Poll: Your opinion on facial hair

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I'm kinda neutral to it, although i am sporting a kinda shit 'stache cuz i can't be arsed to shave...

Delicious Anathema

New member
Aug 25, 2009
I don't have hair on my cheeks, just my goatee area, but even if I did, I just find beards to give a dirty and artsy look that I don't stay more than 2 days unshaven (my facial hair grows slower for some reason). I feel dirty and like a gypsy with facial hair growing.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
I have facial hair but it is mostly down to the fact that I can't be bothered to shave, plus I've gotten so used to it I think I would look a little baby faced without it now.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
To each their own. Used to maintain a full goatee, but lately I've opted for remaining clean-shaven. Anybody that can pull off a full lumberjack beard has my respect and admiration, however.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Beards. Beards are awesome. But, in fairness, I condition my beard, so that stays soft and fluffy, which keeps the ladies happy. Nothin' quite like tickling her stomach and such by gently teasing a soft beard over the skin there. One way ticket to happytown, right there.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
I keep myself clean shaven, but I don't mind beards or facial hair.. as long as its not this >_>



New member
Mar 20, 2010
Hader said:
Guys: do you like your facial hair?

Guys: how do you like to keep your facial hair? shave often, sideburns only, sport the 'stache?
Yes, I like my facial hair, otherwise I would do something about it :p

I currently sport straight sideburns and a goatee, which is heading towards a point. *evil face* since my girlfriend has been getting at me to grow my hair longer for a while now, I'm also starting to sport a bit of a mop, but that could get reigned in a little after August, when I've been to see Iron Maiden. There are two styles to wear hair at Metal Gigs - long, or no hair.

Still, I think I should fit in, with a goatee that will make me look the part.


New member
Jun 18, 2010
It's cool because it's manly. Whether or not women like it has a lot to do with what their father sported. I'm really not kidding. It's similar to how men just want a woman that has the same sense of humor as their mothers'.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
theevilsanta said:
It's cool because it's manly. Whether or not women like it has a lot to do with what their father sported. I'm really not kidding. It's similar to how men just want a woman that has the same sense of humor as their mothers'.
I wouldn't say I wanted a woman with the same sense of humor as my mother...

I might never laugh then.

And my ex's father sported a full beard and sideburns, and she hated facial hair.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
for halloween i want to grow a fatty beard and then a beard over my beard and dye it a different color so my beard could have a beard. als, i dont want to look like a hobo for 364 days of the year so i can have one epic beard day

OT: i like my beard but as soon as it starts to get over an inch long i get it trimmed (same rule for my hair but im ok with 2 inches for it) but im a college student and sometimes i dont have the time to trim. the cool thing about my beard though is that i have two red strips and each side of my chin. everybody thinks i get it dyed since i have jet black hair but i just tell people its the only bit of irish you'll ever find on my


New member
Jun 18, 2010
Hader said:
theevilsanta said:
It's cool because it's manly. Whether or not women like it has a lot to do with what their father sported. I'm really not kidding. It's similar to how men just want a woman that has the same sense of humor as their mothers'.
I wouldn't say I wanted a woman with the same sense of humor as my mother...

I might never laugh then.

And my ex's father sported a full beard and sideburns, and she hated facial hair.
I'm just saying it's generally true that women like what their dad had. Not every case will mirror this, obviously.

To counter point - the similarities betwixt my wife's father and myself are almost limitless - facial hair included.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
An honest answer. I feel like i look better with facial hair but i don't know if that just a personal bias of wanting to look as manly as possible or if I actually do look better.

One thing is true, whenever i don't keep up with the maintenance and the gruff comes out nothing but complaints... that just makes me want to grow it out more sometimes. Sadistic streak maybe.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I had a fairly decent moustache + chin beard combo. it wasn't massivly bushy but it wasn't stubble either. a lot of my friends, teachers and my parents said it looked good. then the school's owner made me shave. Now, he's on my list

I fully support anyone trying to grow facial hair out and congratulate any that can do it successfully (it's not for everyone). And if someone is in the same position i was in, with the higher authorities, make sure the guy rallying support isn't a lazy guy who'll just post a facebook status rather than doing the sensible thing and actually going around with a piece of paper and actually getting people's support and signature


New member
Oct 13, 2010
I've been told many many times I look like wolverine from the Xmen when I don't shave and have stubble, which I'm fine with. After I quit my job I went a bit crazy with not shaving and it just went... crazy. And poofy. Also combined with long hair it looked fine ish.

When I shaved the day before I got my haircut, I looked like one of those little metal head kids that couldn't grow a beard from my highschool and hated that look. Mostly because I hated those kids, no offence to real metal heads. I kept my goatee which was scraggly as all fuck, so I had to trim that down which I was somewhat against but it was for the best as it looks REALLY good now.

So yeah, I have a bitching goatee, and my girlfriend approves my new look, mostly because I used my webcam to show her the before and after. It's just getting used to a non bearded face and a short goatee that's not strokable is an problem with me. Also my face feels too soft now.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
I think facial hair is awesome, but I can't grow it properly so I don't try.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Clean shaver here.

I can't stand it one myself but i can admit that it looks good on others.