Poll: Your opinion on facial hair

Sep 14, 2009
Kenko said:
gmaverick019 said:
i dont care what other people do, but me personally, after i haven't shaved for about 2 days, it bugs the living fuck out of me, i dont know if its a phobia or what but i constantly think about it and scratch at it until i shave it off..

so clean shaven for me personally, but for anyone else, its your face, do whatever.
I have the same thing, but for my head-hair. I hate when it grows out, i'd rather be cleanshaven.

But im all for beards! Tryin to grow now, but havin problems with it.... I refuse to have douchey patch-beard! Must grow real beard!
haha well glad to know im not the only one out there who has this odd phobia of sorts.

i almost feel bad, my facial hair grows out like a fucking beast, perfect and not patchy at all, in which most guys i know who try to grow out, have the most fucked up lawn mower patches you've ever seen.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
I think facial hair done correctly can look pretty good. Not that I want to toot my own horn, but my beard is pretty snazzy. Not too much but not a thin line either, and I keep it neat.



New member
Aug 27, 2009
Now, I'm a guy and I love facial hair. I think beards looks awesome, however i'm only 16 and can't really grow much unfortunatly. Eventually though.... it will happen.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
gmaverick019 said:
Kenko said:
gmaverick019 said:
i dont care what other people do, but me personally, after i haven't shaved for about 2 days, it bugs the living fuck out of me, i dont know if its a phobia or what but i constantly think about it and scratch at it until i shave it off..

so clean shaven for me personally, but for anyone else, its your face, do whatever.
I have the same thing, but for my head-hair. I hate when it grows out, i'd rather be cleanshaven.

But im all for beards! Tryin to grow now, but havin problems with it.... I refuse to have douchey patch-beard! Must grow real beard!
haha well glad to know im not the only one out there who has this odd phobia of sorts.

i almost feel bad, my facial hair grows out like a fucking beast, perfect and not patchy at all, in which most guys i know who try to grow out, have the most fucked up lawn mower patches you've ever seen.
Poor bastards! Im slowly getting there though... So gimme another 5 lifetimes and i'll have the beard of my dreams!....Yay me!


New member
Jul 15, 2010
theevilsanta said:
It's cool because it's manly. Whether or not women like it has a lot to do with what their father sported. I'm really not kidding. It's similar to how men just want a woman that has the same sense of humor as their mothers'.
Holy crap.
Like, my bff's father never had facial hair for as long as I'd known him, and she always complained how much she hated hairy men.
My biological father had facial hair, and my former step-father had facial hair.
I've never dated a clean-shaven guy. I've never even been interested in a guy without facial hair (I think it's a bit of a coincidence but still).
Good god. o_o;
I hope this isn't why, because something about that is REALLY squicky.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I want facial hair but it refuses to grow long enough to be visible. I want a nice beard-stache combo but niether will let me see them so I don't know what looks good.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Facial Hair is awesome.

Infact my facial hair acts as a time machine! When I shave I look my own age (16) but when I've got a bit of stubble I look about 18 and my full on beard (That I have at the moment) I look like I'm in my early 20's.

People love my beard... I've had lots of people just come over to me to ask if they can stroke my beard...

Though not everyone can pull off facial hair, but when they do it's instant +15 awesomeness.


New member
May 22, 2009
Had a goatee for years, had to shave it off for work.. since quit that job, and my friends have unannimously asked me never to shave it off again. Suits me since i love it.

Occasionally grow it down about a hand's width off the end of the chin. Although not more since after that it starts to get pushed by the wind >.<

Azuna Ikes

New member
Jan 20, 2011
Do we girls have a choice? I didn't know we did. My better half has one, and it suits him, and well, I have no say in the matter.. lol. Can be a bit tickly to kiss, but then, you get used to it, and it feels wierd without. Quite manly too.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
I recently shaved my beard of 5 months, and now I'm regretting the decision. The fact is, having a beard to stroke is much more refined than burbling your lips while you think :p and when you've put so much effort into being lazy, you kinda want to see it through. Also, a beard will almost ALWAYS give you better jaw definition (unless it's patchy or grows in the shape of little dicks on your cheeks), especially if you're carrying around a few extra pounds.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
I'd only need to shave once every 3 days to be clean shaven, 4 if I wana keep a little bit of fuzz which I kinda like. But if grows long its awful, patchy at best.

Its like wire though and my face really doesnt like being shaved at all, I dont like letting it get out of control but sometimes I might leave it slide a day or 2.

Dr Ampersand

New member
Jun 27, 2009
adakias said:
theevilsanta said:
It's cool because it's manly. Whether or not women like it has a lot to do with what their father sported. I'm really not kidding. It's similar to how men just want a woman that has the same sense of humor as their mothers'.
Holy crap.
Like, my bff's father never had facial hair for as long as I'd known him, and she always complained how much she hated hairy men.
My biological father had facial hair, and my former step-father had facial hair.
I've never dated a clean-shaven guy. I've never even been interested in a guy without facial hair (I think it's a bit of a coincidence but still).
Good god. o_o;
I hope this isn't why, because something about that is REALLY squicky.
*Puts on internet Freud hat* The answer must be thus: You associate clean shaven guys, and the dating of said sub group, to be akin to dating children. Therefore you avert it as copulation with said subgroup would be in your eyes not unlike "kiddy fiddling" to put things lightly.

Truth be told I have no clue and it's your personal opinion and whatnot.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
SimuLord said:
My +1 Goatee of Manliness rocks your world, my world, and everyone else's world.
Baldry said:
I love beards! Wish I had one, only able to grow 'stache and goatee, which I don't mind, I end up looking indie if I wear my glasses as well which is always awesome but I WANT A BEARD!
Voodoo_Person said:
I have a Chinbeard/Goatee type thing and my sideburns are pretty long, but thinned, it looks better if i comb my hair back and stick a headband/bandana on... but it still looks ok if i dont

EDIT. I've had it for so long now i look weird when i shave it off, it makes me look about 14 (im 22)
Goatee's all around!

I swear it's all I need to look good, but also all that I look good with. Strange tradeoff.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
On women, I ain't feeling it. Because facial hair just seems too masculine for me for it to work on a woman.

On men, it depends on the overall look of the guy if it works or not. Also face shape and features, head shape, demeanor. So, it can work, and it can't work. For me it doesn't really work so I don't have much, just some shade.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
It depends on the kind of man, imo. If it's a man who likes to drink and have sex every night, then stubble on that guy would look sexy. If it's a nice guy, then clean cut would look better.
I think I'm just weird...


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Lexxi64 said:
It depends on the kind of man, imo. If it's a man who likes to drink and have sex every night, then stubble on that guy would look sexy. If it's a nice guy, then clean cut would look better.
I think I'm just weird...
That would imply a beard that smells like alcohol all the time...

just sayin :p