Poll: Which is worse Final Fantasy X-2,12 or 13?


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Gizmo1990 said:
Manji187 said:
Gizmo1990 said:
As much as I disliked most of X-2 (all that YRP crap did my head in) I like the happy bonus ending you get at the end that most people wanted at the end of X so I can forgive the rest.
Whoa...can a bonus ending really do that? I haven't played the game myself, but I've seen Spoony (Noah Antwiler) rant about it and it seems there is plenty of cringeworthy stuff in that game.

EDIT: As for me I played, but didn't finish, FF XII. It's a long game and it managed to entertain me for a while, even though it has its issues.

I haven't played XIII, but I don't want to either. Spending around 20 hours before the game actually gets good, is not my idea of fun. Also, even if it's half the corridor-fest that I've heard it to be, I still wouldn't play it.
Perhaps forgive is not the right word. More like ignore. I can ignore the rest.
You didn't find that the game was or specific moments in the game were cringeworthy? First time you had to give the "badguy" a massage for instance, what did you think about that?


New member
Sep 22, 2009
I liked X-2 because I liked the fact that all three of the girls had their own take on each of the classes.

The music was to my taste at the time and so were the girls, I was about 14 when it came out. So yeah.

I enjoyed XII because. Well, it was fun.

I enjoy the story (not finished) I like the combat, I like the chains, I like the Licence System, I like the special moves, I like the characters. It's fun. I can't give you any more. It really just doesn't have any problems for me (that's a lie, I felt the espers were under-powered).

XIII was bad. I disliked the combat, leveling, characters, l'cie/fal'cie/wait'n'cie etc., I didn't get far enough in to the story to form an opinion.
I also hated the way it kept changing back and forth between all these different people continually with people.
Also, if you've got a cut scene waiting at the end of a 50m road, just put them together and take out the road.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
13 was the worst in my opinion.

To be honest I actually thoroughly enjoyed 12. I liked its gameplay, the expansiveness, and its overall design (didn't care much for the story, mind).

X-2 also fell really short in the story, and even moreso in the characters, but it had really well-designed and strategic gameplay.

13... I didn't like one thing about it. I didn't like the story, the characters, the combat, the linearity, or really anything. I could go into a lot more detail of why I really didn't enjoy this game, but I'll leave it at this.


New member
May 21, 2009
X-2, with little competition, though even it isn't that bad.

XII is one of the best games in the series, giving us a grounded if a bit underwhelming and predictable plot, a unique storytelling perspective (the main character isn't important), and what is probably the most refreshing and fun gameplay in the series. It takes the MMO style and makes it actually work, with Gambits actually feeling like natural helping hands that eliminates that boring parts of the game while still forcing you to focus in tough engagements. There are a few flaws, but over all XII is probably the 3rd or fourth best Final Fantasy in the series.

XIII is linear to the point that even straight lines start to complain. I dislike not having control over my other party members, but it was fun. The Battle system does have a lot of depth to it and it creates an interesting world. While about half the cast starts out as people you want to punch in the mouth, by the end they've almost all grown up and become enjoyable people (except Snow, who remains a little bit annoying from beginning to end, never too much, but still). It's plot is...a little disappointing, but the character moments are really quite excellent, and the sense of desperation that these characters have really comes through.

X-2 has a dumb premise, makes most of the content side quests, and while the Garment Grid/Dress Sphere system is an excellent take on the classic job system, the execution just isn't there. The battle system is too grindy, too slow, too meh in the end. It's still ok, but by the time I reached the end (because i DID the sidequests), I had been ready for the game to be over for a few hours.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
FFXII. What a horrific game, what a horrifically un-final fantasy game.

Dull characters, boring plot, lame summons, terrible battle system, ugly graphics and endless frustration.

I got to the very end of the game, the last boss, and I hated this game so much I gave up and never played it again. I'm not saying I couldn't beat the last boss I'm saying I just did not want to spend one more second on the game and did not give a shit about how it ended. I still to this day have no idea or care to find out.

So so terrible.

FFX-2 isn't really that bad. People just get butthurt about all the silly girly girl nonsense. The game is decent and there are alot of sidequests to keep you occupied.

FFXIII from what I've played is pretty enjoyable even with linearity. The characters seem interesting and the dialogue is also fairly good. Plus it looks great. I will purchase it in the near future.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
never played 13 or X-2 but I did play a bit of X I HATED Tidus for being whiny (even by JRPG standards) so I would say X-2


New member
Sep 4, 2010
Thaius said:
I haven't played X-2 enough to judge, but XII was incredibly worse than XIII. Gameplay wasn't bad, but I did actually prefer XIII's battle system. The thing that really killed XII though, and the thing at which XIII actually excels, is interesting characters with good development and genuinely emotional issues between them. XII had none. None at all. A couple characters were mildly interesting (and the most interesting was never actually a playable character, and the fact that I don't even remember his name says something), and most got no real development whatsoever. XIII, on the other hand, had some fantastic character drama between well-developed and interesting characters. The metanarrative was kind of weak, but good characters can make up for a weak narrative far more easily than a good narrative can make up for bad characters.

Honestly, I don't understand the hate on Hope. He watched his mother die. If that doesn't give a child good enough reason to have emotional issues, I don't freaking know what does. Seriously.
Please explain to me how Snow and Sarah's relationship was in any way deep and meaninful? It was given in bit sized flash-backs that were bright and shiny, with an effort to be romantic... but almost like the people developing it actually had NO IDEA how relationships progress or exist after unfolding. I thought their relationship was such a loose motivational string and every time they brought it up (which was often), I felt like screaming.

Also, as for Hope, his responses always felt inappropriate in the first portion of the game. I recognize this was a situation of him developing as a character, but that still didn't matter to me. If he was really that emotional, why didn't he lash out like a normal child his age would? I just think they missed the mark for how the appropriateness of his replies.

As for me, it goes: X-2, XIII, XII. As for XII, I found that I could actually enjoy it if I made certain mental rules for myself when I went through it. There were so many problems I had with it, such as them KILLING OFF MY GODDAMN FAVORITE CHARACTERS RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING! And the system was at first confusing, and then later kind of limiting, and the channeling thing was never explained very intuitively, and the protagonist doesn't particularly have a strong motivation for being there in the first place, but I actually really liked the personalities of the supporting cast and the areas were varied enough that I enjoyed grinding.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
XIII was meh, finished it and I didn't hate it, which is about the best thing I can say about it.

X-2 I really enjoyed. It was camp and very silly and that is what I found appealing about it. It was not serious, it was not meant to be serious and it did what it set out to do, just be entertaining.

Which brings me to XII, a turd of a game. I really hated this game, the only FF game I can say that about. It was just bad, in nearly everyway. The only parts I liked about the game were the setting (the cities were fantastic to walk around) and Fran and Balthier, they were two good characters who seemed to wonder into the wrong game. In fact what makes it worse that two good characters were wasted in this game and even more infuriating is that they play second fiddle to Vaan. I've never finished the game and I never will.

So XII is by far the worse in my books, by a long long way.


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
For me XII was by far the worst as it didn't really feel like a Final Fantasy game. Like it or not, FF games have always been a case of "Random bunch of misfits take on the world and win" where as in XII it felt more like "The world is happening around the misfits". Combined with the annoying Espers system and the really shitty licencing board, I can't think of a worse way to do an FF.

X-2 I liked as I enjoyed the battle system a lot (best one since the Playstation was released) and I'm not one to ***** about fanservice.

XIII I liked a lot more the second time I completed it. While I'm not that big a fan of the combat, I enjoyed the story and I'm weird in the fact I love linier games so I was in heaven.

Thaius said:
Honestly, I don't understand the hate on Hope. He watched his mother die. If that doesn't give a child good enough reason to have emotional issues, I don't freaking know what does. Seriously.
This is the other reason why I'm a big fan of XIII and think its a much smarter game then people realise. Each of the characters is a standard RPG archetype and then shows the problems that would cause and the issues they'd have. Vanielle is your typical Genki Girl, but inly because she's covering up her own fears and troubles. Snow acts like the main character in pretty much any game you could name and causes nothing but trouble. Hope shows how your typical kid in those situations would act and Fang asks what would happen if the powerful, amnesiac hero decided to screw heroics.

Fiery Killer

New member
Dec 25, 2010
I think people ***** about XIII way too much, it was simply continuing the same thing that Final Fantasy has been doing since X(which you can't really blame them. It's not like the formula was exactly 'failing.'). Hell, I think XIII is the best one since IX.

OT: I haven't played XII, but I'd say XIII is better than X-2.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
X-2 was the worst, with 13 in a close second. I disagree with you claiming 12 wasn't a good game, though. It is by far my favorite FF game ever. It didn't have any of that emo crap that plagued the series since 3. Also, the spectacular combat change and sidequests made that game one of my favorite PS2 games.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
They're all equally shit. And every new sequel just sucks harder and harder. Square clearly doesn't want players to PLAY, just WATCH. The only logical conclusion from here now is another movie that has nothing to do with the Final Fantasy mythos.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
The formation of square enix ruined the series please stop buying these games, stop encouraging them please. I bought 12 gave it a go for about 20 or 30 hours trailing around varying maps with loads of tedious battles with no plot development.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
I actually really enjoyed the gameplay mechanics of X-2. It was very much the spiritual successor to FFV. Yeah, the story was garbage, but I was willing to ignore it and just enjoy the game.

12 and 13... They were both trash for different reasons, but I think 13 was probably worse. At least 12 had great art direction going for it. 13 had the misfortune of being both terrible and generic-looking.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Well i personally wasnt a fan of X, way too linear for my liking, probably the most linear ff game that i can think of off the top of my head, not bad, just kinda limiting.

And i liked XII, ok yes there were the star wars comparisions all over the place, but it though it was a good game and while i can see why people dislike it, i dont see why its called the worst of the lot. Its probably the ff ive played the most besides 7, 8 and the original.

As for XIII, well i tend to hold this up as a prime example of games that take far too long getting started as dear lordi it took me hours to get through that opening section...
Oh and i wanted to shoot hope for been almost an emo parody.
But thats more disliking the team than the game.

As for X-2, for the life of me i cant see how anyone likes it, im not even sure where some of the stuff comes from, like paine, still have no idea where the fudge they picked her up from (can anyone enlighten me here?).
Also, i will admit, i never finished it as i got lost at one point, leveled up twice and found myself getting slaughtered by enemies, apparently by level 40 most enemies are harder than the final boss...
I know its one of the more popular of the series, but to me its badly designed (who has an rpg where your almost punished for leveling up), a story that was almost embaressing to listen to in parts and as a whole just seemed kinda pointless to me as i didnt think a whole lotreally happened, but as i said i only got close to the end, so stuff could go down right near the end for all i know. But i think the fact its the only main ff game ive never finished shows something, even if its only for me.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
Manji187 said:
Gizmo1990 said:
Manji187 said:
Gizmo1990 said:
As much as I disliked most of X-2 (all that YRP crap did my head in) I like the happy bonus ending you get at the end that most people wanted at the end of X so I can forgive the rest.
Whoa...can a bonus ending really do that? I haven't played the game myself, but I've seen Spoony (Noah Antwiler) rant about it and it seems there is plenty of cringeworthy stuff in that game.

EDIT: As for me I played, but didn't finish, FF XII. It's a long game and it managed to entertain me for a while, even though it has its issues.

I haven't played XIII, but I don't want to either. Spending around 20 hours before the game actually gets good, is not my idea of fun. Also, even if it's half the corridor-fest that I've heard it to be, I still wouldn't play it.
Perhaps forgive is not the right word. More like ignore. I can ignore the rest.
You didn't find that the game was or specific moments in the game were cringeworthy? First time you had to give the "badguy" a massage for instance, what did you think about that?
Honestly I forgot about that. I probebly died a little inside. In my head Final Fantasy X ends and then after the credits the bonus ending from X-2 happens. The actual game and everything before the bonus ending did not happen in my head. If I ever beat X and want to see that ending I just load the save file I have that is just before the end boss fight.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Gizmo1990 said:
Manji187 said:
Gizmo1990 said:
Manji187 said:
Gizmo1990 said:
As much as I disliked most of X-2 (all that YRP crap did my head in) I like the happy bonus ending you get at the end that most people wanted at the end of X so I can forgive the rest.
Whoa...can a bonus ending really do that? I haven't played the game myself, but I've seen Spoony (Noah Antwiler) rant about it and it seems there is plenty of cringeworthy stuff in that game.

EDIT: As for me I played, but didn't finish, FF XII. It's a long game and it managed to entertain me for a while, even though it has its issues.

I haven't played XIII, but I don't want to either. Spending around 20 hours before the game actually gets good, is not my idea of fun. Also, even if it's half the corridor-fest that I've heard it to be, I still wouldn't play it.
Perhaps forgive is not the right word. More like ignore. I can ignore the rest.
You didn't find that the game was or specific moments in the game were cringeworthy? First time you had to give the "badguy" a massage for instance, what did you think about that?
Honestly I forgot about that. I probebly died a little inside. In my head Final Fantasy X ends and then after the credits the bonus ending from X-2 happens. The actual game and everything before the bonus ending did not happen in my head. If I ever beat X and want to see that ending I just load the save file I have that is just before the end boss fight.
Heh...I think I know what you mean. For me, Metroid: Other M did NOT happen even if they say it's canon.