Poll: Would you try heroin if it were legal?


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Hmmm, I'd think about it for sure. But probably no.
I'm quite happy with regular cigarettes and alcohol, slightly less regular weed and even less regular MDMA (or other pills).
I wouldn't mind trying LSD though.


New member
May 10, 2011
The thing is that I don't trust heroin. One bad batch and you're pushing up daisies.

If heroin would become legal, then there will undoubtedly also be a massive amount of quality checks.

I am curious, but I am not gonna take the risk just to satisfy my curiosity.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
No. That shit ruins your life. I'd probably try every drug out there except H and Meth. Besides, from what I've read, the positive effects of those drugs don't actually seem that great to me. At least when you stack them up against Acid/Weed/MDMA, which are all awesome.

I have already tried Marijuana, Acid, Nitrous without a hitch. I'll be trying MDMA soon. That will cross off most of the drugs I've wanted to try. DMT/Salvia/2c-b/Shrooms also interest me.

Interestingly enough, playing video games on Acid was incredible.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
Maybe, but it's not it's legality that holds me off, it's the reputability of drugs dealers. If I was to try it, it'd be a nice ultra-safe dosage, from a very reputable regulated source, and it'd be only a maybe then, a unique one off thing, with friends. Maybe smoking opium rather than shooting up heroin, which, while introducing new risk factors, it has a more casual, recreational vibe to it.

Heroin is very safe if it's genuinely just heroin, and you are injecting intravenously, a weighted dosage unique to you, by someone who has experience injecting it. Unlike with alcohol and hallucinogens, you are very unlikely to do anything dangerous while under it's influence. Addiction and consequential long term usage is definitely destructive to the greatest extreme we see with drug abuse.

It seems like I'm being condescendingly specific here but it should be noted that I'd amend those qualifications with, that you aren't sensitive to opiates and aren't using medication that could have fatal interactions with opiates. It also helps that, whenever using any drug, you're somewhere safe and feel comfortable (especially important with hallucinogens). Exhibiting excellent self control and strength of will is obviously important, because, while you won't be addicted after the first time (with heroin), you will likely want to use again, and being able to self-enforce it was a "one-off" thing is important to enjoying that.

Having someone on hand who knows what to do in the case of accidental overdose is always good too. Too many people die because their friends panic and deal with the situation badly. If we had reliable source of clean heroin for recreational use, that were properly prepared for the individual using them, to safe ranges, then that shouldn't be of issue at all. But nothing is without risk.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
A Weary Exile said:
Nope. I won't even try legal vices like alcohol or cigarettes.
You took my response so I'll just agree. The most harmful thing I put into my body is trans-fats, saturated fat, baconaise and, caffeine. As for Heroine...



New member
Mar 29, 2008
kinapuffar said:
No, I've been around heroin addicts, I'm not stupid enough to think there is such a thing as a controlled abuse of the drug.
Anyone who does is a fucking fool.
Heroin, or diactylmorphine, is still used in hospitals as an analgesic. There is such thing as a controlled dose.

Guardian of Nekops

New member
May 25, 2011
I don't even drink. :p

I don't religiously avoid alcohol or anything, but the idea of chemically altering my experiences does not appeal to me.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
I have no desire to try any drug, regardless of whether or not it is legal.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Absolutely not. It's a heavily addictive and damaging drug, unlike some other less hardcore drugs out there.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
No, a million times no. A substance's legal status isn't what I use to decide whether I'll try it or not I just know that heroin, crack and meth are evil and completely destroy the majority of people's lives who choose to get involved with them.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
I drink maybe once every two months and have never tried anything else. Just seems pointless. Also, huge fear of needles. Oh and Pulp Fiction. Yeah she did it wrong but needles are awful.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
I've heard enough about heroin and its effetcs, to know thatI will never touch it. Similarly with cocaine, but that has the added effect of supporting the South American cartels, some of the most evil bastards I've heard of. So no, alcohol, occasional tobacco, and the very, very occasional use of weed is as far as I'll go. LSD interests me, but I doubt I'll try that.

faspxina said:
I used to try heroin, the I took an arrow in the knee.
What is this, some new meme?


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
No, that and Meth are my bug no no's. I've try a lot of other things; but Heroine and Meth are a huge no.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
What? No. Why the fuck would I?
I'd do any currently legal substances as well as probably Weed if I get the chance to try it, but I'm not going to go that overboard. I'd draw the line at anything more dangerous than Mushrooms.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Abandon4093 said:
tzimize said:
Abandon4093 said:
willis888 said:
No way. Tobacco is hard enough to stay away from one you get hooked, and I've heard that heroine is comparable in terms of addictiveness. If tobacco was as unhealthy as heroine, I'd have died years ago.
You're kidding right? Tobacco is like candy compared to heroine in terms of addictive properties.

The jury is still out on whether smoking is anything more than habitual addiction. I'd certainly argue that it isn't chemical like heroine.
I've actually read this too in a science magazine. While you dont get hooked as fast on nicotine as on heroine, the addictive properties of nicotine are HUGE.

There are two kinds of addiction, mental and physical. Afaik for example acid is not physically addictive (as in you dont go into withdrawal if you dont get it). Nicotine and heroine on the other hand, is.
I completely disagree. There is massive contention about the addictive properties of a cigarette at the minute.

There's a reason things such as hypnotherapy and substitute cigs are more effective at combating cig addiction than nicotine patches and gum.

The act of smoking a cigarette is more important to smoker than the nicotine hit they get from it. In mine and a lot of other peoples opinions, it's a habitual addiction. The act of smoking is the reward people are looking for. Not the rush of chemicals.

You can quite cigs cold turkey and have nothing more than psychological withdrawals such as irritability (in very extreme cases). If you try to quite heroine cold turkey. There's a slight chance of death because of the chemical dependance you've built up.

They are not comparable addictions, and any scientist who would tell you otherwise is merely sensationalising.

Your opinion is irrelevant. What about some sources to back up such a sensationalist claim?

As far as most studies and scientists are concerned nicotine is a chemically addictive drug, with very clear physical withdraw symptoms. So come on, back up your bullshit mate.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
SovietX said:
I have no desire to try any drug, regardless of whether or not it is legal.
Ever drank coffee? Tea? Coca Cola? How about had a prescription from the doctors? Ignoring the obvious ones, most medicines you apply to a part of your body (such as a remedy for a blocked nose or hay fever) will include Steroids.

Why do you have no desire to use a drug? The definition of a drug is a substance that alters the human body in some way when taken. I guarantee you have probably had a drug in your system at least once a week. Hell, your body produces it's own drugs. If we take those into account then you're on a drug at least once a day, or whenever you're excited, sad, or injured.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
It's definitely the sort of thing I would consider during my depressive episodes. I get pretty desperate for any sort of temporary reprieve, even if I know I'm making it worse in the long run. I'm the same when it comes to any significant amount of pain.