Same! My face looks kind of weird without it, but the Freeman look kind of moves attention around my face, so people don't notice my ridiculously high forehead.NeutralDrow said:I rock the Gordon Freeman beard. I love it; makes my face look thinner.
All the girls I know liked my beard, but it was too tickley and itchy and I kept pulling at it so I kept shaving it offHader said:As for myself, I am akin only to what I can sport well, which is really only the goatee.
Well they aren't from my hometown that's for sure!Aylaine said:Hehe, I know quite a few women who like facial hair. :3
I have a Scottish ancestry and I have the slightest hint of red in by goatee when it is fully grown out. However it is hardly noticeable even then, I only noticed it once after showering and it was exposed to water.Slaanax said:I have a ginger beard so I have no soul. I have brown hair, but my beard is a reddish brown mix.
I was a little confuse at the poll at first too. Before reading the OP, I was wondering : who the hell likes facial hair on women... except maybe Italians.Hader said:Have at it I guess.... >_>Vuavu said:What about guys who like facial hair on girls?!?!?!latenightapplepie said:What about guys who like facial hair on men?Hader said:Guys: do you like your facial hair?
Girls: do you like facial hair on men?