other reasons why I didn't go for this option. Nobody would have know what had caused the disaster, and people would have made something up theirselves, dividing humanity into different parties, spreading chaos and waging war against eachother.

One person can't decide for humanity. Humanity must decide for itself. By telling Darrow's story, we provide the world with the information it needs. The world will know that HE did this, and why. It will be able to see things from the point of view of "the man who did this", and no information will be kept secret. This way, the world will decide what is best for it. I don't know the future of augmentation, but at least, it is the future humanity chooses, and not a future chosen by one man.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I stopped playing when I realized the whole morality system and exposition all boiled down to "press button to win game."

Man I was pissed as SqueEnix.
Dec 14, 2008
xxcloud417xx said:
And let's not forget that Megan Reed is still out there and know about the Chip. I have a feeling they would be able to reverse the effects and, due to Megan's team's guilty conscience, work towards sage augmentation research and development.
You obviously didn't see that scene after the credits where Megan went directly to the Illuminate to start working for them.

I don't like any lying or spinning of the truth, so I couldn't chose Sarif's or Taggart's messages. I would have loved to reveal the Illuminate with Darrow's message, but people becoming technophobic seems like to great a cost. In the end, I decide to sacrifice Pangea and the four people left on it (I was forced to slaughter all the crazy aug people) in order to free the world of those people's agendas, so that they may chose their own future.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Veldt Falsetto said:
kane.malakos said:
I went with Sarif's ending. It was a tough choice for me, particularly because I didn't really want to lie to people, but I personally want a future where technological advancement is free and available.
See I was in the same position, but with Taggart's ending and telling the truth. I didn't feel that Sarif's ending would've done the world any good, while Sarif himself isn't the type to do things to hurt people, others are and I personally feel (I play rpgs as me not as a character) that
Jensen being experimented on as a child and many other children also being experimented on and killed
is wrong and therefore the entire thing need regulation. Taggart's ending gives regulation which means that augmentation and the continuation of the technological evolution that Sarif wants will still progress, just not as rapidly or as dangerously which is what is needed in the world.

That and Taggart was mostly straight with me, Sarif sits there and blatantly lies to your face even though he's meant to trust you and Darrow just messes you around. Taggart is the only person in the game (aside from Malik the cool person that she is) that actually tells you like it is and even though he does hide things from you, he does at least tell you in the end.

The only real thing I regret about my ending is the amount of innocent people at Neuralife (I think it's called) that will lose their jobs over something that never happened, this could really hurt a lot of people, both workers at Neuralife and also customers of their health service, which is harsh.
You mean Versalife? The guys who experimented on Jensen right? The group owned by Page Industries, who is owned by Bob Page who is a member of the Illuminati at the time so by siding with Taggart your actually supporting the experimentation on Jensen. Huh.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
I chose them all. Save before you choose.

Also, that game was a waste of time, and the endings (all of them) are pointless, provide no satisfaction, and only serve to show you how pointless everything you just did was. It's bad. The only good thing about that game is the art design. That's it.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
I chose Taggart's heavy regulations. Going completely Pro-aug would strengthen all the problems the world already faced - humans being forced to get augs to get anywhere in careers and life, neuropozyne addictions, weaponized augmentations.

I also figured the truth would be terrible for anyone that already had augs. Effectively, they would become segregated out of fear, and no real resolution would be found with the whole issue.

No answer at all would lead to even more chaos and misunderstanding, and it gives any power-hungry group the right to twist it however they please.

In my opinion, augmentation should have been regulated in the first place - as a necessity, not just for recreation or betterment.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I did all 4! :D

I'm an indecisive bastard..

I actually thought Taggart's ending was the best, until I saw the footage of the important looking guys (probably politicians) walking into the meeting room, and the Illuminati symbol being in the room. Made me realize that the Illuminati would win anyway in that ending.


New member
Jun 7, 2008
The first time I played it through, I went with the Regulation ending. The consequences of rampant laissez-faire capitalism can be seen through almost every section of the game - Heng-sha especially. Zeke Sander's backstory and the pro-aug criminal organisations shows us that augmentation technology is extremely dangerous and really shouldn't be handed out willy-nilly without some kind of regulation, the same way you wouldn't trust someone without a driver's license to get behind the wheel of a car, or how someone should have a permit to buy and use a firearm.

I didn't necessarily agree with the Illuminati agenda of total social and population control, however. It was definitely a case of their goals being the ones I disagreed with LEAST - and I'd already fucked the Illuminati's plans, infrastructure and membership majorly by that point.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
My favourite ending is if you side with Sarif. That's because I am personally extremely pro-progress. If (and when) 'augmentations' or any similar technology become really available, I'll be modding myself no end. :)