Power armoured marine or girlish boy with big sword?


Most Refined Escapist
Jul 4, 2008
Hey, since that which character are they kept this forum abuzz, what say I create a game thread?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Do the character from gundam Count? Most of them are girly marines in mechanized armor with swords.

Woe Is You

New member
Jul 5, 2008
PedroSteckecilo post=9.69967.677044 said:
hamster mk 4 post=9.69967.677032 said:
I want my in game avatar to have as little character as possible. That way I can put my own character into them. That is why Gordon Freeman and Master Chief don't say much. After all I'm pulling the trigger, I should be decide weather the character is happy or not about what they are doing.
I bet your also one of those people who don't like "story" in your games right? *sigh* I don't know why I bother.


Assume That I Hate You.
Aug 13, 2008
DarthNader26 post=9.69967.677014 said:
GodsClown post=9.69967.676944 said:
xitel post=9.69967.676994 said:
I have to say, I like Dante from Devil May Cry 3. I don't care what they look like or how big their sword is, so long as the character is a good character with good dialogue. Plus, for all you folks yelling that Cloud's sword is too big and unrealistic, I have two things to say. First of all, according to classical texts, a sword is supposed to measure "from the base of the pit of your arm to the ground". Second, Marcus Fenix has a chainsaw on a gun and is shooting giant sentient bugs. How realistic is that? You're playing a video game, not real life. It's not supposed to be reaistic, that's not fun.
First, I'd like you to source that text. Maybe a longsword, but those were expensive and only lords and knights owned them. Claymores were supposed to be roughly the height of a man. Most common swords (they were anything BUT common, however, because they were very expensive) were about as long as the owners arm from the shoulder to his wrist. Shortswords, broadswords, arming swords, etc all fell into this catagory. Dirks and the like were even shorter. Bastard swords fit in between claymores and longswords, and were meant to give knights on horseback the flexibility once they were knocked over. Cloud's sword was twice his size. No sword in HISTORY has ever rivaled that.

Second, my favorite games are firmly grounded in reality. The characters look and act like real people in extraordinary situations. Sure, zombie invasions or militaristic alien regimes may not be very realistic, but the characters look and act like REAL people would under the situations. Look at STALKER. Most of the NPCs are just ordinary guys looking to make some money or to escape from something. In Half Life, you are an ordinary (abiet very smart) guy who gets thrown into an extraordinary situation. Shoot, even in games like Mechwarrior there is an air of realism. You feel like you are actually a part of this universe, and while it may be very different from ours, it is still firmly grounded in reality with people acting and reacting like they should. And anyone who denies the popularity of games like Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell need to have their heads checked. Realism in games is DEFINITELY fun.
I don't remember what text it was, but it was referring to rules for fencing. The measurement reffered to the regulation length of a sabre. And as to your second statement, the games you reference may be realistic, but they are fantastic as well. A common person in those sorts of situations would likely go insane or into a state of shock. What makes characters interesting is that they are NOT common. The fact that they are different, that theu are not just another bevery-man, but rather a hero, is what makes it fun to play a game. The element of fantasy is what makes a game enjoyable.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Gotta go with pumped up badass, just because you can't beat a bit Egotistical fueled Machoism, (Machoism isn't the bondage kind is it).
Jan 29, 2009
-A humanoid mouthless alien with an awesom psychic blade and a wispy cloak that makes him:
ZERATUL, you non-starcraft-playing infidels!


All I really do is threadcrap
Mar 27, 2008
Singularly Datarific said:
-A humanoid mouthless alien with an awesom psychic blade and a wispy cloak that makes him:
ZERATUL, you non-starcraft-playing infidels!
Zeratul the thread necromancer? >.>

-- Alex


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Given those two choices I'd much rather play as Master Chief/Duke Nukem/Marcus Fenix than some bishounen wuss whose prime purpose in life is to be the star of gay slash fanfiction involving the game's main villain and/or Sephiroth, Harry Potter, or Dave Coulier.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
The marine for sure. Its the guy I grew up with killing demons from hell and blasting the Zerg to bits.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
zombiepandaman said:
rossatdi said:
Who are you more likely to play a game starring - a pumped up badass with a killer suit of armour and an attitude that would sour milk or... a tormented 'male' protagonist full of enthusiasm and a carrying an improbably weapon?

Just wondering. Personally I find the whole Japanese stereotypical hero character in games completely insufferable. Marcus Fenix is a dickhole but at least I've got some strong emotions about him.
Why can't we have a pumped killer who is a girlish boy with a big sword.
... Have you met Fei Fong Wong from Xenogears? I mean that guy's got issues but he's also one of the strongest fighters in the world, he just doesn't know it until later in the game.

Why is it everyone uses FFVII as the benchmark for "JRPG's" when just as many have a guy who's somewhat likable and relatable as the protagonist and he doesn't even look female? Fei, Citan, Jr, and Yuri all don't look like women and don't have stupidly sized swords, Cloud doesn't look like a girl (he just looks like he got smacked with enough jell to choke the local monkey) and he's a genetically modified human, they probably gave his muscles the strength equivalent to a freaking ant.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I would want to be a hero like 'Tom Hanks' in 'Saving Private Ryan' wearing half a car!


New member
Jan 26, 2008
The latter if I had to choose, but I'm playing Beyond Good & Evil right now and that's idyllic, protagonist-wise.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
I like interesting characters, or, failing that, a protagonist in an excellent game.

This can be the highly armoured, beweaponed space warrior, as is the case with Samus Aran, or it could be the emotional child hero thrust into adventure by circumstances beyond his control such as Lucas. Or it could be neither of those.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
I prefer the mute Stoics that inhabit most FPS's, they may not say much, they get the job done in a professional manner.

Although JRPG ladyboys are completely insufferable. It's no wonder the bad guy never takes them seriously until it's too late, I mean, would you?


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
Personally, I wouldn't mind what the character looked like if they had some...well, character about them. I wouldn't mind big, ugly armoured space marines, if they did something other than grunt and swear at aliens. Take Gears 2, they had to force in a missing wife to pretend the characters had any emotions at all. I only prefer the Japanese type with a big sword because they seem to make an effort in making the characters more rich.