Poll: Yet Another God Damn My Little Pony Thread


New member
Jun 9, 2009
I know, I know. If you are (perfectly reasonably, I'm sure) tired of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic threads, then feel free to use this image whenever one pops up.

But anyway, there's a question being frequently asked on here I'd like to address.

"Why is it so popular?": Different people will likely have different answers, but as far as I'm concerned it's simple: people like it because it's a good show. If you haven't watched it yourself, do so before you ask this question again.

Now, admittedly, I think it's more than a little over-rated. It's not great. But it is good, and it has an oddly addictive quality to it. The characters are likeable, the animation is well done, and it has some genuinely funny moments. It's just over-all entertaining. As for why it's most popular with males above the target audience's age, I couldn't tell you. Maybe, as Brainy Smurph theorized, it's because they just don't have enough girliness in their lives and MLP gives them the chance to watch something girly that doesn't suck. Honestly, it's unimportant. That's just how things turned out.

So, for those who do watch the show: Who is your favourite character (of the main six?)


New member
Mar 11, 2011
-Drifter- said:
"Why is it so popular?": Different people will likely have different answers, but as far as I'm concerned it's simple: people like it because it's a good show. If you haven't watched it yourself, do so before you ask this question again.

Now, admittedly, I think it's more than a little over-rated. It's not great. But it is good, and it has an oddly addictive quality to it. The characters are likeable, the animation is well done, and it has some genuinely funny moments. It's just over-all entertaining. As for why it's most popular with males above the target audience's age, I couldn't tell you. Maybe, as Brainy Smurph theorized, it's because they just don't have enough girliness in their lives and MLP gives them the chance to watch something girly that doesn't suck. Honestly, it's unimportant. That's just how things turned out.
I'm just really annoyed because so many other shows fit the criteria it does (minus being targeted at young girls) and yet this one blows up.

The only kid show I can watch that's currently airing new episodes is the Penguins of Madagascar. Everything else just makes me want to throw my remote at the screen. Poor kids these days.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Bags159 said:
-Drifter- said:
"Why is it so popular?": Different people will likely have different answers, but as far as I'm concerned it's simple: people like it because it's a good show. If you haven't watched it yourself, do so before you ask this question again.

Now, admittedly, I think it's more than a little over-rated. It's not great. But it is good, and it has an oddly addictive quality to it. The characters are likeable, the animation is well done, and it has some genuinely funny moments. It's just over-all entertaining. As for why it's most popular with males above the target audience's age, I couldn't tell you. Maybe, as Brainy Smurph theorized, it's because they just don't have enough girliness in their lives and MLP gives them the chance to watch something girly that doesn't suck. Honestly, it's unimportant. That's just how things turned out.
I'm just really annoyed because so many other shows fit the criteria it does (minus being targeted at young girls) and yet this one blows up.

The only kid show I can watch that's currently airing new episodes is the Penguins of Madagascar. Everything else just makes me want to throw my remote at the screen. Poor kids these days.
It's probably because people didn't expect a my little pony cartoon to actually be good. Also I would recommend watching Young Justice, the latest DC universe cartoon. I would also recommend Sym-bionic Titan, but Cartoon Network got stupid and decided to cancel it since they couldn't get a decent toy line running. You can find the eps on youtube though.
OT: Fluttershy is my favorite. Her personality is just adorable.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
UnmotivatedSlacker said:
Bags159 said:
-Drifter- said:
"Why is it so popular?": Different people will likely have different answers, but as far as I'm concerned it's simple: people like it because it's a good show. If you haven't watched it yourself, do so before you ask this question again.

Now, admittedly, I think it's more than a little over-rated. It's not great. But it is good, and it has an oddly addictive quality to it. The characters are likeable, the animation is well done, and it has some genuinely funny moments. It's just over-all entertaining. As for why it's most popular with males above the target audience's age, I couldn't tell you. Maybe, as Brainy Smurph theorized, it's because they just don't have enough girliness in their lives and MLP gives them the chance to watch something girly that doesn't suck. Honestly, it's unimportant. That's just how things turned out.
I'm just really annoyed because so many other shows fit the criteria it does (minus being targeted at young girls) and yet this one blows up.

The only kid show I can watch that's currently airing new episodes is the Penguins of Madagascar. Everything else just makes me want to throw my remote at the screen. Poor kids these days.
It's probably because people didn't expect a my little pony cartoon to actually be good. Also I would recommend watching Young Justice, the latest DC universe cartoon. I would also recommend Sym-bionic Titan, but Cartoon Network got stupid and decided to cancel it since they couldn't get a decent toy line running. You can find the eps on youtube though.
OT: Fluttershy is my favorite. Her personality is just adorable.
I know they don't expect it to be anywhere near good, but that doesn't justify the obsession in my opinion. Really doesn't make sense. So, instead of turning out to be crap, it was decent, so now it's got a cult following? Yeah, I'm not following that logic.

And I think I'll pass, I've got enough shows recording at the moment. Thanks for a recommendation though.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
How can you not like Pinkie Pie the most, she's awesome! As for why, I think it's been addressed, you hear about it, think "there's no way this can be good." Then you watch it, and it is good, and then you start enjoying it.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Bags159 said:
And I think I'll pass, I've got enough shows recording at the moment. Thanks for a recommendation though.
Then watch it while they record. Every episode has been uploaded to youtube, as Hasbro so far doesn't seem to have any problem with people doing so (perhaps adding to the popularity, who knows?)

silver wolf009 said:
Lack of Luna makes me mad! Fix it!
Also, this image creeps me out. It's the expression, really. The creepy grin, the dead looking eyes... I'd go so far as to attribute that look to being the reason people find furries so creepy.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
-Drifter- said:
Bags159 said:
And I think I'll pass, I've got enough shows recording at the moment. Thanks for a recommendation though.
Then watch it while they record. Every episode has been uploaded to youtube, as Hasbro so far doesn't seem to have any problem with people doing so (perhaps adding to the popularity, who knows?)
They get most of their money from merchendise, so it's free advertising.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
My favorite of the main six is Applejack. Scootaloo is my favorite secondary character and Derpy is my favorite background character.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
-Drifter- said:
Bags159 said:
And I think I'll pass, I've got enough shows recording at the moment. Thanks for a recommendation though.
Then watch it while they record. Every episode has been uploaded to youtube, as Hasbro so far doesn't seem to have any problem with people doing so (perhaps adding to the popularity, who knows?)
You misunderstand me. I have more than enough space, just not enough time to watch everything. I've got hundreds of unwatched shows at the moment


New member
May 7, 2009
Every single character apart from Gilda and Trixie.

They can go eat antimatter muffins.



New member
Sep 10, 2010
Bags159 said:
I'm just really annoyed because so many other shows fit the criteria it does (minus being targeted at young girls) and yet this one blows up.

The only kid show I can watch that's currently airing new episodes is the Penguins of Madagascar. Everything else just makes me want to throw my remote at the screen. Poor kids these days.
The strangeness of people liking a show intended for young girls actually gives it an edge over the other shows you mentioned. People talk about it (like we're doing right now) and other people see it and in turn get curious and check out the show. It's the life cycle of a brony!

Trust me when I say I don't make a habit of watching new children's shows. It was threads just like this one that brought my attention to the show.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Kwaren said:
My favorite of the main six is Applejack. Scootaloo is my favorite secondary character and Derpy is my favorite background character.
I used to like Applejack, but after episode 21 I'm leaning towards Rainbow.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
loremazd said:
How can you not like Pinkie Pie the most, she's awesome!
I also voted Pinkie, but you had to know Rainbow Dash would win before you even voted.
-Drifter- said:
Bags159 said:
And I think I'll pass, I've got enough shows recording at the moment. Thanks for a recommendation though.
Then watch it while they record. Every episode has been uploaded to youtube, as Hasbro so far doesn't seem to have any problem with people doing so (perhaps adding to the popularity, who knows?)
I hope it's because they realize that outside of the US, there's no way to actually watch the show on tv. I'm dependent on YT for my weekly fix and would be quite unhappy if they started getting those vids pulled.


Arctic fox and BACON lover
Jun 13, 2009
I really can't go with just one, but I'll settle for none of the answers and settle for Vinyl Scratch/DJ PON-3. Love for music!


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Would you all please take this MLP junk and throw it into a fire. I am sick and tired of hearing of it.

Every time I have seen ponies come to a site, they take over. The next thing you'll know, we'll have multiple threads everyday....oh, wait, WE ALREADY HAVE THAT. On /co/, the comics and cartoons division of 4chan (yes, THAT 4chan), the mods actually put rules into place stating that there could only ever be one pony thread at any given time. Rules! About how many threads you can have on the same show! ON 4CHAN!

Please, sterilize the infection now before it spreads.