Portal 2 Controversy?


New member
Nov 12, 2010
When I read the title of the thread I thought for sure this was gonna be about the Cave Johnson line about firing a man in a wheelchair because ramps are expensive...that one actually did seem a shade offensive to me


New member
Apr 14, 2010
It's a bit absurd to be angry at the game for this. The characters are trying to hurt the character, and they are trying to be cruel. IT IS THEIR FREAKING JOB. It is practically impossible to make a game where no on is offended by an insult, but this is one of the more silly ones. You don't see fat people rising up against the fat insults do you? well maybe you do, and if so then they are being just as ridiculous.

It is a game for fun. The characters attempt to insult the protagonist, and do it in a very comical way that still provides plot to the story. We didn't know her origins before it was mentioned here (at least not for certain) and even if you do take them seriously, THE CHARACTERS ARE EVIL. I'm terribly sorry if you are offended by villians being villians, but in that case you should be exposing your kid to games anyways, or movies, or TV, or books, or comics, or music, or the ENTIRE WORLD.

Seriously, the jests are made in a game that is as lighthearted as it is dark in the most brilliant way since the first. Stop trying to be offended.


Nov 9, 2010
Sober Thal said:
Portal 2 should be T for teen perhaps?

Add 'Cruel Humor' to the label.

Problem solved, eh?

This is a good complaint. If I only knew of Portal as being a puzzle game, this might change my mind if I would let my really young God child play it. -In Theory-
It's rated PG in Australia, which is effectively Teen.

OT: Yeah, major over-reaction here, certainly nothing to cry over, even if he is passionate about 'protecting' his daughter. It CAN be sad to see someone adopted, but it is generally a good thing. I'd hate to see what would happen if Fox picked this up (I'm not American so I don't know)


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Its a joke.. from memory galdios also teases chell that she is over weight as well, but shes not, so its a joke!


New member
Jul 5, 2009
darkfire613 said:
Potential Portal 2 spoilers, if you haven't played yet.


Basically, a father of an adopted kid is angry with Portal 2 for the insults from GLaDOS and Wheatley towards Chell about being adopted. He'd been playing the game with his adopted daughter. Note the daughter doesn't seem to care at all. What are your thoughts? Is the dad overreacting, or does he have a legitimate complaint?

I think he's overreacting. It's just one line clearly meant as a joke, and his daughter doesn't even seem to care about it.
I don't think i could survive in America, i would've given my self blunt force trauma from the amount of face palms i would perform each time i saw one of these "news" stories.

seriously the guy needs to lighten up, should i be offended everytime someone cracks a dyslexia joke?

by the way did you hear about the dyslexic pimp who bought a warehouse...


New member
May 16, 2011
I believe that the biggest problem about this story is that they spoil the story for people who still watch the news.

In all seriousness, if the father doesn't like that part about the game because he can't take a joke, then he shouldn't play it.

That and the news team is stupid. First, they called the game educational. Portal is a puzzle game, puzzle games are not all educational. Second, why would they contact Sony? Sony owns the console, valve only makes the game and distribute it. Third, just because you have a REALLY slow news day, doesn't mean you can insult valve like that, valve is too awesome to do that to.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Been said already but yeh, at least he notices what his kids playing. Other than that though he's still caring too much about a couple of lines of dialogue that the i-expect-to-be-offended party doesn't care about.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
I found the video in the link more offensive then the actual comment. I seriously had to stop the video because I couldn't understand how people who get paid that much could be so mentally retarded (by which I mean the newscasters and whoever told them to put the story on).

Keep in mind yes I realize a news stations whole purpose is to sensationalize everything into a bigger deal than it is for the sake of ratings but this is just stupid as hell.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Storywise, Aperture Science encouraged orphans and adopted children in their programs to do better at certain tasks by insulting them.

Gameplay wise, it's funny. Get over your morale boundaries and laugh.


New member
May 21, 2008
Glados does do some serious bullying on the adoption issue, and if I had an adopted child (or any child for that matter) and somebody were to say to her I'd have a serious problem with it. In context it's a psychotic robot that's trying to kill you and hurt your feelings and while any grown up who's offended by it is probably dimwitted. However, I could imagine a reasonable 12 year old crying because of a few insults that landed right on the sweet spot. It's fair for him to be pissed, though it's probably one of those cases where sweeping it under a rug would be much better than dwelling on it. I don't think anything Glados said is as bad as having your parent on TV talking about you being adopted.

Though I have to say the journalism really impresses me. I love how the father says (or it's at least implied) he turned it off as soon as the game starts making fun of you for being adopted, which would be sometime in chapter 2 or 3, but the video uses footage from the final chapters. They had the courtesy to play past the parts where she's talking about why your parents decided to abandon you so they can get to "fatty fatty no parents." Impressive.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Ghengis John said:
Bags159 said:
Their intent was to show GLados as a robot; as a robot she does not understand the complexities of insults. Hence, the best things she can come up with are your slow test times, your weight, and adoption. She does not realize that someone as fit as Chell will not be offended by weight jokes; she believes simply because Chell is a woman, she will be offended by them. Same thing with adoption; no sane person is going to be overly offended of being accused of being adopted. Being adopted says nothing about your character. However, Glados is a computer and does not understand this. She believes that calling you a fat, adopted kid is demeaning.
Glados: You are adopted and that's terrible, but work with me.
Can you comprehend how that would be offensive to somebody? Are you adopted? I'm not saying you don't make a valid point btw. What I am saying is, it's not like I can't understand why the man's up in arms.
hmm. well, here goes nothing: when GLaDOS becomes caroline, she starts to become more empathetic towards chell. in the beginning where there is the potatoe experiments, on the one that grew into a tree you can see 'by chell' written in tiny letters on the bottom. these were for TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER TO WORK DAY. maybe caroline was chell's mom? and subconciously knows this and wants to act motherly by defending her, but GLaDOS doesn't want to look weak, so throws that line in there to make it seem like she still hates her. maybe she knew all along and wanted to make adoption jokes because she didnt want to deal with the fact that she is the parent of the person who killed her. as for wheatly, he just blindly follows the insults GlaDOS did (fat and adoption jokes) because he is incapable of making his own. well, thats my 2 cents, excuse errors i am very tired.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
It's not like the game glorified making fun of adopted children, hell, those lines where in there to show just how childishly spiteful Glados was.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Hahaha the silly man feels insulted by a make believe scenario in a make believe universe inside a video game. That is funny. You need a hobby sir. Or at least need to put your values in some serious perspective.

I've had real people, really insult me for traits I possess and made less of a fuss.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Good LORD.

Are people REALLY this sensitive? I mean, of course adoption and being orphaned is not funny, in the slightest sense, but to take it so personally? Did he even LISTEN to the deeply satirical tone that is so clearly prevalent the rest of the game?

IT'S A JOKE. And those self-righteous 'news' readers speaking in such a shocked tone, like they're gossiping about what someone's child did in church, makes me want to facepalm myself out cold.

And Portal is NOT educational.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
At one point glados even defends being adopted (she takes it back after but it still counts :p).


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
Wait,at the end of the news section,they said they contacted Sony and seem somewhat surprised that Sony told them to ask Valve. Why would anyone ask Sony about a game they did not make,hell,didn't even publish?

Also,it doesn't make fun of adopted children, it's taunting you using any means possible.
The news crew didn't even edit the video to make it seem like the game is making fun of orphans,they're playing the segment and saying outright it's a taunt! You can't freaking taunt someone by telling them how nice they are,in what dimension are they currently residing?

lord canti

New member
May 30, 2009
Actually when she says what's wrong with being adopted she whispers to you"oh by the way you are adopted and that terrible but go with me on this". Just saying using that line to defend the game is pointless.