Poll: Which Game Do You Think Deserves GOTY?


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
My biggest problem right now is I never played a Witcher game and I don't know if I'll like 3, or if I need to know about 1&2 to enjoy it.
I might have waited to see if Just Cause 3 could have made the list, but the release debacle ruined any chance. It's a shame, Nerd3's videos looked smooth enough.

Bloodborne is a great game, well made, all around just nice. Except for the story which falls flat on it's face. Show don't tell is great until you cross the line into abstract. I'd like a little context with my crazy
side story please. And don't give me that
ending shit.

My pick is MGS V. Yeah, it's unfinished. No, it's not the dev team's fault. Yeah, that final mission would have been pretty fucking sick. Yes, the Blu-Ray thingy did it enough justice by telling us what would have happened. No, it was not alright to not put it on the normal version's disc.
For being unfinished, it certainly is a masterpiece of a game. And it does it's best to tie everything up. The gameplay is fun, the Fulton mechanic gives a whole new dimension on dealing with enemies and having to spare some because they have an A+. The cassettes are great for people like me who can't really sit through a thirty minute cutscene. I can play the tape and go on my next mission at the same time. I love Ocelot even more, it had a nice twist, and it was engaging until the very end.

Arkham Knight was pretty cool, but having to collect 243 collectibles to see the true ending that didn't give closure and the fact that the biggest part of the game was as predictable as it was takes a lot away from it. That, and the Batman Beyond suit wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Driving in the batmobile was fun as hell though.

Fallout 4 was the biggest disappointment of the year. I traded it in already while the value is still high, I'll watch the DLC on youtube. Knowing Beth, I wouldn't get to play it until two weeks after M$ had their fun with it anyway. The only thing I liked about that game was the improved graphics and getting to explore a new piece of land in the Fallout universe. And the latter was bland and disappointing. Oh boy, what's that monstrous sound at the end of the cave. What creatures do we know exist and have models. Is it a Deathclaw? It's probably a Deathclaw. Oh, it was a Deathclaw. Wooo. I'm going back to the Big Empty and don't you fucking follow me.

EDIT: Oh, and I'd like to nominate the Need For Speed Reboot for Worst GOTY.

Chaos Isaac

New member
Jun 27, 2013
I guess I was the only one to find Witcher 3 to be pretty shit.

Spoilt by Dark Souls gameplay, ruined by odd glitches, and laughed at continuity fuck ups.

OH well. That said, I'd probably go with Bloodborne, it's dark atmosphere and new dlc are just all kind of worth it. MGS V was a whole load of boring nothing, though running about the world was fun. Batman is another Batman except without the interesting villains. (No, joker isn't interesting anymore, and none of the boss fights are good.) Got my Fallout 4 on PC and man it so doesn't work well, even though the game is great, I wouldn't give it goty. Though it may in retrospect if it's dlc is super sweet.

In other vote, I'd give it to Undertale for being a out of nowhere awesome fest.

Timeless Lavender

Lord of Chinchilla
Feb 2, 2015
Let me see:

Fallout 4- I never play/care for Bethesda games so I cannot judge it.

Bloodborne: For a person that do not care about Souls games, this is the only one that I am interested in. I love the Gothic-aesthetic and aggressive game play.

The Witcher 3- Even though I like dark fantasy, I am not a fan this series . It looked graphically stunning but it just not my kind of game.

Batman- Never like Batman.

Metal Gear Solid V- Even though the game play seems fun, I cannot say the same for the story.

There are other indie games that I would loved to try out but I may be playing them next year.


Bloodborne is the only game that appeal to me the most. That does not mean it is better than the above choices. I really beginning to lose interest in AAA games. But at least indies will save me. (and some AAA games)


New member
Feb 3, 2010
EHKOS said:
My biggest problem right now is I never played a Witcher game and I don't know if I'll like 3, or if I need to know about 1&2 to enjoy it.
You don't. It helps, but you don't. There are some videos online that can give a quick crash course on the events of the first two games. Three stands on its own reasonably well, though. As evidenced by its significantly stronger sales.

EHKOS said:
Oh boy, what's that monstrous sound at the end of the cave. What creatures do we know exist and have models. Is it a Deathclaw? It's probably a Deathclaw. Oh, it was a Deathclaw. Wooo. I'm going back to the Big Empty and don't you fucking follow me.
I didn't hate Fallout 4, but my word do I ever want to agree with this. I'm getting very tired of the repetition. BoS, every time out. Ghouls and Deathclaws and Super Mutants, every time out. Radscorpions and Molerats, every time out. The same three robots, every time out. We've had five games now and outside of some small regional differences and the occasional flourish, they just keep cannibalizing existing lore and assets.

CHANGE THE FUCKING SETTING. Send us to the UK. Send us to China. Send us to South America. Send us to Canada, or Japan, or Australia. Get some new god damn factions up in here, and some new mutations. Folks will blame Bethesda for their lack of originality, but Obsidian and Black Isle did the same things with Fallout 2 and New Vegas. Just beating the same drum over and over. "It wouldn't be Fallout without the inevitable Deathclaws, Brotherhood Power Armor and cheesy Americana!". Shake it up! For mercy's sake.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
stroopwafel said:
Casual Shinji said:
Dark Souls is an RPG. You can play it in a variety of ways, whether it be a strength, dexterity, magic, miracle, or pyromancy build, or a combination of the sort. Bloodborne gives you the impression of being an RPG, but then basically forces you down a path of action that consists of only melee action and parrying.
Dark Souls is exactly the same though. I agree in theory you can play the game other than melee but it's obvious the game was intended to be played as a melee character. Everything in the game is designed around melee combat from the weighty animations to enemy behavior to the graphic and sound effects.
What's intended or not doesn't matter, the game gives you enough free reign to shape your character in a multitude of ways. And I don't really know what you mean by the graphics and sound effects being designed around melee combat, because the magic has graphics and sound effects. And pretty good ones, too. You even have attires designed around magic users.

The only difference with Bloodborne is that Dark Souls has more useless stats to put your points in. Bloodborne just focuses on the one thing that made the Souls games so great and does that incredibly well instead of diluting the experience with half-assed 'alternative' playstyles(like breaking the game's formula with OP magic). The combat in Bloodborne is much more intense and faster paced than in Dark Souls but it isn't just an action game as stamina management and tactical approaches to enemies are still pivotal to the experience. Though it's more 'fight for your life' instead of baiting for attacks with your shield up. The trick weapons espescially I think are much more imaginative than anything found in Dark Souls.

Bloodborne is an action-RPG just like Dark Souls is but with a much more focused stat distribution system as it's much more confident in what it does best instead of diluting the experience with useless junk.
Then why have the stats at all though? They want to get rid of the clutter? Fine. They want to tighten the focus? Fine. Get rid of the RPG veneer entirely then, because that's really all it amounts to in Bloodborne. It's just sort of there cuz Souls game. It holds little to no bearing on your choice of playstyle, other than 'go heavy', or 'go light'.

And whatever useless junk there is in Dark Souls you can just ignore. Most RPGs have stuff I don't care about, but other players might. That's how RPGs are designed; to have something for everyone, and to allow you to mix and match. Bloodborne, despite being an RPG, doesn't give you that oppertunity. And again, the spells are just handled like ass.

It's a great game nonetheless.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Picked other, because Splatoon. I know it won't be making it onto many GOTY lists, but it will always be GOTY 2015 to me!


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I haven't played many games that were actually released this year so I can't vote, still interesting to see where they stand.

Casual Shinji said:
stroopwafel said:
Casual Shinji said:
Dark Souls is an RPG. You can play it in a variety of ways, whether it be a strength, dexterity, magic, miracle, or pyromancy build, or a combination of the sort. Bloodborne gives you the impression of being an RPG, but then basically forces you down a path of action that consists of only melee action and parrying.
Dark Souls is exactly the same though. I agree in theory you can play the game other than melee but it's obvious the game was intended to be played as a melee character. Everything in the game is designed around melee combat from the weighty animations to enemy behavior to the graphic and sound effects.
What's intended or not doesn't matter, the game gives you enough free reign to shape your character in a multitude of ways. And I don't really know what you mean by the graphics and sound effects being designed around melee combat, because the magic has graphics and sound effects. And pretty good ones, too. You even have attires designed around magic users.

The only difference with Bloodborne is that Dark Souls has more useless stats to put your points in. Bloodborne just focuses on the one thing that made the Souls games so great and does that incredibly well instead of diluting the experience with half-assed 'alternative' playstyles(like breaking the game's formula with OP magic). The combat in Bloodborne is much more intense and faster paced than in Dark Souls but it isn't just an action game as stamina management and tactical approaches to enemies are still pivotal to the experience. Though it's more 'fight for your life' instead of baiting for attacks with your shield up. The trick weapons espescially I think are much more imaginative than anything found in Dark Souls.

Bloodborne is an action-RPG just like Dark Souls is but with a much more focused stat distribution system as it's much more confident in what it does best instead of diluting the experience with useless junk.
Then why have the stats at all though? They want to get rid of the clutter? Fine. They want to tighten the focus? Fine. Get rid of the RPG veneer entirely then, because that's really all it amounts to in Bloodborne. It's just sort of there cuz Souls game. It holds little to no bearing on your choice of playstyle, other than 'go heavy', or 'go light'.

And whatever useless junk there is in Dark Souls you can just ignore. Most RPGs have stuff I don't care about, but other players might. That's how RPGs are designed; to have something for everyone, and to allow you to mix and match. Bloodborne, despite being an RPG, doesn't give you that oppertunity. And again, the spells are just handled like ass.

It's a great game nonetheless.
Bloodborne being limited with playstyles is actually one of the reasons the director came back to do Dark Souls 3

"Because of the character of Bloodborne?s gameplay, its battle style, as well as the role-playing elements, it?s limited compared to the Dark Souls franchise. It doesn?t necessarily mean Bloodborne was bad. However, while working on [it] I realised, I want to [create] something which has a wide range of battle styles, or features magic, or those things which allow players to wear awesome armour. Those elements are what actually made me come [back] to the Dark Souls franchise." -Hidetaka Miyazaki


New member
Jul 25, 2011
jhoroz said:
Casual Shinji said:
It's still a fine game, but in the shadow of Dark Souls...
In the shadow of what? Dark Souls being an overrated piece of shit?

I'm really baffled when people complain about the lack of variety in weapons and environment. The core combat of DS always basically boiled down to two handing a melee weapon, rolling out the way and wailing on the enemy. BB basically capitalized on that. Yeah there's spellcasting and archery, but they've always been god awful mechanics. I'm glad Bloodborne decided to focus less on them. BB has also a much more specific theme when it comes to environments, and it still has more atmosphere and dread than Dark Soul: Prepare to Play Unfinished Edition and Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First DLC. Give me the tightly designed atmospheric quality of Demon's Souls and Bloodborne over anything in either Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2. Artorias of the Abyss is the only piece of content I genuinely love in Dark Souls, the rest I can take it or leave it.
Gonna be third here. And I'm firmly in the "DS2 is better" camp. Anyone that thinks that doublehanding is the only way to play really has either gotten too scared, or is not gud enough at the game to do anything else. Hell, most people Havel/Towershield's it up on their first run. But melee alone, there's at least a dozen viable weapons you can take through the entire game you can get pretty easily from Firelink, with another dozen or so types that have countless specific entries throughout the rest of the game.

There's something like a hundred different sets of armor/clothing that you can mix and match if you want to make your own hodge-podge, since if you get good enough armor sorta becomes an afterthought since specific rings/items are the only thing really needed for some places.

Hell, I've run through the game five times, the only time I've had similar playstyles at all was because I couldn't pass up Ornstein's spear(I love that damn thing so much) anymore on my most recent playthrough. I've done Pyro Duelist, Pure Mage, even tried a bow only(don't do it unless you REALLY hate yourself, it turned into the Ornstein mkII playthrough pretty quickly), even did a Mr.Fisty. Every run the game was different in some way. Havel was easy with the magic playthroughs, but really didn't have much use for his stuff. Spear runs once I got Ornstein's soul were a cakewalk, especially against Four Kings but Discharge was a pain in the ass. Hell, I've been trying to do the Dragon Covenant for the better part of a year too, but PvP has largely swapped to DS2 because it's better.

Dark Souls you can even play alot like Bloodborne if you want to, just crank up Endurance and rush for the Grass Crest Shield, don't even have to ever use it if you want, just have it equipped. Only downside is that you don't have armor(and while armor doesn't really matter, as fashion souls shows, not having any armor is noticeable in the damage you take early game). Going from Deprived, it really only takes to level 30 or so to do it, which is pretty early on in the game.

Hell, there's people talking about the game being obviously melee focused from the devs perspective. And I'll agree, but as I said, you've got a dozen weapon types with a dozen each that all have their own moveset that appeal to alot of people. Some liked clubs and maces, others rapiers and estoc, so much was viable to play the game if you wanted. BB I only found the Cane to be enjoyable to use, since it gave you options, every other weapon was just too heavy and slow for how I like to play or even lower range somehow. Blades of Mercy are ok, but just...feel like you're doing nothing.

Hero of Lime said:
Picked other, because Splatoon. I know it won't be making it onto many GOTY lists, but it will always be GOTY 2015 to me!
Whoo-hoo, didn't care for Splatoon myself, but it is nice to see something from Nintendo be talked about here!


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
FPLOON post="9.885538.22357702" said:
FPLOON post="9.884836.22333122" said:
GOTY: Tales of Zestiria

Biggest Disappointment: I haven't played Tales of Zestiria yet...

Well, shit... This is [still] a conundrum... Uh... I guess you say 2015 was pretty uneventful for me in the realm of new video games...
But, FPLOON, didn't your best friend give you a copy of Undertale for your birthday not long before you bought the game Highschool Romance during Steam's "AUTUMN SALE!" event? Surely, you can make a "Top 3"-like list with those games, right? ...Right?

Other than that, I really haven't played any games that have come out in 2015, at least... yet, I own three 2015 game copies...
FPLOON's right, FPLOON... I mean, you've played none of the games listed on that poll, let alone own a copy, outside of "Other"... I say your options are very limited right now... With that said, are you still going to be buying that Wii U? I hear Splatoon's worth the purchase... ;p

Other than that, I will not retract my original GOTY comment...


some asshole made me set this up
Jul 31, 2009
Nintendo Badge Arcade! It so awesome what with basically being an ad for every nintendo game they release and everything, plus the bunny is nintendo's best character yet

ok seriously though out of that list The Witcher 3 is the clear winner for me, with Bloodborne in second

... the bunny's still awesome

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
FPLOON said:
Other than that, I really haven't played any games that have come out in 2015, at least... yet, I own three 2015 game copies...
FPLOON's right, FPLOON... I mean, you've played none of the games listed on that poll, let alone own a copy, outside of "Other"... I say your options are very limited right now... With that said, are you still going to be buying that Wii U? I hear Splatoon's worth the purchase... ;p

Other than that, I will not retract my original GOTY comment...[/quote]

Yes, Splatoon is worth every penny. Listen to FPLOON FPLOON, and get Splatoon. Even if you don't have a Wii U, get Splatoon anyway. You will most likely be entertained by the box art for at least 14 hours, 15 if you concentrate enough.

Edit: Probably should have previewed what this post would look like. I really messed up the quotes. Though that still does not mean you should not get Splatoon FPLOON.

This post has a lot of OOs in it.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Hero of Lime said:
FPLOON said:
FPLOON post="9.885538.22357702" said:
FPLOON post="9.884836.22333122" said:
GOTY: Tales of Zestiria

Biggest Disappointment: I haven't played Tales of Zestiria yet...

Well, shit... This is [still] a conundrum... Uh... I guess you say 2015 was pretty uneventful for me in the realm of new video games...
But, FPLOON, didn't your best friend give you a copy of Undertale for your birthday not long before you bought the game Highschool Romance during Steam's "AUTUMN SALE!" event? Surely, you can make a "Top 3"-like list with those games, right? ...Right?

Other than that, I really haven't played any games that have come out in 2015, at least... yet, I own three 2015 game copies...
FPLOON's right, FPLOON... I mean, you've played none of the games listed on that poll, let alone own a copy, outside of "Other"... I say your options are very limited right now... With that said, are you still going to be buying that Wii U? I hear Splatoon's worth the purchase... ;p

Other than that, I will not retract my original GOTY comment...
Yes, Splatoon is worth every penny. Listen to FPLOON FPLOON, and get Splatoon. Even if you don't have a Wii U, get Splatoon anyway. You will most likely be entertained by the box art for at least 14 hours, 15 if you concentrate enough.

Edit: Probably should have previewed what this post would look like. I really messed up the quotes. Though that still does not mean you should not get Splatoon FPLOON.

This post has a lot of OOs in it.
See, FPLOON? You should get Splatoon... and I can see you buying a Wii U over there! Don't forget to add Splatoon into that digital cart as well!

And yes, there are a lot of OOs... Like 20 in this entire reply-post alone... :p

Pete Oddly

New member
Nov 19, 2009
My vote goes to Tales From the Borderlands, even though the first episode was released in 2014.

The main reason for this is that I have played a grand total of four new games this year, due to budgetary concerns, and while I loved TellTale's Game of Thrones, and I am having much more fun with (and sinking more time into) Fallout 4, Tales From the Borderlands was just so fucking good. It was funny, tragic, well written and very well acted. I've even put off playing the final episode because I don't want the game to be over yet.

So yeah, my vote goes to Tales From the Borderlands.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
To me, it is The Witcher 3, without a doubt. It is the only game to have come out this year that really exceeded my expectations and that was also a large improvement over the previous titles in the series.

Fallout 4 was fine; I enjoyed it, but it was largely more of the same.

I was super hyped for MGSV and was let down hard...

I've played a few other titles this year, but Witcher 3 is still the only game that really stood out for me this year.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Mad Max - a beautifull huge wasteland, a upgrade system for bases, Max (clothing, abilities) and your car. Brutal fights, fun car combat and much worth exploring. While collecting scrap wasn't a highlight the designers really deserve a medal for creating all those places.

Dying Light was great too.

I fear that Witcher and Fallout have to wait until next year, my purse is too small this month.

Edit: *to small*


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Fallout 4 all the way for me, with an honorable mention to Life is Strange.

Other than that i don't even know if the games I played this year were even released in 2015.
Jan 27, 2011
I had to laugh at some of the contenders on that poll.

Fallout 4 - It just came out a few weeks ago TOPS so there's no way everyone's seen enough content yet and is still buggy as hell. How could it be GOTY already, outside of the hypenado?
Bloodborne - Maybe, although I hear it's not as good as the Souls games, sooo...
Witcher - Maybe, I hear mostly great things about it.
Batman - Arkham Knight - ...PHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA! Sure I'll give it a gold trophy. Oh wait, I gave it a turd instead? Hang on, I'll patch the gold trophy part in once I'm done with the DLC.
Metal Gear Solid V - Maybe, but I hear the ending just falls apart and feels unfinished.

My top picks would be:

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - Fantastic gameplay, tight controls, tons of content, great co-op, more accessible than ever without dumbing it down, fun characters, and more strategic planning with stuff like Palico team setup and other things? Definitely a contender IMO.

UnderTale - DUDE. This game broke storytelling and "developers think of everything" barriers in totally novel ways, the gameplay is nifty and innovative, and it's got excellent writing and characters. TOTALLY up there this year IMO.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
I am not sure. I have only played 3 games this year for any significant amount of time (MGSV, Undertale, and The Witcher 3, which I am currently deep in the middle of), and I love all three. Asking me to choose between them is like asking me to choose between one of my children. XD
Jan 27, 2011
BreakfastMan said:
I am not sure. I have only played 3 games this year for any significant amount of time (MGSV, Undertale, and The Witcher 3, which I am currently deep in the middle of), and I love all three. Asking me to choose between them is like asking me to choose between one of my children. XD
I am reminded of the town of Overlook from Borderlands 2. The one with the Crusher? "Hyperion would like to congratulate mrs ???? on the birth of her twins, and wishes her luck choosing which one to keep!"

Fodder Aplenty

New member
Nov 3, 2011
Tales from the borderlands is a fantastic game, and people should give it a go even if they're not a fan of the borderlands series.