Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
No. Just, no. I don't care if it would just be for physical gratification, just no. Sex with family members is psychologically engrained in our brains to be viewed as fucked up because it's fucked up and shouldn't be done.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I've admitted before that I totally would bang my 3rd cousin. She's really hot. My Fiance would want a piece herself.


New member
May 18, 2011
MrDeckard said:
I only have one cousin my age, but if I was given the chance, ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY!

I don't care that she is blood. I don't care that she is my first cousin. I wouldn't even care if people found out.

She is one of the hottest people on the goddam planet.

Plus, we already showed things to each other when we were really little...

Oh yeah, and protection would be required. No matter what.
Pretty much this but with adjustments. (this is for me)
2nd cousin,
Not super hot, but not bad looking,
and protection of course. OBVIOUSLY.
It's a good thing I'm chasing after someone currently. It's still a little bit strange.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I get the feeling that everyone seems to like or at least have a hot cousin in their families.
All my cousins are either far older than I am, or really unattractive or assholes. No thank you.

I'll happily sleep with someone else's hot cousin, though. You know... for science.


New member
Nov 6, 2011
If they were attractive, yeah. Then again, I'm adopted, so I'm not really related to anyone in my family anyway.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
lithium.jelly said:
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.
Damn right we are. Thats why I must represent by falsely hating shit.... */sarcasm*

Well, my cousin is a little ass but yeah, since I'm gay, why the hell not.

BakaSmurf said:
No. Just, no. I don't care if it would just be for physical gratification, just no. Sex with family members is psychologically engrained in our brains to be viewed as fucked up because it's fucked up and shouldn't be done.
Any reason for that, I may ask, whats wrong with it. Scientifically, its incest after incest that cause the birth defects, not one time. What harm is there, exactly, unless their kids do it. If its bad, give me a reason why it is bad.

A Free Man

New member
May 9, 2010
Hmm, kind of depends. I only really think of my first cousins as actual cousins. The rest I would just call relations, but I don't really know any of my outer outer family. Still I probably wouldn't mainly because it would feel really awkward.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
BakaSmurf said:
No. Just, no. I don't care if it would just be for physical gratification, just no. Sex with family members is psychologically engrained in our brains to be viewed as fucked up because it's fucked up and shouldn't be done.
You do realize how little blood there is with a person and their 3rd cousin, right? 4th and greater you practically aren't related anymore.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
3rd cousins would be people related to you having the same great-great-grandparents but no closer relatives so in that case, yes I would probably do her. There really isn't very much shared DNA there, but seeing as I don't know any cousins who are farther removed than 1st cousin once removed this is pretty unlikely.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Sure... I classify family members the same way I do everyone else... so I have no qualms against sleeping with my cousins... as long as I'm attracted to them...<.<


New member
Mar 19, 2011
For 3rd cousin you only need to go back to great-grandparents to hit the siblings. Still seems a bit close to me. Unless you're royalty of course, then she is probably a bit too distant a relation to be in the consideration set.


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
Can't help who you're attracted to, as long as it's 2 consenting adults I couldn't care less.

Naturally there are plenty or hurdles to such a relationship though, such as children.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Deathleaper said:
Lets say you have a distant cousin(3rd, 4th, or 5th) and the 2 of you find each other attractive, and both of you were close enough to actually have feelings for each other. You hang out, and the topic of it comes up, and your cousin is up to it. Would you do it if no one knew about it?

If she were my 3rd cousin, I may. 4th or 5th definitely, we're so distant it wouldn't even matter.

I'm asking because recently I was at a family gathering, and a lot of my relatives brought along some friends(ie, people not related to me), which wouldn't make it a "family gathering" anymore and just a party. I was sitting at a table and this girl I have never seen before sat next to me. I figured she was a friend of one of my relatives. Yadda yadda yadda, we flirt but then we find out we're related(3rd cousins). She still seems interested in me, and Vindictive God help me, I may go for it.

So what about you, Escapits?
3rd cousins are distant enough. As for genetic defects, it?s caused by generations of inbreeding and it?s a bit too early to think about babies since you just met the girl. If you like her, go for it. I?m not here to judge. Now, there have been cases of siblings meeting and falling in love because they didn?t know and that is all sorts of messed up.


New member
May 27, 2009
sure, why not it's not illegal also not technically incest (as long as aunt/uncle is not an identical twin to your mother/father)

Only 4% of the offspring of a couple between cousins is born with health defects,
for normal couples with no prior defects in the family it's about 2-3 %

seeing as most laws against incest are based on protection from genetic disorders or on protection from child abuse (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_regarding_incest#France )
so it's only logical that there shouldn't be any problem. (in Germany it's only illegal if it's vaginal and with direct relatives, siblings, parents or (your even if adult)children)

As society I say it's like being afraid of the dark either you are or you aren't but others shouldn't judge it's just not their business.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Viral_Lola said:
Deathleaper said:
Lets say you have a distant cousin(3rd, 4th, or 5th) and the 2 of you find each other attractive, and both of you were close enough to actually have feelings for each other. You hang out, and the topic of it comes up, and your cousin is up to it. Would you do it if no one knew about it?

If she were my 3rd cousin, I may. 4th or 5th definitely, we're so distant it wouldn't even matter.

I'm asking because recently I was at a family gathering, and a lot of my relatives brought along some friends(ie, people not related to me), which wouldn't make it a "family gathering" anymore and just a party. I was sitting at a table and this girl I have never seen before sat next to me. I figured she was a friend of one of my relatives. Yadda yadda yadda, we flirt but then we find out we're related(3rd cousins). She still seems interested in me, and Vindictive God help me, I may go for it.

So what about you, Escapits?
3rd cousins are distant enough. As for genetic defects, it?s caused by generations of inbreeding and it?s a bit too early to think about babies since you just met the girl. If you like her, go for it. I?m not here to judge. Now, there have been cases of siblings meeting and falling in love because they didn?t know and that is all sorts of messed up.
I stated it before, and I will state it again. NO DATING. NO ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP. NO DAMNED KIDS. It's. Just. Sex.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
Deathleaper said:
BakaSmurf said:
No. Just, no. I don't care if it would just be for physical gratification, just no. Sex with family members is psychologically engrained in our brains to be viewed as fucked up because it's fucked up and shouldn't be done.
You do realize how little blood there is with a person and their 3rd cousin, right? 4th and greater you practically aren't related anymore.
That's beside the point, they're a cousin, a cousin is a family member, I don't find the prospect of sleeping with one of my family members very enjoyable.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Definanitly not, one cousin is a man, and my two female cousins are both married/dating someone. Besides that, if anyone in my family found out, I'd have to move to Siberia or something cause I do NOT want to have that converstaion in any point in my life.