With pleasure:Hap2 said:If he's wrong, and you have the evidence, then please show it.
Of which I'm willing to discuss. However, the assertions Mr. Harris and others are making about the 'danger' of sales are patently, provably, undeniably false. And what few points he has that could be true are tenuous at best; not to mention being based entirely on assumptions.All I've done is entertain the possibile consequences.
That's what I was getting at. There are plenty of things to discuss about the potential future of the industry and the 'actual' value of a given video game. It's just that the points Mr. Harris brings up aren't among them.
I never said anything of the sort. In fact, I've no issue with paying full price; even $60; for a new game. Provided, of course, the final product is worth the price.Anecdotes are worthless on their own. The constant 'argument' of "I don't want to pay $60 for a game" from people outraged by his statement isn't useful on any level.
For that matter, most of the posts disagreeing with Mr. Harris' statements aren't saying that either. There are a few, but most aren't.
Again, I, and seemingly several others in this thread, think there are plenty of things to debate over the effect discount sales and bundles can have on consumers and the industry. I just won't waste my nor anyone's time on debating the nonsense from Mr. Harris.