Poll: Would you join the Space Marines?


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Trillovinum said:
True, I was just using it as a example. Though you have to understand that space marines are selected, force into training and endure everything so they are ready to face the horrors of the galaxy.

Which takes us to chaos and why they are sort of brainwash (though I"m not sure how true it is to he brainwash), or at least why they pry a lot to the emperor. Due to chaos being very sneaky and tricky. Chaos is very good at its job. It will slowly whisper to the person, promising of power and a way to stop whatever invasion is going on. That or making sure a ship that passes into the warp stays there to deal with chaos daemons until they submit to their will.

If a Space Marine is feeling the effects of the chaos then most of the time they should go to see a Chaplin that deals with this kind of stuff. Though Chaos can still get its Space Marine like any other way just they normally pick out humans who prove to be the most useful.

Also one more thing before I end this post. Space Marine hardly ever die in combat. Its not like in the RTS where you send a full squad and they are kill off easily. They are one of the best soldiers of all time in the WH40K universe for the same reason is due to their training, weapons and armor. The only reason they might die is getting overwhelm by orks 1000:1, or having to fight Chaos without the help of Ordo Mallus or other daemon hunters of the Imperial.


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Mar 31, 2011
Would I give up free thought, life as a normal human being, and subject my buddy to constant threat of physical destruction? Trade away my life as an Imperial slave forced to submit to incompetent fanatics and fight in wars that make being shoved head first into a wood chipper seem like a safer alternative?

If I had a suit of power armor, super strength, a reinforced body, and a suit that injects me with combat drugs you bet your fucking ass I'd trade it in. You'll probably die in training, but you're a dead man anyways so that isn't even a gamble.

I would slay everything that looked at the Imperium funny.


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Dec 15, 2010
Outcast107 said:
Trillovinum said:
Also one more thing before I end this post. Space Marine hardly ever die in combat. Its not like in the RTS where you send a full squad and they are kill off easily. They are one of the best soldiers of all time in the WH40K universe for the same reason is due to their training, weapons and armor. The only reason they might die is getting overwhelm by orks 1000:1, or having to fight Chaos without the help of Ordo Mallus or other daemon hunters of the Imperial.
Space marines don't die? I find that hard to believe. Every unit takes casualties from time to time and even the space marines aren't above that.

They're good, but you can't throw them into the kinds of battle's I read about and not sustain heavy casualties.

Eldar snipers, Tyranid Hordes, Necrons that keep getting up... those things will get to them.

M-E-D The Poet

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Sep 12, 2011
Nouw said:
Being a Space Marine would give me a higher chance of surviving so yeah why not? If life becomes too boring, I can go corrupt and join the forces of Chaos.

Also, you don't 'join' the Space Marines.
wait so you can't join the marines and are brainwashed but you can still end up joining Chaos

I smell A missing link


New member
Dec 15, 2010
ChupathingyX said:
You seem to be forgetting one very important group...The Imperial Gaurd.

When the Adeptus Astartes aren't available the Guard do their best to fight back the hordes of...everyone else. Most IG regiments and battalions are just made up of conscripts and cannon fodder, there are also many elite troops and armoured columns to support them, and this...

And if all else fails, well then you go to plan B...​

The imperial guard may be called "the backbone of the Imperium" but they aren't any good. the potential is there but their tactics just aren't up to snuff.
While their tanks are impressive (to their standards) they use them in the wrong way.

From what I hear and read, it's the spacemarines that have to do the heavy lifting because the guard is getting slaughtered.

while this may be nice to set a story up, it does make the guard out as being rather incapable.

That said it also appears to me that the imperial guard is solely a defensive force.
That puts all the offensive work in the hands of the space marines. "the best defense is a good offense" and there aren't enough space marines to cover all the systems and simultaneously attack enemy targets.

you also mentioned plan B. destroying a world might work once or twice but you'll only end up shooting yourself in the foot.

The way I see it. The Imperium is on a losing streak and will succumb in time. the loss of all those worlds is impossible to recover from and eventually they'll be defeated.​


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Trillovinum said:
I never said they don't die. I just mean they don't die like in the RTS games or even table top games. In most of those battles i'm sure a few space marine died, unless a super unit was summon up.

Like the battle at the ultramarine homeworld. They were heavly outnumber and outmatch by the Tryanids. That is one battle that I can understand why a lot of space marines would die. I'm just saying on a normal battle, a space marine chapter might loose about a handful of guys. Depending on the foe they are fighting.

A example of this would probably be Storm of Iron, read it if you havn't, its a great chaos book. In the book the IG gets some of the Imperial Fist as backup. Though I believe it was only five of them. I need to check up on it as I havn't read it in a good while.

They were doing a damn good job holding off the Chaos Space Marine until two daemonic beings came in and own the shit out of them. One being a Khronate daemon possessed soldier and the other being the Chaos Lord himself on the verge of becoming a Daemon Prince.


New member
Dec 15, 2010
Outcast107 said:
Trillovinum said:
I never said they don't die. I just mean they don't die like in the RTS games or even table top games. In most of those battles i'm sure a few space marine died, unless a super unit was summon up.

Like the battle at the ultramarine homeworld. They were heavly outnumber and outmatch by the Tryanids. That is one battle that I can understand why a lot of space marines would die. I'm just saying on a normal battle, a space marine chapter might loose about a handful of guys. Depending on the foe they are fighting.

A example of this would probably be Storm of Iron, read it if you havn't, its a great chaos book. In the book the IG gets some of the Imperial Fist as backup. Though I believe it was only five of them. I need to check up on it as I havn't read it in a good while.

They were doing a damn good job holding off the Chaos Space Marine until two daemonic beings came in and own the shit out of them. One being a Khronate daemon possessed soldier and the other being the Chaos Lord himself on the verge of becoming a Daemon Prince.
You make a good point but that wasn't my original point. The point was that, if space marine training is as deadly as they say. it would be impossible for them to recover their losses quick enough because the sheer search for new recruits would be impossible to maintain.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Trillovinum said:
This may be true. Though we also have to remember that Space Marine are only allow a certain amount to join at a time. I believe it was a 1000 to a company? and depending how many worlds they get their soldiers they would easily resupply them.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
M-E-D The Poet said:
Nouw said:
Being a Space Marine would give me a higher chance of surviving so yeah why not? If life becomes too boring, I can go corrupt and join the forces of Chaos.

Also, you don't 'join' the Space Marines.
wait so you can't join the marines and are brainwashed but you can still end up joining Chaos

I smell A missing link
Nope there's no missing link. Chaos is always on the look-out to turn Space Marines heretic to try and boost their numbers. It's common,especially in books and games, and there's even a Warband for all traitor marines.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
I would. I'm a male adult so there's a fair chance of being drafted into the guard if my homeworld is threatend. And these guys, fluff wise, have a life expentacny of something like 15 mins, so I'd take my chances as a supersoldier since fighting is likely inevitable.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Space Marines..... pff. I have a great job already within the Adaptus Mechanicus. I'm a steersman on a Battle Titan. I drive a damn Battle Titan and wouldn't change jobs unless I could be a Commissar. I'd be greater than Yarrak.


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Sep 3, 2011
Hal10k said:
You do not "join" the Space Marines. You are recruited out of populations of several trillions if you happen to possess the right characteristics, namely a near omnicidal lust for combat and the rough shape of a rather muscular flatbed truck. You also have to possess these characteristics as a child, becase adults tend to go completely insane from the transformation as opposed to only mostly insane. After being "recruited", you're put through several years of training in which you will, more often than not, die. If you don't, you're outfitted with several superfluous organs, genetically modified to make you an even more absurd specimen of manliness, and brainwashed into fanatically supporting the empire and its various conflicting ideologies. If you somehow manage to survive that, congratulations, you're a scout.
Yes to that. I would give up my body to fight for what I believe in, aka save the galaxy, samething in Halo, if I had the option, yes I would.


New member
May 17, 2010
Be a Space Marine? Not a chance I like my Witchblades and Eldar Mind war, the true psyker's you keep your petty Librarians :p


New member
Dec 15, 2010
Outcast107 said:
Trillovinum said:
This may be true. Though we also have to remember that Space Marine are only allow a certain amount to join at a time. I believe it was a 1000 to a company? and depending how many worlds they get their soldiers they would easily resupply them.
I believe I covered that. it's not that there are no people to draw recruits from. It's that they're near impossible to find. their parameters are way to strict for them to kill off 90% of their recruits and still get enough replacements.

your company of a thousand would need 10.000 recruits. ten thousand "one in a million men".
It's just not feasible.
that's all I'm saying.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Hal10k said:
You do not "join" the Space Marines. You are recruited out of populations of several trillions if you happen to possess the right characteristics, namely a near omnicidal lust for combat and the rough shape of a rather muscular flatbed truck. You also have to possess these characteristics as a child, becase adults tend to go completely insane from the transformation as opposed to only mostly insane. After being "recruited", you're put through several years of training in which you will, more often than not, die. If you don't, you're outfitted with several superfluous organs, genetically modified to make you an even more absurd specimen of manliness, and brainwashed into fanatically supporting the empire and its various conflicting ideologies. If you somehow manage to survive that, congratulations, you're a scout.
For the above reasons I say NO! Not only no, but FUCK NO! I'd have more of a chance surviving as a guardsman, if only for the fact that if I position myself right, the enemy would probably run out of bullets shooting my 8 billion comrades before they got to me.


New member
Jan 13, 2011
If I was the act as an agent of the imperium, I would choose to be an Iquisitor as opposed to a space marine. They have greater freedom, and respect, than your average adaptus astartes (not considering a chapter-master or Space Wolves here). Sure, a space marine steps on the field and all the guardsmen are inspire, but Iquisitors can order planetary, even sector, governers around. While the marines do show emotion (primaraly rage and hatred at foes, comradeship with fellow marines, contempt for guardsmen), they are pretty restricted (again, excluding the Space Wolves Chapter). Inquistors can work alone, but they can also have teams if they wish to. Space Marines have to work in squads, save for the rare covert mission.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Trillovinum said:
Outcast107 said:
Trillovinum said:
This may be true. Though we also have to remember that Space Marine are only allow a certain amount to join at a time. I believe it was a 1000 to a company? and depending how many worlds they get their soldiers they would easily resupply them.
I believe I covered that. it's not that there are no people to draw recruits from. It's that they're near impossible to find. their parameters are way to strict for them to kill off 90% of their recruits and still get enough replacements.

your company of a thousand would need 10.000 recruits. ten thousand "one in a million men".
It's just not feasible.
that's all I'm saying.
Well i'm not sure if it would be around 90%. Probably more likely around 70% unless there somewhere where it tells of how many do survive. Still not a lot, but also do they count Scouts as part of the Company?

If not then it would explain how they can fill up the company as quickly as they do. They would have a large pool of scouts to choose from.