Poll: Why all the Dislike for Jeff Dunham?

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
I actually used to think he was funny before he got his own TV show (dear god was it awful). Now I think he's repetitive and stale.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
My problem with Jeff Dunham is that he's a gimmick. It's a bunch of stale jokes in bad taste said through puppets. It's worse than when comedians take mediocre jokes and mediocre music to try and make an act.

I mean come on, caricature of a dead terrorist saying "I'll kill you" is what he's known for, that's pretty bad. I'm unimpressed with his delivery and unimpressed with his puppets. That just leaves the jokes, which are dated, racist, in poor taste, or simply unfunny. I don't hate the guy, just dislike his act.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Unfortunately, in my opinion he could be funny, and he was, but, he got lucky and became one of those viral things emailed around offices worldwide, which then got to the ears of the people with the money, who then threw money at him, being 'the next big thing', which meant he got the tour, the live dvd, the TV show, etc, but the problem was, he only seems to have about half an hour's material.

Nowadays, that's fine for an obscure, jobbing comedian doing occasional spots in clubs, that's 3 10 minute sets you can cycle around, to avoid repetition, but, if you're suddenly on TV, every joke done on TV is dead, you need to dump that set and write new stuff.

Essentially, it's part of the reason I think that we moved on from the club comics of the 70s to the 'alternative comedy' wave in the 80s, that new comics were not only writing their own material, rather than using the same jokes from the 30s and 40s, but, they were writing a LOT of it. Not all of it gold of course, but it was new and fresh.

It's why you'll usually see any winner of X Factor, American Idol etc fade into obscurity after 6 months, unless they're really lucky and build a solid fanbase early on. (that and of course, Simon Cowell wanting them gone to make way for next year's winner).

If Jeff Durham had adapted his act a bit more, came out with a whole fresh set of material each year, then I don't think there'd be such a backlash, as it is, many feel he's still coasting along on the success of going 'I KEEL YOU'.

As for the claims of racism, I think if you can't mock murdering fuckknuckles, who can you mock? Exactly how do you do the voice, and get across who it is, without doing the accent?

Maybe he shoulda have done him with a Belgian accent, and it'd have been fine?

TL;DR version:

If he hadn't ended up a viral web link of a youtube clip, there'd be no problem, trouble is, 90% of people have seen everything he does, and now he's got nothing left.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
I just don't find him funny. His stuff just seems very juvenile and low-brow. I liked his Walter bit when he first started, but it went down hill from there. His show was terrible, it was like Jim Henson's retarded cousin took over his muppet shop.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
He's one of my favorite stand up comedians. What keeps me coming back is how frickin' good he is at ventriloquism. No matter how many times I watch him I always make the mistake of thinking that there are two separate people talking on stage.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I've seen only one of his shows and I liked it (the tour with Achmed the Dead Terrorist). I thought some of the jokes were good but some kind of felt forced :/

James Crook

New member
Jul 15, 2011
Tropico1 said:
I like the guy just fine. That said, I only ever watched his first special and a few videos on youtube. I agree that if I started watching him all the time it would quickly get old, but that begs the question... WHY would I start watching a ventriloquist act all the time in the first place??

He's fine for what he is... a guy you go see perform one night out, go "wow that guy's got talent" and then move on. There are thousands of acts that are like that. I mean, I love STOMP, but I only ever went twice, pretty sure I'm not gonna go again. Same thing.
This is EXACTLY how I feel about him.
I saw a few videos from the 80s and 90s here and there on the web from his old shows, and I see a pattern: every character is its own joke, and he builds upon that. Yes, the guy's got talent, he's a ventriloquist and has characters who are caricatures of the stereotypes they represent, but it gets repetitive after a while.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I quite like him, but he is best enjoyed in small doses rather than an entire hour.

So, not my favourite but well recommended.
Sep 14, 2009
I don't think he is too bad, most of his stuff before his tv show i laughed at pretty well, and it's not necessarily that funny in the long run but at the time it gave some great laughs and i like his style, so yeah i do like him.

but then again this is the escapist so when it comes to comedy, if it isn't british and is mainstream, it is hated with a fiery passion.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Meh... I honestly don't care for him. For a comedian, he's pretty unfunny. Then again, I don't exactly hate him, I just don't watch him.

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
I like him, his stuff is decent and fairly funny. its not cerebral, or thought provoking like Carlin or Pryor but that's not his schtick so expecting it of him is stupid, as for racial jokes and stereotypes; he isn't mean spirited about it, there's tons of other comedians who are just total assholes.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Harry Mason said:
When your central joke is "Look, I'm being RACIST! Aren't I funny and edgy? Hur hur hur..." You don't win much favor with me. Racism can be hilarious, if we're laughing at the racist person, not with them.
I tend to agree here. He is a pretty good ventriloquist, but it's like... "Hey, look at America! We make fun of everyone else with the most blatant stereotypes! Isn't that hilarious?!"

So, all in all, I say meh to him.


Regular Member
Aug 17, 2011
After I saw Dunham's first two commedy specials, I thought he was very funny, and a good ventriloquist. Then he got his own TV show on Comedy Central. The first episode got lots of views, then tanked after the second episode. Why? The show wasn't funny. People noticed that he wasn't prepared to be scheduled like a TV show, he was struggling to make new material. That show got seven episodes to make up one season, and was promptly cancelled. When Dunham first became popular, it was because he was a ventriloquist comedian, with stereotypical puppets and equally stereotypical depictions. His jokes were funny. Then, the show came, and people realized that Dunham needed more time to come up with good jokes. After the show, Dunham just faded away into obscurity. I dislike Dunham because of that terrible, terrible show.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
he's got some good jokes, but most of them feel forced and there's hardly any connection between them. it's usually Jeff asking or saying something and the puppet responding with something that's supposed to be funny. I don't think he's racist per se, but he's not really funny either and his audience consist almost exclusively of middle class white americans in their 30's-40's, maybe that's why I don't find him that funny, I'm not the target audience it seems...

other than that, his shows aren't really ABOUT anything. take George Carlin or Ricky Gervais. their shows are genuinely funny and they're about stuff. it's not that everything HAS to be about something, it's just better when it is. to me, at least.


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
Well what I have seen from him honestly is all the same...He doesn't have new material. I do enjoy what I have heard, but I havent heard anything new.