Portal 2 Details Leaked

zana bonanza

New member
Oct 22, 2009
Da_Schwartz said:
Hmmm multiplayer portal could be 100% chaos. shooting them at peoples feet causing them to land right in front of you. Firing through them only for bullets to come out in peoples heads the next hall over. using them for momentum to get away insta escape plan...I mean the possiblilites are endless. And so fast paced you could lose your bearings so easily and..damn..just think about it.
Is it wrong if I think that sounds like fun? xD
I actually beat the game with the help of my little brother. He loved it. Being able to play co-op with him will be a blast. Granted, he's twelve and I'm immature, but we'll get through it eventually.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
JEBWrench said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
We're robots?!
From that scan, it looks like, somehow, you still play as Chell? Despite hundreds of years passing?

Chell = Gordon Freewoman.
Then she must be an android. She just isn't a COMBAT android. I wonder how exactly this is going to work. The co-op that is. Will they each get one or half a portal gun? Will it just be one slow one with a portal gun and the other that does the jumpy fun bits through the portals?


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
So they took the things that were great about Portal and flushed them?

Oh well..

I'll still probably get it when it comes out, but I'm apprehensive.


New member
Nov 3, 2009
I don't usually get hyped about valve games anymore (Ep 3/hatred for PS3).
But Holy Shit! This sounds amazing. Probably the best thing is it's going to be a full game now. Also let us hope for another cool song as well.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I honistly wish that some people could just leave a good ending where it is and not try to make a sequel.

However if they can make Portal 2 as good as Portal then I am officialy a Valve fanboy


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
Byers said:
Portal was popular because it was something new and innovative, and because it was short and sweet. Having a 15+ hour sequel with the exact same type of gameplay is gonna murder my will to live.

C'mon, more new original licences instead please.
I totally agree. While I think Portal was absolutely exquisite, I can't imagine a longer sequel with the same mechanics (or even a slight upgrade) being nearly as successful. The original was different, well-executed, concise and succinct. It had enough content to offer us our money's worth without over-staying its welcome. It had enough story to give us a reason for everything without bogging itself down in exposition. It was a new idea that was done well.

The sequel may be just as well done, but it won't be all that new. It also sounds like it will be considerably different, which itself may not be a good thing. A sequel sets somebody up with the expectation of a continuing story, but aside from the tech, it sounds like this will be an entirely new story in the same universe. It certainly leaves me wondering, why am I now one of those Aperture Science robots and not Chelle?


New member
Jul 15, 2008
zana bonanza said:
Da_Schwartz said:
Hmmm multiplayer portal could be 100% chaos. shooting them at peoples feet causing them to land right in front of you. Firing through them only for bullets to come out in peoples heads the next hall over. using them for momentum to get away insta escape plan...I mean the possiblilites are endless. And so fast paced you could lose your bearings so easily and..damn..just think about it.
Is it wrong if I think that sounds like fun? xD
I actually beat the game with the help of my little brother. He loved it. Being able to play co-op with him will be a blast. Granted, he's twelve and I'm immature, but we'll get through it eventually.
Oh absolutely. That's what i meant. Co-op would be fantastic.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
I have the GI article and I am sure others have said this too.
No one knows why you play as chell, but it's probably Stasis
GLaDOS is back, and Jonathan Coulton is making songs for points other than the Campaign.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Well, the plot thickens.

What will happen? Will it be good? Will it be bad? I have no idea, but from now on, we have to use this to say that Portal 2 just got a little more info.


Current Drama: PORTAL HAS CO-OP!

General Vagueness

New member
Feb 24, 2009
ZeroDotZero said:
In a few years, we will be waiting for Portal 2: Episode 3.

Mark. My. Words.

Fniff said:
Well, the plot thickens.

What will happen? Will it be good? Will it be bad? I have no idea, but from now on, we have to use this to say that Portal 2 just got a little more info.


Current Drama: PORTAL HAS CO-OP!
and noted
and BTW for the people who keep having doubts about this, the co-op is separate from the single-player and in the single-player you play as Chell (and that's how you spell it)


New member
Nov 12, 2009
*portgasm* Can't wait! I'm just pissed that they can't do it for PS3 :mad:
Also, well played Valve, making us so excited about this, so we'll forget about a certain "Episode 3", well played indeed...

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
General Vagueness said:
firstly I'd much rather have a new Portal game than a new main-line Half-Life game, secondly I hope the "hundreds of years" part is a lie one way or another, or at least that something really weird that corresponds to it happens in the next Half-Life game, because I wanted them to tie into each other and having this so far after makes it seem unimportant
As I've pointed out before, it was stated (back when Portal came out) that Chell was written to have importance in the overall Half-life universe... so either they have completely changed that, or we'll get some amazing mind screws in Portal 2. And again, my vote is either G-Man or blatant lies from GLaDOS.

Potentially both.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
dawhatt..... "excuse me while i go pick up my jaw that has busted through every floor in my house

"ehem" LAZERS!!! I cant believe that I haven't thought how amazing the game would be with them (no sarcasm just in case your wondering) SERIOUSLY lazers...



and the coop actually sounds interesting if you only have one portal per person making it far more difficult. If they do really do this though they won't be able to do anything to fast paced because you would have to be twins linked psychically were every movement was in sync to the last blue portal right in front of the rocket

Edit: blue not blu(tf2)

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
pwnzerstick said:
Hopefuly the best inovation will be that you do get cake this time.
Actually, it looks like the cake will be all but gone in Portal 2.

All I can hope is that the Companion Cube has gone the same way.
Jan 29, 2009
Awww, cute robots!
-Right. This seems quite interesting, as it seems more epic, but I never had anything against the shortness of the first game. I just hope they don't "Choose too large a sandwich" and spread out all the goodness.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Exterminas said:
How exactly is that co-op thing supposed to work? Are we required to hook uo with some stranger from the internet, or even worse, to invite a friend over?
No, that would be silly, you're obviously gonna be learning how to operate a second controller with your feet.