Poll: Which is worse Final Fantasy X-2,12 or 13?


New member
Oct 3, 2010
keeperols said:
Koroviev said:
Didn't have much fun with XII and, consequently, didn't finish it. X-2 is pretty bad. Haven't even tried XIII as I've read time and again that one has limited control of battle outcomes.
That couldn't be further from the truth.
For example i was playing just yesterday and was going around completing all the stone missions, some are pretty hard, this one in particular was game over about 3 or 4 times in a row, just by slightly changing little bits of my tactics i managed to finally kill him. Another nice thing is when you die from that you don't have to reset to the last save point, (which was only 20 feet away anyways) but you do lose all the items you spent by taking this shortcut to respawning. (Just like doing an end game dungeon boss fight in an MMO, fight, fail, change tactics, repeat until you can walk thru it..)
Well, that doesn't sound so bad. Might give it a try as a friend owns it.

Alaster Angelo

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Jul 12, 2010
12 is my favorite Final Fantasy. It had an expansive world, an interesting story, and one of my favorite villains in a Final Fantasy game. The battle system was so much more innovative and fun to me than X, 6, and 7 (the FF games I had played before 12).

13 was... pretty. It had good graphics, and the best character character development I've seen in a FF game. Unfortunately that's all it really has, I didn't care for the overall story and me and the battle system were never on good terms.

I quit X-2. I don't recall why, but it says something that I quit it.


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May 15, 2011
X-2. I don't have anything good to say about this game. I rolled my eyes so many times I had constant headaches. The story just kept teasing me about Tidus's fate and I already was completely satisfied with the way FFX ended. So I quit the game and tried to completely forget that it existed.

FF12 was alright from a gameplay perspective. The way the world was laid out was really awesome, maybe the best in the series for me, but the license system and the combat system were kinda meh. The thing that killed XII for me were the characters though. Why is Vaan in the party? Why? He is irrelevant. All the other party members think he's an idiot and so do I... so why? The other party members were ok I guess, but besides Fran and Balthier why were they even together? There was just no chemistry, no bonding, and no purpose for this group of people to be trying to save the kingdom.

FF13 is the only one of these game I actually enjoyed. Although that only really happened in about the last 10 hours. The combat system was fun at times, and other times it was just button-mashing to get through quickly. The character development was linear but not nearly as much as the world. Terrible terrible lazy world design. But in the end the characters were very compelling and interesting. So at the end of the game when all the story-lines wrap up, I felt satisfied in the way only a Final Fantasy game can make you feel.

But yeah I would take X, 9, 8 over any of these any day.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
In my opinion, out of the three mentioned, XII was the worst.

XII was decent if I was watching someone else play. I tried to give it a chance (about 3 really) and I couldn't bring myself to enjoy it. Revenant Wings (even though it's not in question) on the other hand? I actually enjoyed that one 10x more.

I'm a XIII supporter. XIII was good.
X-2? I'm on the fence. Sometimes it was good, sometimes I wanted to shoot myself.

Aiden Raine

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Oct 3, 2011
personally, I do not believe that there has been a good FF game since VI (excluding IX and XI). asking which one of the other games is worse is almost like asking if I would rather be shot, stabbed, eaten by flesh eating beetles, or tossed out an airlock without a space suit.


New member
May 15, 2011
shrekfan246 said:
Balthier as the main character instead
This would have made this game for me. It probably would be my favorite Final Fantasy if this were the case.

Vaan shouldn't even have been in the party and should have been replaced with a cactuar instead.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I didn't play x-2 but man I really friggin hated 13. Terrible game, the story was just...awful. Couldn't make myself play it enough to even beat the game, and I really didn't give a damn for how boring it was.


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Jul 5, 2011
I liked 12, mainly because the series at least tried to explore a new direction. Despite the inclusion of Vahn and Penelo, the cast was all around enjoyable and almost completely devoid of anime stereotypes. The story's focus on political undertones was also very refreshing. Far better than the tired "angsty misfit bitches and moans then eventually saves planet" crap. It felt like an unofficial sequel to Vagrant Story, one of Squares more underrated gems.

13 was a gigantic step backwards. The cast was completely unlikable, the story was convoluted and pretentious, the dialogue was laughably bad and obnoxious, and the game practically played itself. Minimal exploration with the exception of certain segments much later on in the game, far past the point in which I gave a damn, with the only redeeming factor being the graphics. It bored me to the point in which I wished that the series would end with this game. Imagine my surprise when I found out that some monkey in Square Enix's creative department thought it would be a great idea to release a sequel to this game.

I'm crossing my fingers that it will end up bankrupting the company (almost like FF14), but I know there are more than enough blind fanboys that will support 13-2 and hail it as the next coming of Christ.

FFX-2 was unnecessary but at the same time, it had its good qualities. The story was absolute shite, but the combat system was pretty enjoyable. It was one of those games that I regretted purchasing seconds after watching the opening cinematic. Somehow, despite the bland overall feel and the gagging stupidity of the characters, I managed to press on and beat it. The conclusion was not worth the boredom I experienced during the majority of the cutscenes, regardless of the enjoyable combat. Plus, the bulk of the actual gameplay content was tacked on mini-games. None of which particularly held my interest for too long.

So all things considered, I'd say 13 is the one I enjoyed the least with FFX-2 as a close second. FFX-2 is still bad, but I would still consider playing the game if the cutscenes and all the useless mini games were removed. You couldn't pay me to experience FF13 again. I'd rather sniff glue.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
I'd have to say X-2 in that a lot of it just didn't make sense.

ON another note, I don't quite understand the hate for FFXIII. Personally I love it....the linearity I'll admit did kill the feel of a Final Fantasy game, but otherwise it was beautifully done. Characters, scnenery, battles, story, etc.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
I f I was a final fanboy/girl (and those are different from real fans mind you) I would say that all but FFVII sucks and then go buy the next one coming out and say it sucks to.
Don't Rinse,Never Wash,repeat


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Mar 10, 2009
Vivi22 said:
FFXII was honestly the best FF since IX as far as I'm concerned. It had an incredible world, great gameplay, and was a much needed breath of fresh air for the series.

FFX-2 had a great battle system and not a whole lot else going for it.
I agree with you on XII and X-2, XIII not so much, I actually enjoyed it a lot despite it having a fair number of faults.

Not much else to say besides that I guess...


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
RookwoodX said:
shrekfan246 said:
Balthier as the main character instead
This would have made this game for me. It probably would be my favorite Final Fantasy if this were the case.

Vaan shouldn't even have been in the party and should have been replaced with a cactuar instead.
Indeed. And so that I don't get a low content warning, thank you for a good laugh at the cactuar comment.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
Only two aspects about X-2 that I liked. One, got to beat the crap out of the main villian who is very similar to a certain character from X who needed a good beating (trying to be spoiler free here). Two, giant death robot that can only be controlled by playing apocalyptic organ music. Not going to lie, awesome. Other than that, it is basically the only FF game where i felt I did not get my moneys worth. Too girly. If the game was just to support "girl power" I guess I could give a single half-enthused air fist for the cause, but it went way too far into that zone. Between the three, i would label X-2 as the worst.

XII was just....weird. Not necessarily bad. The heroes were kind of bland except for Balthier. Maybe its all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, or maybe because he sees life as one grand story with him as the main character. That and he prefers when fate/luck/god is against him, and as someone who has bad luck i felt an immediate affinity for him. Vaan....dear lord Vaan. this recreation of a certain scene basically sums him up.

Vaan: you killed my brother!
Baasch: no i didnt, my evil twin brother did!
Vaan: evil twin brother? even though he is clean shaven and you clearly have a beard?
Baasch: yes
Vaan: awesome, let's be best friends.
Baasch: rock on.

Combat system was fun until you could literally program the game to play for you at the end. Story was the really weird part. It felt like i was merely an observer rather than a crucial character. Vayne was a little bit different from the usual villians in that you could argue that his main goal is actually for the greater benefit for mankind. Well, until he screwed it up that is.

Vayne: im trying to free mankind from being controlled like puppets.....
Me: well that is a somewhat noble goal
Vayne:....so i can take over the world.
THUD! (sound of my head hitting the desk)

That, and i did not realize that i was at the end of the game until i realized i was fighting the final boss. I thought there was something more to the story as it was building up this epic showdown between two empires that NEVER HAPPENED. Oh, and in the begining of the game all of the invading soldiers were basically jerks to the citizens of conquered nations. Then when a giant object is falling from the sky threatening to destroy this nation, these previous jerks all line up in hopes that their bones will absorb the impact and save the nation. Not for moral reasons mind you, but rather it seems for "how dare something/someone try to destroy/liberate this nation that we hate!" reasons.

Maybe im a bit weird, but i did give the game a lot of points for one aspect in particular. Its armor design. Sweet lord did they have amazing armor. Oh, and give Ashe voice actor some decaf. When i need to read english subtitles to understand what she says in english because she speaks too fast, something is wrong. I do like 'ye olde english' voices in the game as well.

Went a bit too far with XII so ill keep XIII short. Liked Snow, Hope, Lightning, and Saaz. Vanille most annoying character to ever exist. Hope because his personality changes quite a bit, which is a bit rare in games. V1 is all mopy and a momma's boy, V2 is your typical teenage angst, and V3 dances with butterflies and sings with the birds telling everyone how great life is. Combat i really liked....well towards the end of the game at least. 30+ hour tutorial before they take the training bra off for combat is a bit silly. We are humans, not trees. Up the pace a little bit. Liked the story and the moral dilemma. Do you sacrifice yourself to become a mindless monster to save a group of people who generally hate you on every level possible and try to kill you or do you commit genocide and save yourself. Game is Too linear. Despite all of the flaws (and there are many) i still liked the game. That and Lightning is one of my favorite female characters (although Demon Lord Etna from Disgaea is still my fav).


New member
Jan 27, 2011
XIII. The only main party member I actually liked at all was Snow, and that was a sort of "fair weather" relationship because I wanted to stab my eyes out when he started whining about Serah.

After that, X-2. I couldn't get over the fact that they girlified the class change system to "dress spheres" because clearly girls can't get into anything as macho as "CLASS CHANGE" (oh I can literally see the machismo pouring out of those words) and it all went downhill from there. I liked Baralai, though. And Gippal.

I didn't really play much of XII. I have it, I just couldn't get into it the first time I played it. It wasn't for a lack of liking it, but the license system threw me off and I never went back. I should, it was pretty at least...


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Gizmo1990 said:
As much as I disliked most of X-2 (all that YRP crap did my head in) I like the happy bonus ending you get at the end that most people wanted at the end of X so I can forgive the rest.
Whoa...can a bonus ending really do that? I haven't played the game myself, but I've seen Spoony (Noah Antwiler) rant about it and it seems there is plenty of cringeworthy stuff in that game.

EDIT: As for me I played, but didn't finish, FF XII. It's a long game and it managed to entertain me for a while, even though it has its issues.

I haven't played XIII, but I don't want to either. Spending around 20 hours before the game actually gets good, is not my idea of fun. Also, even if it's half the corridor-fest that I've heard it to be, I still wouldn't play it.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Easily 13. Not a single likeable character, rubbish story, none of the trademark side-quests / activities that FF is known for (at least not until 20+ hours into it).

The other two were terrible as well, but I was able to tolerate them enough to finish them, 13 will never be finished by me.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
Manji187 said:
Gizmo1990 said:
As much as I disliked most of X-2 (all that YRP crap did my head in) I like the happy bonus ending you get at the end that most people wanted at the end of X so I can forgive the rest.
Whoa...can a bonus ending really do that? I haven't played the game myself, but I've seen Spoony (Noah Antwiler) rant about it and it seems there is plenty of cringeworthy stuff in that game.

EDIT: As for me I played, but didn't finish, FF XII. It's a long game and it managed to entertain me for a while, even though it has its issues.

I haven't played XIII, but I don't want to either. Spending around 20 hours before the game actually gets good, is not my idea of fun. Also, even if it's half the corridor-fest that I've heard it to be, I still wouldn't play it.
Perhaps forgive is not the right word. More like ignore. I can ignore the rest.