Poorly Reviewed Games You Enjoyed


New member
May 16, 2010
Nobody ever mentions Bullet Witch. I freakin' loved that game. Sure the graphics weren't stellar and the story line was middling at best, but dammit, I blew up a gas station with a freaking tornado.

...and the free costumes that you could download. FREE.

So sad that they never made a second one. :(


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2008
I enjoyed Bad Day L.A. while most if not all reviewers just piled hate on it. Sure it had it's technical problems bust most of the hate thrown at it was political correctness bullshit from a bunch of people that dared not like something people might find offensive because it might make them look racist or maybe homophobic.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
God Hand
ADORE this game, but the reviewers shat on it pretty hard.


Nov 9, 2010
Lost Planet 2 for me. Collected all the guns and outfits and such, finsihed the first two chapters single player on very hard. I dunno why, I just found it really really fun. Especially those Mexican/Spanish Bandit dudes...they were fun.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
I've only recently started playing Baroque for the Wii, so I can't say for sure, but it seems good so far. And yeah, it wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms.
Tanis said:
God Hand
ADORE this game, but the reviewers shat on it pretty hard.
I'd like to say the same, but I've yet to play it. But I will, sooner or later. I really, really want to.

Edit: started playing a couple days ago... It's AMAZING.


Ghetto Trash
Dec 23, 2012
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. I hate it so much but I love it so much too. I'm not sure how well it did on the critical side, but considering it's buggy and restrictive I'd imagine it didn't do too well. But I see some weird sort of charm to the game, it's something I could play possibly until the end of time.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Every Armored Core game. It's never reviewed well. Even Armored Core V, which I actually don't like nearly as much as the others, but for different reasons than reviewers, who just never seem to be into Armored Core. Guess they don't value completely customisable robots and a variety of resulting playstyles as highly as I do in an era of linear shooters. Granted, the story's s***, there are no characters, the translation is horrific, the environments are copy-paste and the voice acting isn't very good either. But virtually no reviewer goes on to mention that they simplified stats, that recon units negate any strategising, that linking stability and fire rate unbalances the game. No reviewer played it enough for those things to be a concern to them.


New member
Jan 26, 2012
sethisjimmy said:
Mikejames said:
Deadly Premonition. Shoddy action, messy driving, and low res graphics or not, it was a surreal, dark, and humorously quirky gem.
This! Pretty much the only game I've really enjoyed that was poorly reviewed. It did manage to get a few really high scores though from reviewers who could look past its flaws.

I cannot wait for the Directors Cut coming out in 10 days.
It was nice hearing they did well enough for a re-release. I'm interested in what changes they'll make, though I suppose the basic gameplay will be the focus. Being able to start some of the sidequests without waiting for rain would be nice...

Either way I like the idea of it getting around to more people. Maybe we'll actually see a sequel or spiritual successor of sorts someday.

V da Mighty Taco

New member
Apr 9, 2011
Bioshock 2. It's story was utter crap, but I found the actual gameplay and exploration to be very enjoyable.

Also, New Vegas. Easily a personal favorite even if it was the single buggiest game I've ever played. For example, I got it on PS3 at launch and encountered a gamebreaking bug within seconds of leaving the house you start in that disabled turning or aiming entirely, and forced me to completely restart and have to rebuild my character all over again. Even with all the glitches that for the most part have been patched and the tiny map size compared to FO3, I still regard it among my top ten favorite games.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Tanis said:
God Hand
ADORE this game, but the reviewers shat on it pretty hard.
I can most definately agree. I picked it up not too long ago along with Okami and I've been having a blast with it.

The whole game doesn't take itself too seriously (Poison Chihuahua? Fuckin' sweet) and all the humor is just so over the top and campy.

Why this game didn't sell by the truck loads is beyond me.

Vetta E-dom

New member
Mar 10, 2012
Alpha Protocol.. That game was just fantastic. Yes its got a few issues here and there but the choice system is done better than any similar type of game, in its game type genre (think like Mass Effect, Jade Empire, Kotor)

I would pick up a sequel to AP the night it came out, Which sucks there was one planned but has been shelved for now. But anyways If you have $5 and nothing to do go pick up this game its worth a play.

Other games, I really liked The Saboteur. Love open world games and this just had lots of fun to be had, a cool art direction, kind-a campy like bad action flick but still pretty fun.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
Every JRPG ever. If I remember correctly Game Informer gave Catherine a 6, and I love that game. Also Duke Nukem Forever, which was hated for being too old and cliche. I don't pay attention to reviews since a lot of the games I like review poorly while the next generic AAA game gets 10/10.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
A LOT of Sonic games.
Seriously. I was in a blind love for Sonic for a very long time.
I even liked Sonic 06 for a time until I started to play better games and realized how bad it was.
But for some reason I still look back on Shadow the Hedgehog as a good time, I don't know why.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Dark Void. Sure, it's short and the cover-based shooting is pretty lackluster, but it gave you a freaking jetpack and let you approach the battles in any way you chose. Want to stick to cover and be boring? Go ahead? Want to get a boost to take enemies out of cover? Sure! Want to strafe enemy positions while firing machine gun rounds and rockets? Cool! If you can pick it up for 10-15 bucks, it's a fun time to be had. I certainly replayed it a few times, approaching things differently each time, using different weapon sets and tactics.

Dragon's Dogma is another great game, but for this one I'd shell out full price. I'd describe it as Dark Souls with less pure hate for the player and all they stand for, but it's more than that. It had a very interesting class system, a weight system that I actually really enjoyed toying with, and is probably the only RPG out there where selecting your character's height and build results in actual mechanical differences with strengths and weaknesses. For all of its flaws it also has great themes, mainly about the nature of free will and choice, and it's damn fun to play. The Assassin class in particular is great, eschewing the more traditional Party of Four approach for solo combat that feels like an unholy mixture of Assassin's Creed and Shadow of the Colossus. If the idea of countering and decapitating everything you see, then climbing up dragons and stabbing them in the heart doesn't sound entertaining, you need to get out more.

Spec Ops: The Line is also fairly poorly received but a discussion of that game's merits would take WAY too long. Suffice to say, if by some miracle you haven't heard of it, you should play it. Good writing and good game design needs to be encouraged.


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
Pretty hard to decide when I generally don't buy poorly reviewed games because well... they were poorly reviewed. I did love The Force Unleashed and Fallout New Vegas so I guess they count?


New member
Mar 18, 2012
momijirabbit said:
The Urbz: Sims in the City
Only Sims game I find playable and enjoyable.
It's definitely the controllable sim aspect for me.

Digimon 4 was the most unfair, nigh on broken POS, but I still loved it.
I'd be shocked if it didn't get review bombed.

Ryan Hughes

New member
Jul 10, 2012
Currently I am playing Resident Evil 6 and enjoying it much more than I thought I would. I mean, critics mauled it for being unlike Resident Evil 4. And while the game is a far cry from RE4, it is still a solid game overall and I cannot say it is bad.

I think many critics would have been softer on the game if it had been released after Aliens: Colonial Marines and Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, which showed us just how truly horrifying a bad horror-shooter can be.

Another thing to mention about RE6 is the sound design, which is absolutely amazing. Playing in 5.1, I can hear zombies behind me when I am facing the other way, and react before I take damage. Also, it is the one aspect of the game that is truly atmospheric and artistic, so even if you do not like the game as a whole, there are often at least little things that are well-designed within the game.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
I liked Dante's Inferno. I really enjoyed the level and monster designs, and I think Visceral really captured what it was like to be in a seriously miserable and powerful place. Also I appreciated getting to swing a scythe around as a default weapon, which I don't think happens enough.