Poll: Yet Another God Damn My Little Pony Thread


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Jun 9, 2009
Elven Marksman said:
So I'm not going searching for this, but I'm going to assume that someone has out of pure curiosity and I'm sorry if you found something, but does rule 34 still occur for such innocence and love as this?
YES. YES IT DOES. Safe search couldn't block everything, it seems.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Elven Marksman said:
So I'm not going searching for this, but I'm going to assume that someone has out of pure curiosity and I'm sorry if you found something, but does rule 34 still occur for such innocence and love as this?
yes. probably moreso because of how pure it is. after all, if i remember right, one of the other rules is that the purer something is, the more fun it is to corrupt it, right? even if i don't agree that corrupting things is fun, that doesn't change the fact that it happens.


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Sep 11, 2009
Urgh76 said:
Fetzenfisch said:
I dont know the show, but i like the taste of pony.
Great, that's just great


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Mar 5, 2008
JackSparrowSucks said:
Seriously, I don't know when the hell I started seeing people talk about this.
It's a goddam children's cartoon, for fucks sake!
Sorry, many people have probably given you crap for this, but let me as well: if you are actually suggesting the very status of being a cartoon with children as the target audience automatically means a show is not worth watching, I absolutely pity you and your complete lack of artistic understanding.

OT: Finally checked out the show, after seeing so much about it. It confused me, but now that I've watched it I actually understand; it's rather enjoyable. As for my favorite character, easily Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle (the voice of Ingrid Third from Fillmore, for anyone who remember that bit of awesomeness) come close, and now and again Pinkie Pie stops being annoying long enough to get up there as well, but Fluttershy is the only one that is genuinely adorable. I just want to give her a huge hug.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
JackSparrowSucks said:
Thaius said:
JackSparrowSucks said:
Seriously, I don't know when the hell I started seeing people talk about this.
It's a goddam children's cartoon, for fucks sake!
Sorry, many people have probably given you crap for this, but let me as well: if you are actually suggesting the very status of being a cartoon with children as the target audience automatically means a show is not worth watching, I absolutely pity you and your complete lack of artistic understanding.
Ah, because I understand a show is for Children, it means I lack "Artistic understanding".
We're talking about "My Little Pony", ok; you don't bring in such a heavy topic in this type of discussion.
But since you are doing that, I'll ask, "how do you understand art?" Is it simply acknowledging it exists, materialistically, and also denotes something more then its understanded value (I.e, a picture of a man exists, not so you can see it, but so you can think about its philosophical underpinnings) ; do I consider everything art, a sort of vapid "eye of the beholder" approach; or do I just have to agree with you?

Prejudices exist for a reason. I don't believe Dora The Explorer is a satire of static formats, and how tedious these formats get; because it's a show made for children.
Also, we really shouldn't paint the discussion as a prejudice for certain target demographics; "The Best Man" is a stereotypical "black-romantic-comedy" thing, yet it is considered legendary for how goddam good it is.
With things made for children, quality and deeper meaning is purely optional. My 4 year old sister is watching, and being entertained, by some contrived, dumb cartoon about dangerous toys. It means absolutely nothing, and could easily be replaced with car keys.

These prejudices are rational.
Also, I love cartoons; and exclusively watch them. (In fact, if you actually read my posts after that one, I talked about how I WOULD watch it.)
Camp Lazlo, My Gym Partner's A Monkey, Rocko's Modern Life (I LOOOVE Joe Murray), Squirrel Boy; I love cartoons. If anyone should know about being open-minded about this crap; it should be me. I was turned off because it looked like it genuinely wouldn't interest me.

Don't chastise for not submitting to Groupthink, there's a rational reason why. If I asked you why you didn't stick your junk in a garbage disposal, it'd be because of a rational prejudice.
I wouldn't do it, either.
Also, don't be arrogant; it's kind of Troll-ish.
I believe Thaius was reacting to your first post, which came across as, shall we say, less than intelligent. Posts like them have gone up in the past regarding the show, and most of them have been by ignorant people. The reaction was according to the context you gave from the post, and I find it a very fitting reaction.

As for your second post, it's clear that you're not a fan of the show. And from what I can tell, you haven't seen it, so that makes you appear all the more ignorant and needlessly prejudiced. "Rational Prejudice" is a load of BS if you have scores of people telling you otherwise.

I'd also like to point out that time and time again, it has been said by Lauren Faust (creator of the show) and others that the show was designed with mass appeal. Things like Dora aren't designed with mass appeal in mind. I think that's apparent.

And why do kids' shows have to be dumb and contrived? Why can't they have quality like MLP does (and I don't care what you say, if you compare MLP to ANY of today's kids' shows, the difference is drastic) and like the shows of the 90s? This is another point made by Lauren Faust, and one that reigns true.

Lastly, I'd like to point out that the majority of fans go into MLP thinking it's going to be bad. Seriously, it absolutely radiates what males generally disassociate themselves with (I personally cringed the first time the opening theme came up). But the people who are bronies, the people who are fans of the show outside that target demographic, get past that and into the actual entertainment that the show has to offer. I think this is one of the biggest "don't judge a book by its cover" examples in the history of mankind.

However, despite this, I'd like to make it clear that I respect your opinion, and don't expect you to change it. I'm simply stating my side.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
JackSparrowSucks said:
Condor219 said:
I believe Thaius was reacting to your first post, which came across as, shall we say, less than intelligent. Posts like them have gone up in the past regarding the show, and most of them have been by ignorant people.
It's called "being ironic". I wouldn't seriously get that upset over a cartoon. Are people really this goddam self-conscious about watching a TV show? If people weren't, you'd see that I was jokingly asking why people were watching a show about ponies. It's funny, because it's absurd.
Did I ever say I hated the show? Because I haven't watched it.

When I was talking about rational prejudices, I was talking about how the show was made for children and the quality couldn't be controlled. Not this show in particular, just children shows in general (especially children shows aimed towards girls, IMO). But Whateverius' entire point was moot since I already said I was going to watch the damn show anyway. I was simply telling him that my initial prejudices were entirely rational and that maybe he shouldn't judge peoples' intelligence by their (joking, nonetheless) opinion.

Please, I'm not stupid. I know the show is probably going to be good.
(Jesus Christ, you actually said "shall". It's become obvious that everyone watches the show, you aren't alone; suspecting someone thinks it's silly and being butthurt about it, especially at this stage, is inane. No one is going to think that you're not smart.)

Remember: Whateverhisnameis' response was moot and needlessly pugnacious because it was resolved, in this thread, that the show is probably going to be good; and that I had to watch it. Also, responding to a supposed dissenter with an air of arrogance isn't going to invoke rational discussion; just someone who's pissed off.
Eh, it's called compensation. Any action that is considered socially deviant by the objective viewer usually calls for whoever committed that action to justify doing so, often excessively.

And that "being ironic" thing totally flew over my head then. I made assumptions based on people who have said things like that and were not being ironic, assuming you fell into that category. I apologize for that. As for "shall", I had just finished typing a paper and I didn't shake off the "school tone" that tends to sound pretentious anywhere that isn't professional.
Anyways, I want to keep the message light, so here's a picture of a cat.



New member
Jan 22, 2008
Why do people like this show? Because it is innocent fun. Because it doesn't try to be hip or cool. It just wants to delight and entertain (and sell toys, but that can be forgiven.) And it does this time and time again. It has no pretentions toward being anything other than a cute show about ponies, and it makes me (and lots of other people) smile. Plus, after a long of dealing with the general public (aka the dregs of humanity) it's nice to be able to sit back, relax and smile. Plus, I could give less than a shit about looking cool. I just want to smile sometimes. Is that so bad? Are you antipony trolls out there that upset that other people have found something in their lives that bring them joy and laughter? Are you that devoid of humanity that you have to invade pony threads just to voice your displeasure? Mind you, I ain't even mad. Your hatred genuinely baffles me. On the other hand, I smile with glee whenever you guys rage over this show having fans outside its "intended audience." Fun fact: The show's intended audience is kids and adults alike, including males. And that's from the show's creator herself.

That said, my favourite character is Pinky Pie. She makes me laugh constantly. Plus she is so random. Twilight Sparkle is a very close second, since I have a soft spot for bookworm chicks. And let's face it, if she was a human I'd have the hots for her, cartoon or not. You heard me. Stop judging me!