Portal 2 Details Leaked


New member
Feb 23, 2010
SavingPrincess said:
On another note, Yahtzee is going to be pissed he has to play this with a "friend." This is like a giant stab in the hat to him. Best Game He Reviewed + Multiplayer being the core experience...

I can't wait for that video.
Yahtzee doesn't necessarily hate co-op, as seen with CoD: MW2; he hates playing online with people he doesn't know and can't punish for being assholes. And there's going to be an ample single-player campaign, so it probably won't bother him that much.


New member
Feb 23, 2010
DeviousJ said:
Sounds great!
There are only two question I wonder about. Will there someday a Valve game that sucks? And is Jonathan Coulton doing the ending credits in this one?
That's like asking if there's ever going to be a Pixar movie that sucks. Maybe someday they will make an average game.

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
Bek359 said:
DeviousJ said:
Sounds great!
There are only two question I wonder about. Will there someday a Valve game that sucks? And is Jonathan Coulton doing the ending credits in this one?
That's like asking if there's ever going to be a Pixar movie that sucks. Maybe someday they will make an average game.
Sometime between the Rapture and coming of the star-born ones.

Brad Shepard

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Sep 9, 2009
Disaster Button said:
Yodobama said:
So wait, what about Chell getting dragged off?
What happened to that?
I dunno, maybe they're trying to keep it fresh here and set it hundreds of years away so it's not questioned why Chell isn't there, and we'll learn more about Chell in HL2:Episode 3, whenever it comes out (Episode 3 looks like it's heading down the Duke Nukem Forever Path though.)
You play as Chell in the single player campaign, chances are that her being dragged off was so she could be cloned or put in stasis or something. Time portal? oh snap

Anyway this looks like its going to be so good. But does the time jump mean that its ahead of Half Life?

Edit: The blown up scans of the Portal 2 details make for a pretty interesting read:

dident vg cats do a comic about a turret in a baby's room?

OT: as long as i get my dark humor, im happy.

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
teh_pwning_dude said:
Screw ep 3.

This sounds AWESOME. Innovation much? Hilarious too; "Pnumatic diversity vent": "Items are identified, but never judged"
Oh yeah xD

It's not Ep3, but I think Portal 2 will hold people over for quite a while...


New member
Apr 23, 2009
DeathChairOfHell said:
JEBWrench said:
snuffler said:
JRCB said:
I think that this could be a triumph....

Anyway, hundreds of years after? Then what happened to Chelle (or however you spell it)?
G-Man is to Valve what the Force is to Star Wars. The answer to everything.
and youtube's answer to everything is two camels in a tiny car.
Wait, there's two camels? In a tiny car? On YouTube?

Egads, that's genius!


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Well, didn't this just make dredging through another week of work just a little bit easier?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Byers said:
Portal was popular because it was something new and innovative, and because it was short and sweet. Having a 15+ hour sequel with the exact same type of gameplay is gonna murder my will to live.

C'mon, more new original licences instead please.
I have more then 15 hours worth of custom maps for portal and they are all good, I think that 10 hours of Valve quality maps would be totally awesome.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
I think the new gameplay elements are simple, but I also hope they won't make the game needlessly complex. Portal achieved a lot with only a few simple elements. Really, how many elements were there?

-Push switch
-Box and pedestal button
-Orb and catcher
-Moving platforms

And that's about it. Now, those elements were mixed in many devious ways to make 20 test chambers (there's a chamber 00 too) that may not all have been equally difficult or complex (the game first really takes off at chamber 13), but still each chamber was different from the previous one and combined existing elements in a new way. I'm afraid that the implementation of too many new elements might screw that balance up a bit, though Valve should be all right if they stick to the Portal way: make puzzles hard to figure out, but easy to execute.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
D'awww, the little bots are so cute. So, what, after the revised ending in Portal 1 (or is that Portal classic?), Chell gets put into some kind of cryogenics, then gets back to labratting? Excellent. And I'm totally digging the new scenery--can't wait to try and portal through a tree.

General Vagueness

New member
Feb 24, 2009
firstly I'd much rather have a new Portal game than a new main-line Half-Life game, secondly I hope the "hundreds of years" part is a lie one way or another, or at least that something really weird that corresponds to it happens in the next Half-Life game, because I wanted them to tie into each other and having this so far after makes it seem unimportant


New member
Jul 15, 2008
Hmmm multiplayer portal could be 100% chaos. shooting them at peoples feet causing them to land right in front of you. Firing through them only for bullets to come out in peoples heads the next hall over. using them for momentum to get away insta escape plan...I mean the possiblilites are endless. And so fast paced you could lose your bearings so easily and..damn..just think about it.

On a single player note..well 100 years later in a jungle..that seems a bit silly. But then again after the massive sleeper hit the first one was who knows. If someone explained the premise of the original to me without ever palying that game i would think that could never work or be interesting either.