Poll: Would you still play it if...


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Don Alejandro said:
Now Baldur's Gate II did have an interesting optional romance sideplot, but there weren't gay or lesbian choices. Of course this always will boil down to sales (Free Market, gotta love it, right?).
There weren't in BG2, but the full spectrum was accounted for in Jade Empire. Male PCs could chase after Sky, Dawn Star, or Silk Fox (or even Dawn Star and Silk Fox at the same time), and female PCs could go for Sky or Silk Fox.

They've kinda scaled back since, Mass Effect will let female PCs get some blue alien chick, which led to the game being temporarily banned in Singapore, but male PCs have no equivalent dude to chase.


New member
Nov 13, 2007
if tastefully done and it was a good game then ya i would play it, but i do see why they wouldnt make it in the first place due to sales.

i carnt think of any games story off the top of my head that would be improved by having a gay lead charcter tho i guess to start with they will have to start bringing in strong support charcters first as then this shouldnt offend the raving homophobics as much.


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Jan 9, 2006
The Irrelevant Gamer said:
Any game in which sexual preference matters should leave that preference up to the player, and have viable options for heterosexual, and homosexual choices. I figure if developers are going to include an optional romance subplot the least they can do is give the player a choice of who he/she wants to pursue.

If suddenly in Episode 3 Gordon Freeman express his love for Alex shouldn't there be an option for the people who are hot for Barney?

I would still play a game in which the protagonist is gay, but I don't think sexual preference should be forced on a player in the fist place.

If you can pick that...most games would have a female hero and a lesbian ending:)

Jeroen Stout

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Aug 1, 2006
GloatingSwine said:
They've kinda scaled back since, Mass Effect will let female PCs get some blue alien chick, which led to the game being temporarily banned in Singapore, but male PCs have no equivalent dude to chase.
That's ridiculous. I object to sexual deviation being preferable 'when to do with women'.

I'm all for bi-sexual main characters, really. Perhaps that's just personal.
Nov 15, 2007
Technically doesn't Mass Effect break new ground rather than scale back? Isn't the blue alien actually asexual, but all of them look female?

Maybe Bioware blamed Jade Empire's somewhat poor reception on the fact you could be gay for Sky?

Seriously though I do think it is rather childish of developers to include the lesbian option, but exclude male homosexuality.

You get your charisma to 25, and you can seduce anyone.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
I hate having this thought, but now I wonder how many Half-Life players didn't finish HL2 Ep.1 when they twigged to Alyx (black) having romantic feelings for Gordon (white).

Me? No problem with any of the above, though I do think that the Mass Effect's "hot alien chicks" thing is quaintly Barsoomian. (Indeed, why would aliens evolving in another ecosystem with different ecological pressures look at all human, let alone physically attractive?) I mean, it'd be more likely we run into Elites or Vortigaunts or Hortas (well, maybe not Hortas) or Zerg than Green/Blue Alien Space Hotties.

Though I suppose there'll be somebody out there with a hankerin' for BEMs with Rule 34 and all.

-- Steve


New member
Nov 9, 2007
Currently released RPGs that feature an optional homosexual male hero (that I can think of off the top of my head):
Jade Empire
Fallout 2

Obviously the fact that you could marry a guy in Modoc didn't hurt Fallout 2's reception, so I don't quite thing that the presence completely offends people.

Actually what is a little disturbing and saddening is comments that "It's okay if the hero is gay, he just can't have a relationship at all." More or less they'd rather the main character be Asexual or just the "sissy" archetype than actually be gay.

Take a look at John Barrowman, Scottish actor, plays Captain Jack in both Doctor Who, and in Torchwood. The actor is gay and the character is... for the best word, pansexual. Does the fact that he kiss men, and wake up next to them naked make him that much less of a badass when he's blowing aliens away? Besides, a person's (or character's) orientation isn't who they are, it's just an aspect (unless you look at a lot of one dimensional character coming out of most games these days.)

In most FPSs, is there really a point to add character sexual orientation? No. Gordon Freeman is just an avatar of the player, more of an avatar of any other FPS hero as we never see anything but what his eyes do. The Marine in Doom is just "Generic Gun Toting guy no. 7242." Duke Nukem is simply Ash from The Evil Dead shoved inside a blonde 2D platform hero. The Postal Dude is just some schmuck who has some errands to run.

Puzzle games? Nope. Platformers? Maybe, but not necessarily. Sports games? I doubt it. Really, only story based games (which primarily rely on RPGs, but Kojima, Rockstar and a few others expand on that) are the ones that sexual orientation might actually be mentioned, same for race, sex, religion, education, and other things. Most of the time, the hero is simply a blank avatar for the player.

But in the end, as I said before, orientation isn't a person, it is simply a trait of their being. I might be a college student, a gamer, an American, a voter, a cynic, an employee, and, in fact, a homosexual, but they aren't me. I'm me.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
i think it can be pulled off, sales-wise, as long as they dont make too much of a fuss about the fact that the main character IS gay, it could indeed make some interesting story-lines, and bridge a few gaps in the gaming industry, and possibly an even more disgusting version of leisure suit larry... O_O (my mind, it burns)


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Gildedtongue said:
Currently released RPGs that feature an optional homosexual male hero (that I can think of off the top of my head):
Jade Empire
Fallout 2.
Fable, as well. Though there's no subplot attachment to the marriages, male or female, in Fable, so it doesn't get mentioned much. (that's one where you really can seduce anything).


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
I played through God Hand. The lead character in that was gay, wasn't he?

Honestly as long as the game is fun it shouldn't matter.


New member
Oct 16, 2007
No objection, but it seems that when something is advertised as gay or lesbian it automatically means sex. I mean that when there is a character in any form of entertainment that is gay, it seems they have to drive the point home. For instance I have a friend who is gay, and he attending the pride fest in this area, now we have a mutual friend that went with him because she has a boyfriend and they both went and wouldn't feel uncomfortable because people would be hitting on them. I was told some stories later about people who just weren't wearing pants and others who seemed to be wearing about $1400 of S&M gear. This seems different to another group of people who have their own culture and traditions, for instance, Later we saw nobody doing that at Italian fest or Summer fest or the Asian Moon Festival, Valentines day isn't even close to taking off your pants and running in the nude up and down the street although I haven't seen that holiday anywhere but here. So am I to think that such things are a cultural indicator and tradition of people who are homosexual? These things are far from the truth from everything I've seen, I've known homosexuals where I always had a bit of indication but I didn't really know until they told me and I've seen homosexuals who I knew instantly that they were gay, and neither of them were wearing S&M stuff. It just seems that when something other than a person has a connection to homosexuals the tendency is to swing all the way to sexsexsex.


New member
Nov 22, 2007
Sexual orientation has absolutely no relevance to how good a game is. Unless you are a retarded rednecked bigot.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
If its done properly, and isn't just a stream of slapstick gay jokes, then yes, I would. Making the main character gay would probably also make the game more interesting, considering not many other games have done it.


New member
Dec 12, 2006
One of the good points raised in this thread is the whole "beating you over the head with it" idea, which, let's face it, is quite believable in gaming's current climate.

The fact that Mass Effect does not allow homosexual relationships between men, but allows it among women saddens me, as I had thought that the choice was open to any orientation in that game. Sure, people may not have been comfortable with seeing such a concept played out in front of them, but a large part of media is about things that people aren't comfortable with, in order to alter people's perceptions, or at least make them more open-minded.

The games industry does a great disservice to the GBLT gaming community through its avoidance of homosexual male/male relationships, and it worries me that the majority of heroes in games are straight white men, or women with breasts the size of Jupiter.


New member
Sep 9, 2007
i ask you this, would you play it if it were lesbians?

nuff' said, gimme gay games i'd rather play a game where all characters are gay, or Bi, then a 100% straight game :)


New member
Nov 28, 2007
Aren't there any Japanese games with gay or lesbian protagonists? Seeing that there are entire genres in anime and manga (shounen/shoujo-ai, yumi etc) that readily sell in their intended demographics, and that Japan is a particularly large market for games.

I think many agree (reading through this thread) that the problem is really the nature of sexual content in games. It's geared more to "elicit sexual thought" (ie pr0n) than anything else. From that perspective it's rather obvious that male/male relationships aren't depicted since gay porn doesn't reach as wide an audience as lesbian ditto and might dissuade some markets ('specially religious demographics).

I'd like to see a game that isn't pornographic (in a wide sense of the word) but still deals in a meaningful way with sexual content. Of course, aside from dating games and rpgs, I don't really see where that would add to the gameplay ....

EDIT: Oh, the Sims of course, but there isn't really any sexual content, imo at least. Wouldn't it be great if you had a frustrat-o-meter ;)


New member
Nov 27, 2007
so long as it didnt use it as some gimicky selling point taking advatage of it...i saw a thread on a "black hero" personally i dont care about the race or sexuality of a character but i would be annoyed if a developer came out with a game just to show its ethnic or sexual diversity, you know like a "play as a black an homosexual or a (insert sterotype)" because that character would most likely personify a sterotype of some kind and even if it had good wishes many would likley have issues with it. GTA SAN ANDREAS for example caused alot of fuss because it was a coloured man running round commiting crimes and alot of media and people classed it as racist, even though gta 3 and vice city where white sterotypical men doing the same thing. another example is resident evil 5 (yahtzee did a thing on this i belive) all previos games have been a white guy killing loads of white zombies resi 4 being killing white farmers, just because the next one has africans in it being shot its somehow wrong. to me judging how good a game is based on the types of lifstyle or race of those in the game is wrong and just promotes that we should distingish homosexuals from strait people asians from blacks blah from blah none of it really matters to me, i wouldnt say crysis has made me hate asian people or redint evil 4 has made me look at farmers diffrently, its fantasy and should be viewed as such. feel free to challange my view i love a bit of a debate :)


New member
Sep 9, 2007
well politicians and such are just digging their own graves on the racist thing... by calling everything that has a coloured man racist off the bat, they are actually pointing out that we are different, i mean, before all this shit happened to games i didnt even bother thinking about it :S wait.. is doom 1 and 2 racist now too? i mean, theres brownie's....

wait a sec... UT IS RACIST!! theres black people in there, and you kill them with all sorts of weapons, OMG...

well yea, you get the point, fuck off you tards who want to "make the world better" because your just fucking it up

sorry for dropping the F bombs