Popular things you absolutely hate....


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Battery-powered cars.

There are so many better alternatives out there that's faster at the filling-station, have a better range, feel more exciting like for example internal hydrogen combustion (like the BMW Hydrogen 7) or bio-ethanol (though there's probably some alcoholics who are going to hate me for burning booze in my engine), or even just hydrogen fuel cells.

Get those horrible, boring pieces of sheit (G-Wiz, Honda Leaf, Toyota Prius or whatever they're called) off my road.

Also. Greenpeace I don't care two shits if Porsches pump out pure cyanide from their exhausts you don't attack makers of supercars if you have anything wort living for.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Ed Classified said:
I hate jersey shore, my friends all seem to like it but I really don't get the appeal.
I don't mean offense, but I don't know how you put up with your friends.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
The cult-like following of The Nightmare before Christmas. Now, I love the film. The soundtrack is amazing. But really, does every emo need something with Jack on it to feel connected to the mainstream somehow?

Of course, I can't complain. I collect Pirates of the Caribbean stuff and am willing to forget they made that abhorration of a fourth film.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009

I don't necessarily hate it, I just find it a bit annoying that a show which has all the quality of a Nickelodeon cartoon is classified as prime time comedy.

Also, Kill Bill.

Ed Classified

New member
May 1, 2011
LilithSlave said:
Ed Classified said:
I hate jersey shore, my friends all seem to like it but I really don't get the appeal.
I don't mean offense, but I don't know how you put up with your friends.
None taken, I'm a reasonable man I'm not going to let a tv show ruin my friendship.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Woodsey said:
It's anti-Semitic?
Well, Cartman is. I'd kind of debate a show being anti-Semitic if it ascribes those views to a character we're clearly not supposed to like or approve of. They've made the odd Cartman-unrelated one, like Jews possessing no rhythm or actually carrying small bags of gold at all times, but I very much doubt there's any genuine malice behind it.

The guys who make it strike me as very principled and moral people, who are willing to take those principles and morals off the hook for the sake of the best unashamedly silly comedy since Monty Python.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Don Savik said:
silverbullet1989 said:
MLP there i said it -_- i dont get why grown men like it... what is wrong with the world today
I think it's out of irony or attention seeking, ...or maybe humanity is f**ked.
incorrect, well partly, there are fans who have embraced it out of irony(and thus attention whores -.-) but you'll find most of us just like the show on its own merits. no irony, just enjoying the show for the entertainment it is.

this is in no way a recruitment post, nor is it intended to be confrontational, just laying down a few facts. the few loud idiots do not represent us all.

but back OT:
the Bayformer movies
first person shooters
World of Warcraft
The Elder Scrolls games (yeah i said it, get over it)
Grand Theft Auto
American Idol
The X-Factor
'Reality TV'
Sponge Bob and every show that mimics it
Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 7 (the fanboys have ruined it for me)
Final Fantasy 10-2
Champions Online
Star Wars
this consul generation (yes, i am saying the last one had better games, again, get over it)
anybody trying to ram religion down my throat
anybody who thinks less of me for not being religious
the 'your going to like this cause we tell you to' attitude the entertainment industry has (movies, games, music, and TV)
sports games in general
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Mega Man X 7
Mortal Combat
God of War

annnd ... that's it


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Matimus said:
Woodsey said:
It's anti-Semitic?
Well, Cartman is. I'd kind of debate a show being anti-Semitic if it ascribes those views to a character we're clearly not supposed to like or approve of. They've made the odd Cartman-unrelated one, like Jews possessing no rhythm or actually carrying small bags of gold at all times, but I very much doubt there's any genuine malice behind it.

The guys who make it strike me as very principled and moral people, who are willing to take those principles and morals off the hook for the sake of the best unashamedly silly comedy since Monty Python.
Yeah, I had a feeling that's what he was going for - although if there secret, anti-Semitic messages woven into the show I'd love to know.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Woodsey said:
Yeah, I had a feeling that's what he was going for - although if there secret, anti-Semitic messages woven into the show I'd love to know.
If it turns out that everything Kenny says is a quote from Mein Kampf, we can totally say we called it.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Most sports (not esports).
I just really, really, really really really do not understand how people can enjoy watching bicycling for hours on end.


New member
Jun 4, 2010
I absolutely detest pop music, especially Lady Gaga. I find her terribly overrated and all style with no substance. And COD, used to love it but after MW1 its gone rapidly downhill.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Matimus said:
IamLEAM1983 said:
Academics who piss on popular culture: the last thing I'd like to become is this, an elitist asshole who ignores anything that isn't written by the latest recipient of the Man Booker Prize, the Goncourt or some book convention.
I've worked in a bookshop for a few years, and I've never seen a MBP-winner that a) didn't appear to be groaning under its own ponderous, weighty societal relevance and b) I ever would consider reading.

Modern literary studies are working really, really hard at debunking the perception that popular culture is absolute drivel, but you'll still find blowhards who curl up their nose if you state you haven't finished reading the Illiad.
What gets me are the people who seem to think the term 'literature' means 'things I like'.

Here's another one for me: People who get snooty about comics. For much of mainland Europe, in France especially, they're not nearly as esoteric (granted, much of this is due to a broader spectrum of stories and how the actual comics themselves are sold), to the point where many people consider comics the 'Ninth Art' (the other eight being literature, painting, sculpture, music, dance, photography, film, and, um...cheese?). I remember a piece on The Culture Show that was VERY snooty about anything that wasn't Maus, Ghost World or similar, which is the closest I've come to writing the Beeb a stiff letter.

I also quite dislike 'Graphic Novels' as a term, and 'Drawn Book' is hardly better. They both contain a slight whiff of please-take-me-seriously desperation.
Bookstores: I absolutely understand. MBP winners get a strong publicity boost and glowing praise but, wouldn't you know, people would still rather look for Steve Jobs' biography or the latest Danielle Steel. I'd sometimes like my own field of study to get over itself, if that makes a lick of sense.

Literature: again, I agree. As much as I have my less-than-noble penchants as a reader (Harry Dresden FTW!), I still try and read *actual* literature once a month or so. Right now, it's mostly Poe and Lord Dunsany, but still. Literature as defined in campuses and classrooms does not include Twilight. At the same time campuses and classrooms need to eventually get over that fact, as Twilight and the Dresden Files and such are what people are passionate about, right now.

Which is also puzzling, as most popular novels in any given era fade into obscurity a few decades later. Let's just say I'm pretty eager to see what's going to make it into high-brow literature amidst the last few decades' crop. Considering that, how do you determine the "nobility" of a given book while it's popular? My guess is you can't - which debunks both those who confuse literature for things they like, and pissants who dismiss pop culture as a whole.

Comics: so true. Granted, European "Bandes Dessinées" tend to have a higher focus on art and storytelling. American comics are focused on pushing as many issues out the door as possible in order to stay afloat. You won't see Spider-Man in watercolors on glossy paper anytime soon, I'm afraid. Does that demean comic books in general? Obviously not. Sometimes, amidst authors and artists who just don't get their own medium, like Rob Liefeld, you find a Steve Niles or a Robert Kirkman. Or, heck, a Miller or a Mignola.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Comedy and TV shows whose entertainment is based off only social commentary, satire, irony, or grittiness/ "realism" alone.

Hyrulian Hero

New member
May 20, 2009
Overhyped shooters (Call of Duty/Halo/Gears of War), South Park, Twilight, The Jersey Shore, People who purposely act ignorant just so they can be more "Ghetto" and the overuse of the word Acronym when people mean initialism.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Blink 182.

I really dislike modern Pop/punk for it having killed actual punk.

I blame Blink 182 for this.

punk was something special before they came along now its just another genre crowding already bloated food hole on the american record industry's chubby pustule ridden face.

i wanna be sedated


New member
Jun 18, 2011
I have irrational hatreds, even though I don't like them and try to ignore them but they keep coming up.

Modern pop and rap music: All it is is voice editing with computerized sounds and a drum machine. Now they even have the vocalist's voice slow down or speed up to resemble a chipmunk. I wonder how that's performed live. It's just mind-numbingly boring repetitive with screeches and massive amounts of bass. I've been to clubs and dances and all you can hear is the drum beat, so just dance to that. And another thing, why is it necessary to have a rapper perform the verses while having a singer sing the chorus (or the other way around), which is completely unrelated to the verses. Or even give the rapper his one verse of glory? Over half the songs now have the word "feat." in them, followed by a generic rapper stage name.

Girls dressing up like sluts, then getting mad when you check them out.

The duck face: Stop doing that shit.

Girls dying their hair blonde. This is because I have a thing for black hair.

Celebrity magazines: Seems like an invasion of privacy to me.

People who lose accusing the winners of being "tryhards." What, it's bad that we won the match? I believe that in a competition, you do not give an advantage, you do not hold back (I can take it seriously sometimes, but have fun). Is this how you cope with losing? Insulting the players who beat you fair and square because you were playing half-asleep.

Blaming the team for losing (it may not be popular, but it's a popular thing to do). When I was playing WoW, every time the enemy took the lead by the slightest margin, half of my team will complain that the team sucks, why are they being put into fail groups. You sitting on your ass doing fuck all while complaining is not going to help us win, so actually try capturing objectives instead of worrying about your honor or killing blows. Even before the match they're all saying "Please don't be fail group" as if it's some kind of ritual.

The hype about Kill/Death Ratio.

Console wars, game wars, whatever wars. I don't know how it all started, but there's an Xbox 360, a PS3, and a Wii. Like it or not, they're there. Complaining hard enough about one will not make it go away.

Console fanboys thinking that all PC gamers hack, cheat or mod. Yeah, because all we do in our miserable lives is try our best to ruin the other players' day. We hack every single game we play, mod the hell out of it, and never play fair. There's not a single PC player who doesn't hack and actually play fair. Right? Wrong! Clearly you have never played a PC game ever.

Why is modding so hated by everyone except the PC community and some devs? Do the haters realize there's more to modding than just making a pistol shoot rockets? Or a recoiless machine gun with unlimited ammo? Modding allows for reskins, balanced games, improved AI, new game modes. Some of the things not fixed by the developer can be fixed by modders. I guess you hate modding because Microsoft and Sony said so.

Realism in movies, TV and games. Yes realism adds to the believability and what not, but most of the time I find realism to be the sole focus and takes the fun out of whatever you're watcing or playing. True, we do need simulators to be realistic, but what is the point of trying to make everything realistic? I watch TV and play games partly because I want to see or do things that couldn't happen in real life. Grand Theft Auto IV tried hard to be realistic and as a result GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas were more fun because they were less realistic. I have a feeling GTA V is going to be like GTA IV.

Stop putting "Smart," "Green," or "Eco" in front of every new product name as if you're boasting about its efficiency. In particular I don't understand calling it "Smart Water," what makes it so smart?

Music videos with practically nude women. This isn't helping the image they're fighting for.

Selena Gomez, Snooki, Megan Fox and that British girl from the 3rd Transformers movie. I'll reluctantly agree that they're good looking, but they're average, and I've seen much better.

"It's not about the money, money money" Yes it is. That's why I work.

There's the irrational hatred that's been boiling inside me for years.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Metal, though to be fair it's not nearly as popular outside of the internet.

I don't know, men screaming incoherently doesn't interest me all that much, and don't link me anything saying it's different because it never is, i've probably only found two bands that could be considered metal that I like and neither band actually has a singer.

Theo Rob

New member
Jun 30, 2010
Zombies and Vampires: too many movies, books, games and other stuff about them.
High-school of the dead: over the top ecchi dosent cut for me in anime, mixing that with zombies only makes it worse.
Casual vs hard core debates: a game is just a game but it seems a very unlike-able stick has gone up the community's ass.
street fighter 4's online community: dont get me freaking started
MAX PAYNE:i know its not that popular and i used to like it, but when one person is in your ear about it for 4 GODDAMN YEARS....


New member
Nov 9, 2009
IamLEAM1983 said:
Bookstores: I absolutely understand. MBP winners get a strong publicity boost and glowing praise but, wouldn't you know, people would still rather look for Steve Jobs' biography or the latest Danielle Steel. I'd sometimes like my own field of study to get over itself, if that makes a lick of sense.
One of the main things that turn me into a scowling, muttering misanthrope is that if a science-fiction or fantasy book does any bit of business or gets a film or TV adaptation, it tends to migrate into Your Actual Fiction, so we end up with a book like Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, an alternative history containing magic and fairies getting to sit up at the front with the grown-up books.

I know that it's done purely as a marketing thing, to try and get people to read it who normally wouldn't be seen dead reading a fantasy novel. Doesn't mean I don't get to be pissed off about it. Especially when you have farcical scenarios like Stardust by Neil Gaiman being in the Fantasy section, and The Ladies of Grace Adieu by Susanna Clarke, which contains a short story set in the world of Stardust being shelved in Proper Fiction, and Terry Pratchett's agent finding out that a branch of A Certain Bookshop Chain (which I suspect is the one I work for) wouldn't put pterry's latest book in their chart despite the fact it had been topping the bestseller charts for the previous few weeks.

On a slighty-related and slightly-more-on-topic note, fuck Margaret Atwood. If she dislikes Sci-Fi as much as she claims, ***** needs to stop accepting Sci-Fi awards (and their attendant prize monies).

IamLEAM1983 said:
Literature: again, I agree. As much as I have my less-than-noble penchants as a reader (Harry Dresden FTW!), I still try and read *actual* literature once a month or so. Right now, it's mostly Poe and Lord Dunsany, but still. Literature as defined in campuses and classrooms does not include Twilight. At the same time campuses and classrooms need to eventually get over that fact, as Twilight and the Dresden Files and such are what people are passionate about, right now.
Innit. Dickens and Shakespeare were both writing for a popular audience. I remember one of my teachers saying when I was in school that had Shakespeare been writing today (where 'today' = mid-90's), he would have had to contend with the ire of spluttering moral guardians.

Haven't read Dresden Files, really want to, would like to recommend Mike Carey's Felix Castor books if you've not already read them.

IamLEAM1983 said:
Comics: so true. Granted, European "Bandes Dessinées" tend to have a higher focus on art and storytelling. American comics are focused on pushing as many issues out the door as possible in order to stay afloat. You won't see Spider-Man in watercolors on glossy paper anytime soon, I'm afraid. Does that demean comic books in general? Obviously not. Sometimes, amidst authors and artists who just don't get their own medium, like Rob Liefeld, you find a Steve Niles or a Robert Kirkman. Or, heck, a Miller or a Mignola.
I'll see your list and raise you a Jeff Smith, Stan Sakai and a Roger Langridge.

One of my main problems with DC and Marvel, much as I love them, is that they don't do nearly enough to cultivate a more diverse fanbase, and don't take enough creative risks.

And now I really want to see Yoshitaka Amano draw Spider-Man, which will almost certainly never happen. Thanks for that.