Poll: Which would you choose to save?


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I'd do in the 100.

Though if by "close" you mean "family" and not "people I like" I might just let them both die...


New member
Jul 21, 2010
10 ppl closest to me. If:
a) They work it out correctly who are my closest friends
b) If they manage to pick 10 in the first place ¬¬


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I'd offer my own life to save everyone.

Fine, that wasn't an option. I don't know. I typically make gut decisions. So it's hard for me to imagine what I'd do. I'm more interested in who this malevelont force thinks are the ten people closest to me, because I don't think I know. Hell, I'd say there's a good chance that room of ten people would be empty for me.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Easy answer 10 people closest to me, I'd then tell them about the decision I made and we'd hunt this sicko down. Yes i will feel guilty of killing 100 people BUT I saved my closest people under difficult circumstances and that will be a huge comfort to me.
Also on another note I HATE the term needs of the many outweight the needs of the few. Maybe so from a purely statistical viewpoint but what is far more important is WHO those people are. The needs of the many is a morally bankrupt system where people become meaningless numbers and not individuals with their own characters with their own virtues and flaws. Sometimes even 1 person can be worth a hell of a lot more then 1 thousand. Therefore it would be a case of save my family and best friends or save 100 people who could be the scum of the Earth.
May 5, 2010
chickencow said:
imacharginmehlaz0r said:
chickencow said:
Ugh, you people disgust me beyond belief. I would choose to save the 100 strangers. All because I don't know them personally, but that doesn't mean they are less important than the 10 people closest to me.
"blahbiddy blah blah i like to pretend to be a big person because

we're all selfish and unless your some form of minister, your just as selfish.

OT:10 people easily. my friends helped me through some tough times and will continue to do so hopefully. and i care about them more then my own family.
"Blahbiddy blah blah I am a pretentious social introvert who's views on everything are automatically right and anyone who has a different opinion is wrong."
Hey! I can use images, too!

Can't we all just get along?

Anyway....Yeah, probably the 10 people. What can I say? It's human nature.



New member
Apr 14, 2009
I don't give a shit about strangers.
EDIT: FUCK, ninja'd.
Also, we've already got an overpopulation problem. I know it's only a hundred, but... you know... every little helps.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
as i only have like 10 people that are close too me id still choose them over 10,000 preschoolers and not have a problem with my conscience

wolf thing

New member
Nov 18, 2009
100 people. the many over the few. i would fell terrible about the 10 who are close to me but i would feel ever worse for killing some people i dont know. they could be total dicks but they might be. thats why i would save them because even if a few of those people tern out to be good then it was the right thing. iam surprised to see so few people chosen this option but what seems atrange is that is done for the own reason not for the the better good or scoiaty or through logic.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
I always told myself "I'd rather have 3 friends instead of 100 aquaintances" and if 100 whole lifes (Maybe even young ones mind you) Then I dont know. However as a kid it's really hard to make friends, the hardest stage in life is the first, and I spent years befriending and taking them out to the movies or a convention and having fun with those 10 people, if they're gone (And by the hands of me no-less) who is going to be there at my funeral? Who's going to bea t the hospital when I break my leg, who's going to help me get out of a car when my belt's stuck? You've got me in one tight posistion man.

Using mental scarring to work out moral choices. Yep!

People are just plain-selfish. We cant change. It's recorded in our Brain's DNA. Not to mention those 100 people are strangers, I dont know if they're pervs or robbers of burglars, I dont know nowt about them, I'd rather stick to what I know, but as I said "I dont know" If they're pervy or robber's, nothing I know about them.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
I'd go for the unpopular option: letting the 10 people closest to myself, including my sister, die. I know such a decision would destroy me emotionally and I'd likely never recover but I can't see myself letting 100 people die for my own selfishness, especially if some of those 100 were still children.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Erm wolf thing, people have been using logic to justify saving 10 people over 100. 1 of those reasons being I know those 10 people but I don't know those 100. Also how can you say saving the 100 people is for the greater good or for bettering society when you don't know who those 100 people are. As previoulsy mentioned by others those 100 people could be murderers or rapists. Hence why logically and socially I would choose the 10 people closest to me instead of the 100 unknowns. Also the better/greater good is an excellent starting point for your path to hell. The reason for that is the greater good is one of the most horribly evil subjective terms ever created. The 1 thing you must ask about the greater good is the greater good of whom. To the 100 people you just saved yes it is a greater good, to the 10 people closest to you that you just sentenced to death because that room has more people in it than yours...not so much. Also how could any of those 100 people you just saved trust you considering you just killed off those closest to you for complete strangers.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
I'd save the 100. It'd help way more people, and I couldn't live with myself knowing that I'd caused potentially thousands of people to suffer so that I could be happier. Consciously anyway. Sure, it works the other way around, but more people will be affected by the death of a hundred than the death of ten.

Besides, it fits into my philosophical beliefs.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
screw the "innocent" strangers. If i honestly would care about those, i couldnt watch news without crying.