Pottermore Means Gamey Website, Not More Potter


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Oh hopefully, not another book. But why would RowlingCorp (w/e that is) do such a thing years after the final book's release? That seems fishy to me...

Gabanuka said:
I guessed it wouldent be a book. CAlling a new book "Pottermore" would be like calling a new LoTr book "Aditionalfrodo"
"Froditionnal" would sound better :D


New member
Apr 14, 2009
The Cheezy One said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Looks like Harry is duelling with a lightsabre there.
Voldemort: Join me, Harry.

Harry: No!

Voldemort: Dumbledore never told you what became of your father.

Harry: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!

Voldemort: No Harry. I a- hold on, no, that's right, I did, didn't I? Haha, I remember now, good times.
Ha ha! Sounds like a script they would use on Robot Chicken. Good show.

OT: I'm glad she's not doing any more Harry Potter books. Like I've said before, I'm more interested in the as yet unreleased info on the characters and the books in general that she said are going to be posted to the site. I want more info on Dumbledore and whatnot.


New member
Feb 25, 2011
I suspected that Pottermore would be some sort of social network/forum with a not-too-hidden monetization somewhere. This sounds like exactly what the announcement details and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm glad that the series is coming (legally - there are meticulously scanned copies around online of the entire series if you know where to look) to Ebooks. I can only hope they have an open format like ePub or at least Mobi (to keep the Kindle users from being up in arms) and aren't tied to Adobe DRM or some such.

What exactly will be included in the "new experience" is up for debate of course, but as someone who read all the books years ago I would have liked to see something new announced that doesn't continue Harry's story, but exists in the same universe. Clearly,the Magical World has become a compelling setting and readers are interested and invested in the lore thereof - look at all the fanfiction! Even if you take out the self-insert Mary Sues and erotica, there's a clear love of the setting that transcends age and gender barriers. I wouldn't be opposed to Rowling creating new tales in the same setting and I think she has given the world enough depth that there are plenty of stories to tell, without infringing or having to go back to what happens to Harry himself.

Though it didn't seem to horribly likely, I like many others hoped that this announcement would herald a MMORPG. Done correctly, a Harry Potter MMORPG could be great but I'd be worried that it would be a quick WoW or Korean grinder cash-in clone with wizarding robes instead.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
In the video announcing Pottermore, Ms. Rowling mentioned some crucial "edits" she'll make to the novel. Learning the ways of the Force she is.


New member
May 20, 2011
Wonderful, my child dream come true. An harry potter MMorpg. I was hoping for it since the game boy color game of the saga.

Now, after a pair of shitty harry potter game, the experience of Star Wars franchise, I have to say one thing: this game?/online book?/online Harry Potter RPG community? can be good only if...

It's placed after or before the fact of the book. If it's a mmo after.
The game play have to be RPG friendly: the core idea of Pottermore is role playing Harry's magic world.
No "dumbing down for the masses": most of Harry Potter's book have an underground "theme", that aside from the first, have high degree of maturity. Ruining that for milking the franchise is wrong. And there is no need for that: Roiling you are already more richer than your own queen!
If it... Wait! What I'm listing for? This "pottermore" will be utterly bad if it's a simply franchise milking like Luca's art! Please, Rowling, don't destroy H.J.P.! Write yourself most of the story, and don't help yourself hiring EA or Warner Bros for Pottermore!


New member
May 16, 2011
Well I'm interested. She said before the announcement that It wasn't going to be a new book and it was going to be interactive experience anyway. Plus on the subject of a Potter MMO it should be set during the first war with Voldemort. Either Playing as Order of the Phoenix/ Mimistry or death eaters.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Yuffie_gameovert said:
Maybe it's a little misguided to have 'Pottermore just a website' by way of introduction to this news on the Escapist homepage. This is not 'just' a website thing could potentially shake up the publishing business in a major way, I expect that many authors will want to follow suit and for fans of the fantasy and science fiction genre, that's a BIG YAY!
I agree, though its now tagged as "Pottermore Just a Dumb Website" which is even more degrading. Im not even a big HP fan but Im looking forward to seeing how it pans out as I'd love to see something similar done for the Discworld series. :D


New member
Dec 25, 2008
not gonna be ragging on Lucas cuz...well frankly I still like his recent works
but that's just me
gotta love the article link's title on the main page tho LOL: "Pottermore Just a Dumb Website"