Poll: Why do you hate the Star Wars Prequels?

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Just to name a few reasons why I hate it-
It's badly written (those terrible romance scene and dialogue).
Too much CGI, heck he even had to use a cgi baby during the birth of Leia and Luke. Couldn't use just use regular babies?
Filling in stuff when it not needed (the force) and making more plot holes conflict to the first trilogy.
Bad acting's from the kids.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Jar-Jar Binks, if we must be specific.

However, the movies were just... bad. I mean, I know Anakin was supposed to be unlikeable as a foreshadowing to his pre-Vader days, but seriously. They should have had the entire soundtrack done by My Chemical Romance and put him in skinny jeans for the whole second movie.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
I don't hate them, they were just completely forgettable, but then I'm not a star wars fan. Of the originals I suppose I like the first one best, it feels like a complete film, the empire strikes back feels like half a film even if it is good for other reasons, Return of the Jedi has Ewoks.

Smurf McSmurfington

New member
Jun 24, 2010
Because they're dull, badly made and completely lifeless films that don't even follow the basic rules of filmmaking(which can be broken and in the process can improve the film, provided the film director is good at what he does, but that just wasn't the case here).
Oh yeah, and the script is so badly written and badly thought through that if George Lucas wasn't the one making 'em, the producers or whoever would've just sent the writer back to revise the script and make it useable. But since Lucas is a big name, they didn't dare, and in turn we got the horrendous prequels.

Though I don't see how the prequels can ruin the original trilogy... save for the fact that that idiot started digitally remastering and adding crap to the original trilogy. >_>
I'd imagine the original, non-mutilated trilogy is still available(I haven't looked but there MUST be a market for that, right?).

As for which film in the original trilogy was the best? Impossible to choose...


New member
Jan 12, 2010
They were bad movies. I could go more in depth, but there's no point, as we've all seen the Red Letter Media reviews by now. Also, Midichlorians were a bullshit thing to introduce into that universe, but I'd rather not talk about this anymore....ever. Let's just say I stand by saying the prequels were nothing more than poorly written fan-fic, in my opinion. They just happened to be written by one of the worst fans of star wars there is....the creator.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I think they just ruin a lot of the backstory of the originals. They try to ground the force in science, which destroyed all the mysticism of it. They contradict a lot of what is said in the originals and honestly, I just didn't feel any heart there. They really did seem like cash ins and a good example of why Lucas shouldn't have full rein over a movie.

Honestly, I know I might sound unoriginal with all this but plinket put it best for me. Well he does a better job of explaining my hatred for them. I just tend to ignore they exist though and get on with my life, if others like them fine however I don't so I don't watch them and to me those events never happened. I've recently pre-ordered the blue-ray editions of the original trilogy, could easily afford to buy the prequels too but I've decided not to and I'll just let them slide to oblivion.

Which is a shame because they did have a decent cast and as much as the Maul scene had little to no context I still found it to be a really good fight scene. However they just don't live up to the magic of the originals. Even ROTJ was better than the lot and that did quite the shark jump. Though I'll confess to thinking that ROTJ was the best next to TESB.

I also don't like the Martix sequels too which is for another topic but I consider them like the Star War prequels to be very much like bad anime.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Episode 1 plus point: Darth Maul fight scene. Negatives: Everything else.
Episode 2 plus point: The sand people got a good stabbing for once. Negatives: Everything else
Episode 3 plus point: Obi Wan vs Anakin scene, Jar Jar absent. Negatives: Quite a bit, order 66 (some cult favourite Jedi from games/ comics wiped out as if they meant nothing, killing Samuel L Jackson.

Episode 4: Great movie. There was the out of place comedy fighter explosion when the fat bloke didn't pull up though.
Episode 5: Best movie of all, cave sequence was a little useless I guess.
Episode 6: *Activates flame shield* Kind of sucky by original standards, teddy bear revolution? Pointlessness of Stormtrooper armor exposed, Luke throws his saber away despite having only defeated one Sith, "cos it makes a point" or some shit.

Prequels were terrible, original two were brilliant, third was lackluster. The Ewoks were a foreshadowing of the Gungans that were to come it would seem.

Mr Somewhere

New member
Mar 9, 2011
The prequel films are lifeless, there's no feeling to the films the prequel's cast of characters are laughable, wooden caricatures. The drama, the action holds no weight. I can't relate to the plight of Qui Gon Jinn (?). I can with Luke, regardless of how simple it was, you could feel Luke's desire for adventure.
The original films were a timeless take on a familiar story told by a man with a love for the craft. The prequel movies are the result of lifeless stitched together special effects and a man with a love of money.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Episode One was pretty great for me. It had my favourite Sith besides Vader, Liam Neason, and very great special effects. Jar Jar was annoying after a while, but I didn't mind him.

Episode Two was fucking terrible mainly because of the romance. George Lucas shouldn't be aloud to do a teen romance, he isn't John Hughes. However, the battle scene with all the Jedi and Clones and explosions was the most epic battle I've ever seen in a movie. Especially the part with the dust covering everything but the blaster fire.

Episode Three took the flashy parts a bit too far. I really did appreciate how every part of the story fit in to introduce the Original Trilogy. The battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan was the most spectacular lightsaber battle of all time.

The Original trilogy was perfectly balanced in all areas of plot and action, but the prequels had a lot to offer as well, even if they weren't balanced.

P.S Episode VI is the best movie. Period. The struggle is at its climax, there's a huge battle on ground and space, famous lines exchanged, a rancor, and a sweet twist.

Rin Little

New member
Jul 24, 2011
Episode 1 is the only one I really like to watch because:

1) I love Darth Maul, he's just one badass dude.
2) Anakin isn't some whiny, emo teenager yet.
3) You don't have to deal with the incredibly awkward romance between Anakin and Padme.
4) Qui-Gon-Jinn is my favorite Jedi ever.
5) The final lightsaber battle between Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Maul is perfect. Perfect score, perfect pace, perfect everything.

The rest are just meh. The only redeeming value to the rest is the final battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan, but even that gets ruined when Anakin starts screaming "I hate you!" again like a stupid, whiny, emo teenager. There's a good story behind all of it, but none of it is told or conveyed very well at all.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Matthew94 said:
I loved ROTJ for the final fight scene, it had loads of emotion and the music was great.
You and I same. Though I think that last... I don't know, 20 minutes is what makes that film. Skip to the part where [spoi- you know what fuck it this film as been out for years if you don't know this then you shouldn't be on the internet] Luke reveals to Leha that he's her brother and from that part the film is awesome. The final dog fight is a thing of beauty and the whole part up to and after the fight scene with Vader is brilliant.


New member
May 1, 2011
I hate Star Wars in general but I thought the prequels were better films because Lucas wasn't the sole writer or director like we was in the originals. He is shit at writing and shit at directing and is a classic example of "A good concept that was poorly executed."


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I saw episodes 1 and 2 when they came out and I was pretty young so at the time I thought they were fine. I saw 3 later on and I guess it was ok, but I still prefer the original trilogy by a long shot. Nothing in particular jumps out at me as bad in the prequels but I just liked the originals better.

Also, I want to say right away that this in no way means that I am defending Jar Jar at all, but why don't people like him? I'm indifferent to him, he seemed just like comic relief, but some people seem to harbor the most hideous hatred imaginable for him. I'm really just curious, why don't people like Jar Jar?


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Jacco said:
I hate Star Wars in general but I thought the prequels were better films because Lucas wasn't the sole writer or director like we was in the originals. He is shit at writing and shit at directing and is a classic example of "A good concept that was poorly executed."
Erm... That's the other way round... George had full creative control and was the sole director of the prequel trilogy. George only wrote and directed the first movie and he had a lot of studio interference (which some will argue was a good thing).

One thing I will address while I'm here is the whole Maul love. While I admit that the fight scene is awesome and he does look badarse. The main problem with the character is that, that is all he exists for, to look cool and to have a fight scene. Other than that he may as well be non-existent. There is little other reason for him to be there. Though I guess he's the (as T.V tropes would put it) Dragon but still while he did look cool, he wasn't given much to do and thus the final fight with him just loses any chance it had of having any weight to it. Least not until the Qui Gon Jinn death but that's way too late into the fight for that.