Poll: Would you date/sleep with a person that has a Physical handicap ?


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Batou667 said:
NinjaDeathSlap said:
Well, I already have dated a Dwarf.
That brings a whole new meaning to...

"I'm feeling Happy tonight"
"Dude, you're f*cking Grumpy"
"What's up Doc?"

etc, etc...
Dude, you don't want to hear some of the extra verses to 'Hi-Ho!' we thought of ;)


New member
Mar 22, 2008
MianusIzBleeding said:
They are no less a human being than the able bodied

Also OP, you could possibly be the biggest dickhead I've met on here. I mean, the looks YOU would get?!
If you could spend 1 day in the life of a disabled person I bet you would be singing a different tune.
Woah , i'm not a dickhead , just a dick , and i did explain this in my edit , no need to remind me . Anywho a day disabled and i would probably kill myself , i'm not a strong enough person to handle that , i actually respect the disabled because i would NEVER be able to live that way , they are stronger people than i could ever be . Still wouldn't date one though.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Yes, depending on the severity and it'd be important that they've accepted it and can even joke about it (otherwise it'd be far too uncomfortable...).


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
If I liek them enough to entertain the Idea of sleeping with them...then sure


New member
Jul 5, 2011
I do know a cute girl with one leg shorter than the other. But I'm not interested. If she had an incredible personality, I would consider it.


New member
Apr 28, 2011
Everything except being paralyzed at least from the waist down. This isn't a "Fuck cripples" thing, it's more of a "it would just feel creepy, like having sex with a corpse" thing.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Deaf or blind wouldn't bother me at all. If anything, it would help them to have a partner that cares for them. But someone paralyzed or with missing limbs would make me uncomfortable. Nothing I can do about that, it's how I'm programmed.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I probably would but at the same time I don't see it possible for me to end up in a situation with it as an option. Love is love and all that so I suppose if your hypothetical scenario is me actually being in love with someone disabled then sure, the core identity of love is to disregard logic and reality in favor of that nice feeling in your chest after all.

The Black Ghost

New member
Jan 9, 2010

Not to make assumptions, but I think it would be easier in some ways. I probably wouldnt be so afraid of having to live up to some super-high standard so less stress there, and they'd be less likely to cheat I think--or less able to. That sounds kinda selfish but stability is less stressful to me.

Plus, Im a caring person.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Well, I happen to be physically disabled. To be more exact, limited ability. I can get around ok, but it causes much pain in my feet, legs, hips, and back. I have to pace myself throughout the day. usually by the end of the day, my legs are tired and I may experience quite a bit of pain.

It hurt to read the opening post; that it would be hard to put a loved one through the ordeal of living with a disabled person. I wonder about that every day. Am I being to much of a burden? Am I pulling my own weight? Am I good enough?

None of that matters because at the end of the day, it was my wife who chose to be with me, flaws and all. We deal with the flaws of others and ourselves everyday. I just happen to have some physical flaws as well.

There are days when I use a wheelchair to help ease the pain from much walking, and man the looks I get from people when I roll on up to a shelf in Wal-mart and then stand up to reach something off the top shelf. Man, it used to bother me and at times it still does, but now I mostly find it hilarious.

My wife has never had a problem with my body. At first, I was terrified that if she saw my scarred feet she wouldn't want to be with me. She simply said that my legs are a part of me and she loves my legs just as much as the rest of me.

A physical disability may not "define" a person but it certainly can influence their personality and character. When you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with all of what makes he/she a person.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
HeSaNa said:
Well, I happen to be physically disabled. To be more exact, limited ability. I can get around ok, but it causes much pain in my feet, legs, hips, and back. I have to pace myself throughout the day. usually by the end of the day, my legs are tired and I may experience quite a bit of pain.

It hurt to read the opening post; that it would be hard to put a loved one through the ordeal of living with a disabled person. I wonder about that every day. Am I being to much of a burden? Am I pulling my own weight? Am I good enough?

None of that matters because at the end of the day, it was my wife who chose to be with me, flaws and all. We deal with the flaws of others and ourselves everyday. I just happen to have some physical flaws as well.

There are days when I use a wheelchair to help ease the pain from much walking, and man the looks I get from people when I roll on up to a shelf in Wal-mart and then stand up to reach something off the top shelf. Man, it used to bother me and at times it still does, but now I mostly find it hilarious.

My wife has never had a problem with my body. At first, I was terrified that if she saw my scarred feet she wouldn't want to be with me. She simply said that my legs are a part of me and she loves my legs just as much as the rest of me.

A physical disability may not "define" a person but it certainly can influence their personality and character. When you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with all of what makes he/she a person.
Yeah see, reading the first post again I noticed he doesn't even mention "love", he just superficially tackles the supposed "ickyness" or w/e of having sex with someone disabled and then goes on to say a few more things that were pretty badly developed as well. I doubt he understands the concept well enough to realize how people normally respond to each other when there is love.

If anything, you make your wife feel worthwhile, she isn't like every other wife who supposedly loves her husband, she actually and indisputably loves you and she behaves in a way that makes her feel you know she loves you, which is more than you can say for a lot of able-bodied couples out there. :D


New member
Jan 22, 2011
DarkRyter said:

In fact, I once read a hentai comic involving a girl in a wheelchair, and I found it especially enjoyable.

Oh god, I'm a terrible person.
I feel like Vriska's expression in your icon is perfect for that comment. Just sayin'.

OP: I'd probably do it, as long as I liked their personality. Hell, I'm somewhat enamored with a blind person as we speak, so eeyup.

ronnom 666

New member
Oct 9, 2010
I have a rule, Fucking things that have genetic problems leads to genetic problems... Other then that I'm open to almost anything.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Dreiko said:
HeSaNa said:
Well, I happen to be physically disabled. To be more exact, limited ability. I can get around ok, but it causes much pain in my feet, legs, hips, and back. I have to pace myself throughout the day. usually by the end of the day, my legs are tired and I may experience quite a bit of pain.

It hurt to read the opening post; that it would be hard to put a loved one through the ordeal of living with a disabled person. I wonder about that every day. Am I being to much of a burden? Am I pulling my own weight? Am I good enough?

None of that matters because at the end of the day, it was my wife who chose to be with me, flaws and all. We deal with the flaws of others and ourselves everyday. I just happen to have some physical flaws as well.

There are days when I use a wheelchair to help ease the pain from much walking, and man the looks I get from people when I roll on up to a shelf in Wal-mart and then stand up to reach something off the top shelf. Man, it used to bother me and at times it still does, but now I mostly find it hilarious.

My wife has never had a problem with my body. At first, I was terrified that if she saw my scarred feet she wouldn't want to be with me. She simply said that my legs are a part of me and she loves my legs just as much as the rest of me.

A physical disability may not "define" a person but it certainly can influence their personality and character. When you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with all of what makes he/she a person.
Yeah see, reading the first post again I noticed he doesn't even mention "love", he just superficially tackles the supposed "ickyness" or w/e of having sex
with someone disabled and then goes on to say a few more things that were pretty badly developed as well. I doubt he understands the concept well enough to realize how people normally respond to each other when there is love.

If anything, you make your wife feel worthwhile, she isn't like every other wife who supposedly loves her husband, she actually and indisputably loves you and she behaves in a way that makes her feel you know she loves you, which is more than you can say for a lot of able-bodied couples out there.
Yeah i didn't mention love , because obviously if you love someone ot wouldn't matter. Thats why o said you would have to meet the person ater their disability , not to say you can't fall in love with someone that is disabled. Also sorry for having a poorly developped opinion, it's hard to write an opinion ( for me anyways) on something like this without offending someone. And the last thing i want to do is offend , which is why i was reluctant to wrote down my opinion in the first place ( as mentionned in my edit).


New member
Feb 28, 2010
I knew this dude who dated this chick with a baby arm. Said his dick looked huge when she grabbed it.

Ten points to whoever gets the reference.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
krazykidd said:
Dreiko said:
HeSaNa said:
Well, I happen to be physically disabled. To be more exact, limited ability. I can get around ok, but it causes much pain in my feet, legs, hips, and back. I have to pace myself throughout the day. usually by the end of the day, my legs are tired and I may experience quite a bit of pain.

It hurt to read the opening post; that it would be hard to put a loved one through the ordeal of living with a disabled person. I wonder about that every day. Am I being to much of a burden? Am I pulling my own weight? Am I good enough?

None of that matters because at the end of the day, it was my wife who chose to be with me, flaws and all. We deal with the flaws of others and ourselves everyday. I just happen to have some physical flaws as well.

There are days when I use a wheelchair to help ease the pain from much walking, and man the looks I get from people when I roll on up to a shelf in Wal-mart and then stand up to reach something off the top shelf. Man, it used to bother me and at times it still does, but now I mostly find it hilarious.

My wife has never had a problem with my body. At first, I was terrified that if she saw my scarred feet she wouldn't want to be with me. She simply said that my legs are a part of me and she loves my legs just as much as the rest of me.

A physical disability may not "define" a person but it certainly can influence their personality and character. When you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with all of what makes he/she a person.
Yeah see, reading the first post again I noticed he doesn't even mention "love", he just superficially tackles the supposed "ickyness" or w/e of having sex
with someone disabled and then goes on to say a few more things that were pretty badly developed as well. I doubt he understands the concept well enough to realize how people normally respond to each other when there is love.

If anything, you make your wife feel worthwhile, she isn't like every other wife who supposedly loves her husband, she actually and indisputably loves you and she behaves in a way that makes her feel you know she loves you, which is more than you can say for a lot of able-bodied couples out there.
Yeah i didn't mention love , because obviously if you love someone ot wouldn't matter. Thats why o said you would have to meet the person ater their disability , not to say you can't fall in love with someone that is disabled. Also sorry for having a poorly developped opinion, it's hard to write an opinion ( for me anyways) on something like this without offending someone. And the last thing i want to do is offend , which is why i was reluctant to wrote down my opinion in the first place ( as mentionned in my edit).

The problem with your not mentioning love at all is the simple fact that you shouldn't really be having sex with someone whom you do not love. If there is no love then sex is just elaborate masturbation and nothing more, which sorta makes the question into "do you find physically handicapped people sexy", which would have a whole other host of responses about it and would end up completely different than what I think you're wanting to ask.

For example, how about a supermodel who lost an arm vs a girl who weighs 250 pounds? The tanker is probably going to be less sexy by a mile but we have the uncanny valley effect. See, now we're trying to balance imperfections as though people are cattle, which is a horrible thing to do and what your way of asking this question will eventually lead to, which was why I called it under-developed.

If you truly believe in something, if your opinions are to ever matter, you need to be ready, nay, excited about debating with people who disagree with you. You shouldn't be scared about what they'll call you or think of you. Otherwise you're just one more head in the hydra of our society hissing the same noise, noise that makes you, specifically, not matter at all. After all, if someone defeats you, two more will pop up. :D