Postal Movie Release Cut To Four Screens

Quintin Stone

New member
Aug 11, 2006
Sibren said:
Theaters stopping a movie from playing, okay (questionable, but okay). But Boll is not able to rent! spaces to play his movie. That is censorship and nothing else. It just seems so drastic to me and unfair. There are so many crap movies coming out all the time (often even worse), but those are not barred.
It's not censorship. It's called "good taste".

Anyway I don't agree with this whole mass rant on Boll all the time. He's making movies, of which some (not all) are really bad. But he is doing this with little to no budget. Furthermore, what I really hate is that his films already get grounded into dust, before they even come out. A bad review is fine, but not if given beforehand, without seeing the movie. So many people have an opinion on his films, but I wonder how many actually saw some of his films.
Actually, his budgets are generous, considering. He wastes a good portion of that budget on hiring known (but, in many cases, past their prime) actors and then making them regret their career decision (Ben Kingsley, Christian Slater, Tara Reid, Michael Madsen, Billy Zane, Jason Statham, John Rhys-Davies, Ron Perlman, Claire Forlani, Ray Liotta, Burt Reynolds, Dave Foley).

I've seen Bloodrayne and Alone in the Dark. They were both very much bad movies.


New member
May 1, 2008
As far as i know he's not making the LOK series becasue edios will not let him near it, and of course if he did start to then there would need to be a large group of people to go out and lynch him!

damn that Boll, he should just leave well alone....although the funniest thing he has done is a vid on youtube moaning at his detractors and saying he is great.......which he isnt


New member
Apr 16, 2008
As bad as Uwe Boll's record is, this looked pretty funny. Postal is all about terrible humour and pointless violence, and Uwe Boll can deliver in that department. I might try and figure out how to see it.

Sucks that his previous crap could get to the screen, and when he finally does something I want to see, it's nowhere to be found.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
dont let the boll and the closed minded critics fool you.
Postal the movie is as close to the game as you can get without it just watching someone play postal 2, which come with the movie.