Poll: Would you join the Space Marines?


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Cheshire the Cat said:
Fuck no. Being a space marine would suck ass.
They recruit children, as in pre puberty. The testing alone will probably kill ya, if not then the surgeries probably will.
And even if you do survive to be a space marine, its still pretty shit.

Your personality is pretty much wiped by psycho indoctrination, your emotions are dulled, your entire life becomes nothing more than fight and train, oh and you do not even get to fuck anything since you no longer even have a penis.
Ask any body builder. As they gain muscle their penises start to shrink since the body basically builds up around it. Same with over weight guys. The dick stays the same length but the body swallows it. Exact same thing with Marines. So basically all you are left with is a tiny little mushroom head to piss out of...
Actually they sterilize you and remove your sexual drive though I think you still maintain a penis but it flopping around in the armor suit would probably be an irritance so why not just chop it off and use another means for testosterone.

They do maintain a personality though.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
TheDarkEricDraven said:
Evidently you do not join. But I wouldn't want to be, thats for sure. Its always Space Marine, you know? Never Space Nanny or Space Gardner. I really wish there was more options.
Well you could be a Space Wolf and if you survived their training and the absolute cold then you could control a wolf... so you're a Space Pet-master.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Hal10k said:
You do not "join" the Space Marines. You are recruited out of populations of several trillions if you happen to possess the right characteristics, namely a near omnicidal lust for combat and the rough shape of a rather muscular flatbed truck. You also have to possess these characteristics as a child, becase adults tend to go completely insane from the transformation as opposed to only mostly insane. After being "recruited", you're put through several years of training in which you will, more often than not, die. If you don't, you're outfitted with several superfluous organs, genetically modified to make you an even more absurd specimen of manliness, and brainwashed into fanatically supporting the empire and its various conflicting ideologies. If you somehow manage to survive that, congratulations, you're a scout.
This is absolutely correct, although it should be indicated that you also have to fight Chaos indoctrination which makes you deformed, get to have things implanted in your head just to depict your service record, and of course the transplants have numerous other ways to kill you than you stated.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Hell no. They wouldn't select me, partially because I'm too old. That, and I don't want to get turned into a brainwashed muscle-weapon-thing. And I don't want to have to fight chaos, or tyranids especially. And I really wouldn't want to fight Eldar, because they're awesome, and don't give a fuck.

Lets be honest, Eldar have really got it sussed. Dark Eldar are pirate BDSM enthusiasts, Exodite worlds are hippy farmers, and Craftworld Eldar are just immeasurably badass. Seriously, an entire craftworld was in the eye of terror for thousands of years and came back out of it, casual. When Man turned to Chaos they fucked their own shit up, but when Eldar turned to chaos they created another fucking god. Why do Space Marines even bother?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
No! The Space Marines are just futuristic Templars. They serve an Emperor and destroy the heathens (meaning other Space Marines, humans and aliens). Nobody in the WH 40K universe is nice though. The Tau are maybe the nicest, but they really don't like humans.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Aris Khandr said:
Going to go with no. Adepta Sororitas, on the other hand, sure. I'm at least properly 'equipped' for that one.
if i was a girl, this, so much this XD also, as a plus you see a lot of them with the mark of the Inquisition, so LOADS of power there

but I'm not a girl, so kills that. but would i "join"?

well lemme answer that with this

No Pity, No Remorse, No Fear


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
So, you're asking if I'd die, or, die? Well, that's a no brainer. But seriously. If you knew a single thing about the 40K universe, you'd know that's a dumb question.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
All the races and factions of the Warhammer 40K universe are (in)famous for their ludicrously creative brutality. Among them the Adeptus Astartes, or space marines as you prefer, are some of the most feared warriors that the Imperium of Man has to offer.

So yeah... They're heavily armored, eight feet tall, walking tanks created by and in the image of a literal god emperor. In a universe where everything is trying to kill you I'd say all that would come in handy. So, back on topic... Yeah I'd join them in a heartbeat.

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
Hal10k said:
You do not "join" the Space Marines. You are recruited out of populations of several trillions if you happen to possess the right characteristics, namely a near omnicidal lust for combat and the rough shape of a rather muscular flatbed truck. You also have to possess these characteristics as a child, becase adults tend to go completely insane from the transformation as opposed to only mostly insane. After being "recruited", you're put through several years of training in which you will, more often than not, die. If you don't, you're outfitted with several superfluous organs, genetically modified to make you an even more absurd specimen of manliness, and brainwashed into fanatically supporting the empire and its various conflicting ideologies. If you somehow manage to survive that, congratulations, you're a scout.
Not to mention the fact that a good chunk of that training and implantation is tortuously painful. Most simply die from the pain, let alone all the uber dangerous, against-all-odds battle situations.

Despite my love for the Adeptus Astartes, I'm sorry to say I wouldn't go through that process. I'd much rather be an imperial guardsman, as I can don't have to go through all that pain and effort just for a 1/1000 chance of becoming a marine. More importantly though, I'd personally wield a meltagun, which doesn't care if the thing it's firing at is a marine or a regular human. It'll kill them anyways.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
TypeSD said:
So, you're asking if I'd die, or, die? Well, that's a no brainer. But seriously. If you knew a single thing about the 40K universe, you'd know that's a dumb question.
To be fair saying yes would give a slightly higher chance of surviving. Lesser of two evils if you ask me.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Ilke said:
Fuck no if they kindly propose. I'd probably not survive the process, or the Neophyte stage even.

FalloutJack said:
No, I'm going to go be reconfigured into a Necron, really. Mine is the joy of spreading a wave of terror and destruction without end.
Too bad you won't be able to feel that joy if you become one of them :D
Betcha' I could convince them that sadism is its own reward and that keeping that particular feeling will enhances the boney boys.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
You know, I hate to say it but I think Space Marine are more human then we give them credit for. I mean look at the pre-heresy and how the Primarchs acted with each other. Look how they have feelings of like a normal human.

Jealously for Perturabo (Iron Warriors) for feeling outshadow by his brother Rogal, Depression for Horus since he was overburden with running the war and trying to keep his brothers in line. Angron feels angry towards his father due to the emperor forcing Angron away form his comrades in battle. Mangus feeling betray by his brothers when Russ attack him when he was trick by Horus.

I mean hell, look at Captain Titus. He doesn't seem brainwash to worshiping the Emperor as a god. Most Space Marines don't. Though they due view him as a very powerful figure, I don't think they view him as a god.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
I think most people are forgetting the most fun job in the Warhammer universe. Princeps of a Titan. You wana talk about being a 8' walking tank? Try commanding a 40'-80' walking city distroyer. Sure after a while you'll go partially insane from the machine spirit of the titan but who cares?

But if I can't make it into that then Ordo Hereticus here I come.

Still Life

New member
Sep 22, 2010
The 40k universe is not a place I would want to live in by any stretch. Space Marines are post-human tools of war that go through a horrific process of transformation.

Outcast107 said:
For me, I rather be a Tech Priest of Mars. Becoming more machine and having extra servo arms that possible holds extra weapons and you get a cool looking ax to hold (At least from what I seen from DoW 1.)
The cult of the machine are just pawns of the C'tan.