Poll: Your opinion on facial hair


New member
Aug 29, 2009
The only people who like beards are nerds. They look stupid, they catch food, they're irritating...

I can't wait until this 'manly' humor phase passes.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
NeutralDrow said:
I rock the Gordon Freeman beard. I love it; makes my face look thinner.
Same! My face looks kind of weird without it, but the Freeman look kind of moves attention around my face, so people don't notice my ridiculously high forehead.

Some people can pull it off, some can't. Very few people can pull off anything of a proper length. Mine stays kind of thin and short for that reason, and the common consensus is that I can pull it off.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I usually only have facial hair solely because I don't feel like razor shaving...

However, if I want to be funny, I sometimes go for the sweet old man stache or fumanchu.

re dir

New member
Oct 28, 2010
As far as males go, the beard is a vital organ. For one thing it grants us access to magic, Allowing us to be freakin awesome,as well as acting as a third amorphous appendage.

the beard is also a physical conversion between laziness and awesomeness. for instance if you know how lazy someone is, and you want to know how epic they are, you can just multiply by the beard constant times their beard density.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I much prefer having facial hair compared to being clean shaven. Partially because I look younger without it and I tend to just prefer the look.

Mine is stubble/slightly longer, never anything long enough to be called a beard/mustache.

I also get told it suits me.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
I love when my boyfriend hasn't shaved for a day or two and his stubble is prickly to the touch. That's my ideal when it comes to facial hair. Other than that, clean-shaven is a must - watching people with mustaches eat is absolutely disgusting. I've literally never seen a person with a proper mustache who couldn't keep from getting food in it. Bigass beards are also pretty nasty, despite the pride men seem to find in them.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Hader said:
As for myself, I am akin only to what I can sport well, which is really only the goatee.
All the girls I know liked my beard, but it was too tickley and itchy and I kept pulling at it so I kept shaving it off

eventually I got bored and gave myself an evil goatee
at least until it grows out enough so that I may have an evil mustache.
(I'm referred to as an "evil genius" quite often so I thought I'd make the bad joke... but yes I am serious... it's starting to tickle again though O_O)


New member
Jun 23, 2010
In works for some guys.

Unfortunatly, I'm not one of them. The hair on the front of my chin (under my mouth) barely grows, so I get a ring effect, that makes it look like my hair is trying to eat my face.

Now I know why my dad never grew a beard.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
I love facial hair. I've tried multiple styles, but now I'm working on a full beard. I'm trying to let it grow as naturally as possible, because I'm going for the Gandalf-level of beard. Now I'm at a measly 6-7 cm from my chin. :/

The best part though, is the fact that the fiancée loves it. And I love not having to shave. :)


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Aylaine said:
Hehe, I know quite a few women who like facial hair. :3
Well they aren't from my hometown that's for sure!

Slaanax said:
I have a ginger beard so I have no soul. I have brown hair, but my beard is a reddish brown mix.
I have a Scottish ancestry and I have the slightest hint of red in by goatee when it is fully grown out. However it is hardly noticeable even then, I only noticed it once after showering and it was exposed to water.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I need to get this out of the way real quick: Strawberry Milk is superior to other milks

Now, as to hair. I have a bit but am really not too fussed over it. I have a little tuft on my chin but mainly out of laziness. Same with the little...strips I guess which are under my nose. I would like to grow a Vetinari combo if I could but what I would really like (and there was a thread about this not too long ago) would be to remove my facial hair all together. With all of the research going into stopping baldness, there must have been some sort of breakthrough in the field of permanent hair removal. I guess I could always use a laser...

For those who aren't into Discworld, this is what I want on my face...



New member
Feb 11, 2009
I love beards! Wish I had one, only able to grow 'stache and goatee, which I don't mind, I end up looking indie if I wear my glasses as well which is always awesome but I WANT A BEARD!


New member
Dec 11, 2009
I have a Chinbeard/Goatee type thing and my sideburns are pretty long, but thinned, it looks better if i comb my hair back and stick a headband/bandana on... but it still looks ok if i dont

EDIT. I've had it for so long now i look weird when i shave it off, it makes me look about 14 (im 22)


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Female reporting in: I don't like facial hair on men. Sure, sometimes it may look alright but in general I prefer a clean-shaven face. As for kissing, for me facial hair=pain, it irritates my skin something awful. I'm not a nazi about it though. If you don't shave today I'm not going to freak out or anything but if my skin keeps getting ripped to shreds either the kissing or my leg-shaving will stop. Wait, maybe I am a nazi about it.

Tipsy Giant

New member
May 10, 2010
I grow my beard til it gets too long to manage then I shave, rinse and repeat since I was 19, never bothered with any styles like goatee or mustachios, I treat my beard like girls treat their leg hair i guess


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Hader said:
Vuavu said:
latenightapplepie said:
Hader said:
Guys: do you like your facial hair?

Girls: do you like facial hair on men?
What about guys who like facial hair on men?
What about guys who like facial hair on girls?!?!?!
Have at it I guess.... >_>
I was a little confuse at the poll at first too. Before reading the OP, I was wondering : who the hell likes facial hair on women... except maybe Italians.
But seriously, I love having facial hair (I don't like to shave) and my wife digs it too. She didn't even seem put off when I suggested I grow a long Dumbledore beard when I retire. I was much more hairy (on my face and head at least) when we met.