Poll: Would you date/sleep with a person that has a Physical handicap ?

Sep 14, 2009
SckizoBoy said:
gmaverick019 said:
well what if she had a huge bulge sticking out by her tailbone/ass, and she had 3rd degree burns surrounding her ass and vagina?
... point taken, though some may still find that attractive.

However, my second girlfriend had a massive scar through her eyelid and down the left side of her face... how'd I do?

EDIT: Also, we're skirting the line between disfigurement and disability...
yeah i just wasn't quite sure where the line was drawn between disfigurement and disability, as a lot of "physical" disabilities are from getting your arm blown off from war(going deaf also) or a car accident that caused you to be paralyzed. or going blind from accidently having a harsh liquid splashed in your eyes,etc...

and that's fine, i dated a girl a while back who had an awful spine/foot structure, so she had to see the chiropractor 2-3 times a week otherwise she couldn't walk and her spine would literally stick out and almost pierce out of her skin (literally)

and yeah that isn't awful by any means, but i didn't judge her in the slightest for it.


there was a guy in my high school who had a tumor just like this, and while i was never mean or anything to him, i just do NOT think/feel i could have a relationship if a girl had something like this...call me shallow but i just..that's something i couldn't get over.

Polite Sage

New member
Feb 22, 2011
Actually, physically disabled girls are my new fetish [http://vndb.org/v945].

well what if she had a huge bulge sticking out by her tailbone/ass, and she had 3rd degree burns surrounding her ass and vagina?


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Roofstone said:
Probally. Maybe not a mute, I don't think I could've handled that. But more or less, yeah, I think I would.
I don't think I could handle a deaf or a mute person. I'm a very talkative fellow, and it would either make me ineffective (deaf) or over-bearing (mute).

OT: I don't really date people (or sleep with them)[footnote]And to be intellectually honest, there is a big 'yet' after that, followed by an equally ambiguous question mark[/footnote], so a handicap wouldn't change that.


Good news everyone!
Jun 3, 2011
krazykidd said:
The reason i didn't put my opinion , is because i know my opinion is going to make me look like a selfish, shallow douchebag and some people would attack me instead of answering the thread, making other people decide to change their answer to not be attacked by other people like that ( iv'e seen this happen , people always like to be accpeted by other even on the internet , Sociology 101 ).

Where i got this idea , well today at work ( i work in retail ) , i saw a guy in a wheelchair ( he had both legs , they just don't function i guess )and he was being accompanied , by a very beautiful lady, and instinctively i thought that it had to be his sister or friend. The guy in question was quite good looking too ,but because he was in a wheelchair i didn't cross my mind that it could be his girlfriend.Which ended up being the case , since i saw her bend down and kiss him ( yes i was watching her, no it wasn't creepy ).And i asked myself how did a guy in a wheelchair get such a beautiful lady to date him.
It's quite likely that the way they met went something like: Met in High School/College, got married, he joined the military and went to Iraq/Afghanistan, came back like that. It is sadly too common these days.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Hey! I used to date a girl with a fake leg. There was nothing wrong with it.

That said, it depends on the disability. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship where I felt like I was the carer from the outset. If they became disabled, then I would do my best to support them.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I met a blind girl once and ironically, she had the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. And she was an awesome person. But I couldn't date her because I would feel bad every time I watch a movie or do something that requires sight. That, and I'm not very good with people. Other than that I have no problem with handicapped people. Most of the people in the world today are handicapped in the head anyway.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
I don't see it as much of a barrier, if I like the girl it doesn't really matter if she has a disability


Nov 9, 2010
Well, I, along with a few others in this thread, have a disability. Cerebal Palsy. Makes my left side a lot less useful than most other people's left side and really, REALLY affects my walking (Fun fact: My gait of walking is the same as a drunk man's...I've found that being drunk improves my walking). So I have to take a walker or a stick with me everywhere. People stare, and any girl that I've approached outside the internet has turned me down on the spot. People will always judge from first glance, no matter how unwilling to judge you are nor how accepting you are. Would I date somebody with a physical disability? It couldn't me more extreme than mine, might sound hypocritical or selfish, but what if something happens that I can't help with? Given the choice I would and I probably would make exceptions to the rule but that's my belief.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I clicked on depends, but the handicap would have to be so minor (like missing one toe or something) that I probably should have just clicked no.
Also: OP you're reasoning is not selfish. People should get to be with people they like, if you don't want to date a certain type of person, that's fine. It's sort of like how people don't find certain nationalities attractive. There's nothing wrong with it. When it comes to relationships, it should be whatever floats your boat.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
viking97 said:
sure. dating a blind chick could only help my cause...
This reminded me of Toxi the toxic Avenger. You know that very special jewel of a film by the way?

On Topic:
Considering how many mentally unstable and seriously batshitcrazy girls I've dated a physically disabled person would be a nice comforting change.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
So long as they weren't incredibly physically repulsive and taken for granted that I like them enough to do so, then, yes, I would.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
I'm a leg man so definitely no disabilities below the waist. Blind / deaf / mute would be okay, probably an amputated arm wouldn't be a deal-breaker either. It depends.

Mister Eff

New member
Apr 11, 2009
I once slept with a girl with minor cerebral pallsy. She wasn't in a wheelchair or anything (until after I was finished with her derr herr herr), but it was notieceable. No real problems with it to be honest. I probably wouldn't be able to do anything with limbs missing or any huge noticeable problems, just because I'm too shallow and don't think I could find myself physically attracted to them.

And I once tried it on with a deaf girl 'cause I kinda liked her, but she was having none of me.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
These threads are terrible most of the time. "would you have sex with ____?" Your asking a bunch of gamers in their 16-30ish range. What do you think the answer is going to be?