Poll: Will you buy the Xbox 720 if the rumors that it blocks used game usage are true?


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
RhombusHatesYou said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Is this is true, lawsuits will crush it for months before anything actually happens.
Pffft. Not a chance of lawsuits stopping it... while MS or Sony or whoever can't legally interfere directly with the resale market they aren't legally obliged to sell products that have resale value.

All they need to do is introduce a form of copy-protection that, as a 'totally unintended consequence', destroys the resale value of console games and it's perfectly legal. In most Western nations when it comes to 'protecting IP' versus your rights as a consumer, your rights get to eat a dick.
And you think GameStop, Best Buy, and EB Games are just gonna sit there and twiddle their thumbs? The wonderful thing about the American justice system is that you can delay anything for as long as you want as long as you have money.
Two big problems with that:

One - any legal pretext they put forward for a lawsuit would be pissweak and they'd have to spend a shitload of cash to just get the suit heard.

Two - this is Microsoft, the company that thumbed it's nose at the USDoJ and often ignores EU court rulings. They've got money to burn and aren't afraid of legal pissing contests. Those companies really don't want to be on the receiving end of a Microsoft countersuit.

The only real recourse those companies would have is to refuse to stock microsoft products... which could go either way, depending on how popular the next console turned out to be.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
That is instantly a deal breaker right there, it's the only reason I would ever go back to consoles is for used/borrowed games.

I PC game exclusively now after giving up with console gaming and if this rumour is true then I jumped ship at a good time.

PC games might have DRM already but they go for so damn cheap anyway, Steam sales plus lower starting prices mean it is a non-issue.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
i switched to pc gaming about 6-7 months ago, so i'm not really interested in the next xbox unless something absolutely amazing pops up on it (which i honestly doubt will happen right off the bat). however, there is one thing i like about the used game preventer thing.

let me just start by saying i have a friend that is a massive mooch, he's fine to hang around with now and then, but he always wants to borrow games and stuff. which becomes annoying since i have a bad memory and often don't remember that he has my games for ages, and unlike a majority of my other friends, he rarely decides to remind me that he has my stuff.

one time, he even lent one of my games to another of my friends (friend B from now on), and one of Friend B's games to me, saying to both of us respectively that the games were his. (dick move, i know) we only found out me and Friend B were randomly chatting to each other at school one day about how Friend A always takes forever to give stuff back to us and put the pieces together. i began writing my name on all my xbox games shortly thereafter.

anyway, that system would be a good help in keeping my games from slipping away from me due to mr mooch. but that's an incredibly tiny advantage that inevitably gets far outweighed by the disadvantages the system otherwise brings.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
how DARE you even THINK of buying USED?!

don't you know the old prophecy... "one used game to ruin them all"?
how are them big managers supposed to make a bazillion bucks profit if you buy their games used instead of not at all??

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
Not a chance in hell. I can't afford to purchase my games new all the time.

Purchasing used games is how I make up half of my gaming library.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Pimppeter2 said:
Besides, I still have all my games from the past. They work just fine. I rarely buy re-releases. I just don't buy used games because of a bad history of them being broken/scratched/missing ect.
I don't know Pete. This was more than valid in the PSone-PS2 era but Blurays in general are quite resistant. That is unless you take a screw-driver and start making a self-portrait or something.

manaman said:
Even if it isn't lies, that is pretty sad. Sure maybe Game Stop style used game sales are bad for buisness, but in no way is a second hand market itself bad for buisness.
Buying something new doesn't require paying full price for it. Maybe he trades some of his older games or doesn't buy the game on day 1, which for me, kind of goes without saying since every game since developpers insist on making me pay 60 euros per game. If not 70 in Greece, without counting the DLC. It is not sad, it is just a different strategy he decides to follow. Who are you to call him sad ?

On the subject at hand, no I wouldn't buy 720 if it blocked used games. I can't afford games every month of the year. And when I do, I try to look for the more economic solutions first.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
If the rumours do turn out to be true, I'm definitely not getting the next Xbox. Not because I only play used games on the 360 now - I could simply buy new games when they're cheaper or simply skip them -, but rather for the message it would send to the customers. They'd be battling symptoms this way, not the actual issue.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
katsabas said:
Pimppeter2 said:
Besides, I still have all my games from the past. They work just fine. I rarely buy re-releases. I just don't buy used games because of a bad history of them being broken/scratched/missing ect.
I don't know Pete. This was more than valid in the PSone-PS2 era but Blurays in general are quite resistant. That is unless you take a screw-driver and start making a self-portrait or something.

manaman said:
Even if it isn't lies, that is pretty sad. Sure maybe Game Stop style used game sales are bad for buisness, but in no way is a second hand market itself bad for buisness.
Buying something new doesn't require paying full price for it. Maybe he trades some of his older games or doesn't buy the game on day 1, which for me, kind of goes without saying since every game since developpers insist on making me pay 60 euros per game. If not 70 in Greece, without counting the DLC. It is not sad, it is just a different strategy he decides to follow. Who are you to call him sad ?

On the subject at hand, no I wouldn't buy 720 if it blocked used games. I can't afford games every month of the year. And when I do, I try to look for the more economic solutions first.
I didn't call Pete sad. I called the "Used Games = Evil" mantra sad. It really is. The whole idea that all used game sales hurt the developer is silly.

You used a prime example of why the used game buisness is not inherently evil. The trade in is pretty much selling your games to enable you to buy other games. Outside of a retail store you possibly see half the price of another game purchase. Even trading isn't bad as it can introduce people to new series and new developers, which in turn leads people to buy more.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
manaman said:
I didn't call Pete sad. I called the "Used Games = Evil" mantra sad. It really is. The whole idea that all used game sales hurt the developer is silly.

You used a prime example of why the used game buisness is not inherently evil. The trade in is pretty much selling your games to enable you to buy other games. Outside of a retail store you possibly see half the price of another game purchase. Even trading isn't bad as it can introduce people to new series and new developers, which in turn leads people to buy more.
A thousand apologies then. My english reading might be what I make it out to be. But I don't think Pete had it for the used games market in his comment. He just hit some rotten luck. I have been there. Everybody and their mom has been there.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
chuckman1 said:
I definately wouldn't buy it, I may just skip next console generation and play PS2 games I have a feeling these consoles won't be cheap.
I'm pretty sure I'll be skipping this next console generation too: especially if our only choices are a machine with defective hardware or a machine with horrible support. I already regret buying a ps3 and never got a 360 because they were always breaking.

However, even if I was considering it, that would be a dealbreaker for me. What's the point in owning a console if you can't lend/borrow games from friends or rent. I'm not going to go out and pay $60 for every game that sounds interesting...most of them suck. This online pass crap and day 1 pre-order dlc has already deteriorated the value of these games enough already. They cant take anymore or even more people will abandon the hobby.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I'm already going with the PS4 over it anyway, this just effects me possibly not buying it used a few years down the road.


I hate Dire Wolves...
Dec 4, 2008
I still would. You know why?
I see it happening one of two ways.

MS announces their new console and its "revolutionary" new feature. Probably with some BS about piracy prevention.

MS revieves more boos in the crowd than the Vita and AT&T deal.

Huge outry from retailers and consumers alike.

Feature removed.

Or they don't talk about it.

Some sort of lawsuit.

Feature removed.

I don't see any way a feature like that would make it in much less stay in after the fact. I would highly doubt this rumor would be true in the first place. I might be able to see a third party publisher trying to pull something like this by forcing people to register an account with them and register the console itself in order to play their games(DOn't even think about it ubisoft...) but I don't see one of the big three trying something like that. In any case, if anyone tries to do something like that their would be major backlash.


New member
Feb 1, 2012
I wouldn't get it, same as others have said.
1) I can't always afford new games.
2) Because of 1 I may not get a game for a while after release, in some cases this causes problems. 2 Examples being,

a ) Over a decade ago now I played a game called Tombi (Tomba usa for some reason) as a demo, loved the fun of it, but the demo was out ages before release, when it was out I had forgotten about it in favour of more recent things, by the time I remembered it I simply could not find it anywhere and this is prior to PSN (which last I looked still hasn't added it) the game wasn't really mainstream or by a big developer (can't remember the maker now even) so I forgot again, years later I decided to look again, after some internet searches I eventually found out about the american name and a copy on ebay for £60 (more then any new game at the time) I didn't buy it way to much to play such an old game and the developers wouldn't benifit from it, if I had though why should I be punished for the lack of availablity to the game.

b ) A more recent example, I bought ME direct download on Xbox360 (19.99 which is more then I would have paid for a new or preowned physical version but thats something else) I played the opening and it didn't drag me in enough to stop me from playing something else I had, over a year later I decided to give it another go, after the sheer dissappointment of Skyrim I figured I'd go back to something old and I thoroughly enjoyed it, nearing the end I figured I might as well look for ME2 to keep playing the story before 3 is out, Couldn't find a new physical copy anywhere to order, the direct download version wasn't clear if it came with Cereberus for extra content so the price would exceed £30, and my other option was to get ME2 digital deluxe edition on Origin (which Im not fussed on I already have seem I don't need another resource hog on my poor PC) which my PC may not have run and I'd loss out on importing my character and the content differences it provides, this is also at £25 and didn't include all the dlc like LotSB and Arrival so that would be more on top, at least if it was steam the total may have come to less. Anyway after navigating the cost minefield and the lousy cerberus barrier I found a preowned edition from GAME at 4.99, yes I would have to pay about £14 for the network and more for the other DLC but was my best option and came to about £30 in total with alot of content. Obviously I was a late buyer here but I was still unhappy with the fact I was effectively punished for the games availability problems by Cerberus Network, if they next Xbox prevented that rather then simply provided an option like that which at least means some money is being provided to the developer (afaik) then I simply would not have bought the game nor would I be likely to buy the sequel new (which I've preordered now). Sorry the wall but it's worth pointing out the numberous issues that already exist, and even though I may not like things like CN it at least is an option not a requirement or a complete removal, if the 720 does that everyone ends up a loser MS for points Developer for continued profit and future profit of a late adopter of a series that then preorders the Sequel at full price and the players who lose accessability to games due to income needing to space releases or wanting to wait and see for reviews/simply would prefer other things. Someone mentioned "some lawsuit" would result in the removal I wouldn't be surpised if one of those lawsuit came from the developers that like to whine about it so much in the first place when they realise this.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
I don't plan on buying a 720 anyway, that just helps cement the decision.

Even if the PS4 is so badly borked that I consider a 720, I'd just wait a while until new games were cheaper.

Basically the days of me buying $60 games are over, with a couple exceptions like Grand Theft Auto and ARMA.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Well considering the fact that there are 2 consoles in my house and we have to share games since we can't obviously buy 2 of every game...
Yeah. Unless the Xbox 3 is a f**king monster of a machine that could blind normal mortals eyes... It's a pretty big deal breaker.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
I can tolerate a lot of things when it comes to gaming, but that is most assuredly where I would draw a line.
Barring some kind of amazing feature (like a port on the side of the console that dispenses free tacos or something) I'd give the 720 a pass.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
It would turn me away due to the fact of say the console decides to die on you. It would mean i have to rebuy EVERY game for the console again since the games would be registered if you will on the old console which blew since the replacement would be an entirely new console most likely.

If they really put this system in place on the 720 there really shooting themselves in the foot.


New member
May 26, 2010
I can't afford to buy new all the time, especially when a large portion of games are nothing special. This year alone I only plan to pick up two games at launch brand new. The rest that I only have a passing interest in, I'll wait for a sale to go on, or for the price to drop, or if I see a used copy for cheap, I'll pick up that.

I won't be picking up the next system if it prevents me from using used games.