Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Lets say you have a distant cousin(3rd, 4th, or 5th) and the 2 of you find each other attractive, and both of you were close enough to actually have feelings for each other. You hang out, and the topic of it comes up, and your cousin is up to it. Would you do it if no one knew about it?

If she were my 3rd cousin, I may. 4th or 5th definitely, we're so distant it wouldn't even matter.

I'm asking because recently I was at a family gathering, and a lot of my relatives brought along some friends(ie, people not related to me), which wouldn't make it a "family gathering" anymore and just a party. I was sitting at a table and this girl I have never seen before sat next to me. I figured she was a friend of one of my relatives. Yadda yadda yadda, we flirt but then we find out we're related(3rd cousins). She still seems interested in me, and Vindictive God help me, I may go for it.

So what about you, Escapits?


New member
Jul 5, 2011
I was weirded out once when a girl who shared the last name as me asked me out. I assumed we were cousins, and it turned out we weren't related. Still, it'd surely have felt odd going out with someone sharing the last name as me. So I declined.

In your situation, I wouldn't go for it. Your family will frown upon this, and God help you if your children are born with deformities.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
My cousins are guys. So no. No I wouldn't. Even if they were females, I don't think I'd bone them.
Just seems....I don't know weird.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
Well, I'm not attracted at all to any of my cousins, so for that reason, no; but not for any moral objection to incest or anything.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I would know, and that's enough to say "no." Even if I wouldn't be caught, I would have to live with myself.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
FilipJPhry said:
I was weirded out once when a girl who shared the last name as me asked me out. I assumed we were cousins, and it turned out we weren't related. Still, it'd surely have felt odd going out with someone sharing the last name as me. So I declined.

In your situation, I wouldn't go for it. Your family will frown upon this, and God help you if your children are born with deformities.
Meh, I may have a moment of weakness. And who the hell said I would have kids with her or pursue a relationship? I am NEVER having kids, period.


New member
Oct 28, 2011
I'm not for this, but I just wanna clear something up.

Deformities from incest show up through generations of incest. It's more likely with siblings, but still, we're talking generations. Cousins used to be normal. 3rd cousins is pretty damn distant.

I'd still say no, because culturally we are shaped to dislike this kind of thing. Unless she's your dream girl or something, is it really worth all the trouble?


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Would you drive a rusty rod through your eyehole?

If the answer is no(and I really hope it is), then you know my answer to your question.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
lithium.jelly said:
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.
Can I have a source on that? Wikipedia seems to indicate that it's fairly heavily opposed, even in the East (where it's listed as less heavily stigmatised).

I do agree with you on our weird hangups, though. The places I did notice that supported cousin marriage also heavily tended to support things like child prostitution and have limited age of consent and rigths for children and women.

What silly ideas we have!

(Yes, I know it's technically a fallacy to point out the other wrongs a country or culture is doing in response to its support of an idea, however I'm addressing more the concept of condemnation for the States' hangups...)


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
No way at all ever under any circumstances for all eternity in every universe ever.

No. Although if you want to, that's your business.