Poll: Which do you prefer: Minecraft or Terraria?


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Terraria's a pretty good game. Personally, I prefer Minecraft, and used to hate Terraria, but a friend convinced me that it's not a rip-off and that it only borrows a few mechanics. I have to say I prefer Minecraft because of mods and texture packs and how, if you do multiplayer with a friend who's near the end-game it's pathetically easy, it's pretty interesting in the mechanics. Building seems harder than Minecraft, but at least it's borrowing ideas and not shamelessly ripping them off like FortressCraft or Total Miner.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Lucyfer86 said:
Both are very good, but i prefer Minecraft. Terrria gets boring after you've gotten every decent item in game and are just facerolling hordes of monsters, while in Minecraft you can spend hours and hours building almost anything (assuming you like building stuff at all).

Yes, you _can_ build in Terraria but it just doesn't feel the same at 2d.
Quite,If I wanted to build in Terraria I could just go get a piece of paper and do what I do best- Draw.

Whereas in Minecraft, I've spent a few month blowing a massive hole in the earth with TNT big enough to build a 64x64 squared Gurren Lagann that goes from bedrock to the sky.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Yeah Terraria definitely "borrowed" a few mechanics from Minecraft. So in a blog post Notch stated he'd be "borrowing" a few mechanics from terraria. I thought that was pretty clever.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I find Minecraft far more immersive (can't find the right spelling). It's more like I'm actually in a world trying to survive. I'm far more afraid of minecraft zombies than terraria zombies because of it. I feel like terraria is limited a bit. There's a definite end to the world you're given and a definite end game (battle the bosses, get all the phat loots). Massive creations in Minecraft feel massive, while it's not as impressive to build stuff in terraria.

That said, I love all the different crafting options in terraria. I really like the combat, it's very metroid/castlevania.

I like both games, they each have their place.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Keep in mind that Minecraft has a big 'Adventure' update on the way. We need to see how that turns out to get a better comparison of the gameplay between the two.

Funky Flump

New member
Jun 24, 2010
Terraria for me, I like the adventure side a bit more with dungeons and armour and stuff, plus its more fun online IMO AND Its hard to get lost, although might have less playtime!


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Minecraft, but they're really quite different kinds of games and shouldn't really be compared like that.
Sure, they share the random sandbox world and crafting aspects, but they approach them very differently.
Terraria is more about personal progression whereas Minecraft is about tickling your creative gland.


New member
Dec 17, 2008
darksideslayer13 said:
minecraft is a creative game with an action adventure aspect
Terraria is a action adventure game with a creative aspect

I like both but Terraria is my fav

I think the reason people say that Terraria is a Minecraft clone is simply because they just looked at a screenshot.I think it looks that way because that's probably how it started. Then they made it something different.

Edit: Also, Minecraft will probably win this poll because far more people have played it. =D

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
Terraria all the way.

Minecraft allows you to build more complex stuff, I guess. But that's all it is. Building. It's fun enough, but without some sort of goal I fall into a routine and get bored.
Terraria has other things to do. Bosses and loot and such. You can build, sure. You can also make some armour out of hellstone and take on a giant fucking skeleton head with your sword that shoots stars that you found on a floating island.

Honestly, it's pretty much an entirely different game.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
I bought Terraria a week ago and at the moment I want my money back. Compared to Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, the jumping and combat are awful and sluggish. Compared to Minecraft, Terraria is limited in its building aspect simply because it's 2D, although I realize Minecraft's combat is crap as well.

No, I haven't played it for that long, but I haven't seen anything in gameplay videos besides the grappling hook that looks interesting. I'm betting boss battles are going to suck with the sluggish combat.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Lilani said:
Let me get a bit of pent up rage out of my system --

They're both two entirely different games they're both two entirely different games they're both two entirely different games they're both two entirely different games they're both two entirely different games

Terraria is an fast-paced, side scrolling adventure game.

Minecraft is a average-paced, first person make-your-own-fun game.

Both have similar traits, but both shouldn't be though of as two similar games.


Minecraft. Terraria's lasted maybe twenty hours and two weeks, Minecraft has kept me entertained for several months.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
My answer to this was based on the most recent updates to both games. Terraria added a whole new potion crafting element, 50 new items, and 8 new enemies. Minecraft added pistons. Granted minecraft is still a beta, but still

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
They are both amazingly good games / Beta's. But I'd have to go with minecraft, as it just keeps me interested for much, much longer. Terraria just seems like a fight to get the best stuff, then... erm what?

Minecraft is a massive grind, for not much reward, but at the end of the day you, yourself still feel proud of what you've achieved. And i'm only cradled by the knowledge that I have 8x the earth's surface to turn into a massive car park. Happy days.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
both have different merits. Terraria is more focused on more traditional games elements where as minecraft is still filling out its trousers after coming up with a great sandbox start. When they are both finished (yeh terraria is released but way before the developers wanted it to be,) we shall truly be able to grade them against eachother as competing sandbox games


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Terraria for me. I played Minecraft for a few days and never went back to it. I only just got into Terraria and I'm likely to get bored of it too at some point but at this point in time I like it much better then Minecraft.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
Minecraft is a very Creativity focused game, with the massive 3D world, and giant multiplayer servers thrown in. Terraria is a exploring Adventure type game, that rewards the player for doing something other than building. I personally like Terraria better, playing both for my big share of hours. Logging 80+ in Terraria and 120+ in Minecraft. Terraria just has a very efficient way of making the player stay for uh let's say. . . 12 Hours, and Minecraft used to have that appeal but went away in 5. So yeah, Terraria has my vote.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Terraria is better FOR NOW. The only reason being is it has way more content, which really isn't fair because not only is it easier to make on C++ with 2d sprites and no need for 3d renders, but the developers didn't need to buy out a studio building and gather a crew.

Terraria to me just seems like a pet-project, much like minecraft was something Notch merely made to appease himself.

Both are great but Minecraft will take a while to reach Terraria's level, if only because Java sucks and 3d is hard.

Though OP is right saying Terraria is easier on the eyes.

Also, forgot to mention that MC has a much better fanbase with constant mods, texture packs, and tools to provide much more content and better graphics.

Edit: MC does have much higher replay-ability though. Once you've explored all the environments and done everything in Terraria, it just ends there. But in MC, once you've gotten all your diamonds together the game keeps going because you'll continue to build shit. MC's limit is your creativity, while Terraria's is based on how much content the creators can add. Thus, I think I got more for my money buying MC back when it was 12 bucks.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Terraria was great, and I got 60 hours out of it, but that game just dried up dramatically once my and my friend got to the jungle.

Minecraft's 3D aspect allows for more creativity and sense of scale.