Preview: DC Universe Online


New member
Jul 9, 2009
llagrok said:
A1 said:

It would certainly seem that all of this in some way, shape, or form ultimately comes down to personal opinion and preferences. You may not feel something or think highly of something (and I am sorry you feel that way), but that certainly doesn't mean others don't or won't. And from the positive feedback coming out of the beta it would seem that a lot of people are feeling the desired effect of being part of the DC Universe. The negative feedback seems to largely stem from other issues.

And yes, Geoff Johns is indeed popular. And there is a reason for that. It's because in general he connects with people, connects with fans. And when all has been said and done it would seem that that is indeed the most important thing in this industry.
So you choose to refute nothing and simply bring up something completely irrelevant?

Johns has written good stuff, but that doesn't even matter in the long run. No matter how well Johns writes it, it will still be interaction through an mmo. Which means that it won't feel like true interaction. It will feel like interacting with a message board that has a voice chat.

Beta-testers love anything. They loved Final Fantasy 14.

Irrelevant you say? And completely irrelevant at that?

I'm afraid not. But if you really can't see the connection then that is your problem, not mine.

Maybe it won't feel like true interaction for you, but evidently the same is not true for other people.
Feb 13, 2008
KeyMaster45 said:
I've played both CoH and Champions; and after the initial customization of characters both games lose their flare after a few hours.
Are you kidding? I was on the CoH generator for DAYS.

Not to mention since both games are not built upon existing IP
(well Champions was supposed to be Marvel Online I hear)
Insanely wrong. Champions was built on the Champions IP.
they throw wall upon wall of lore and background at the player every mission.
No they don't.
Aside from just the base stories you're given for each area their deeper stories just seem neigh impenetrable without sitting down for a few hours and combing through everything the developers have thrown at you.
Seer Marino, your argument is invalid.
All three have the same flaw that irks me to no end;the soundtrack. Cripes people is it to hard to ask for a "loop music" button on our audio menu? It sucks so much life out of the game.
The CoH soundtrack is still one of the best I've heard. I honestly have no idea if you played the same game.
In final summation; DC Universe Online kicks 9 kinds of ass in my book and I look forward to continuing my reign of terror as the villainous Professor Metric Chaos when the game goes live.
It's a good game, but it's not overly better than CoH. That's not a bad thing, and it does do somethings better, but it's still got some pretty heavy niggles - like no Sonics, Darkforce, Teleportation, Robotic Powersuits for starters, neck coverings, very bad social UI, no customisation over look, no background generators, no single pistol mechanics and a LOT of power spamming.


New member
Jun 14, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
KeyMaster45 said:
I've played both CoH and Champions; and after the initial customization of characters both games lose their flare after a few hours.
Are you kidding? I was on the CoH generator for DAYS.

The CoH soundtrack is still one of the best I've heard. I honestly have no idea if you played the same game.

It's a good game, but it's not overly better than CoH. That's not a bad thing, and it does do somethings better, but it's still got some pretty heavy niggles - like no Sonics, Darkforce, Teleportation, Robotic Powersuits for starters, neck coverings, very bad social UI, no customisation over look, no background generators, no single pistol mechanics and a LOT of power spamming.
Actually Shamus had made a previous article pointing out this very thing; CoH had most content unlocked early on to put all the fun up front, but higher levels got noticeably bare.

The soundtrack is not great by any measures. That annoying techno loop in most of the technology levels was shallow and repetitive, like a jumble of a bunch of random electronic sfx on fast forward.

You're asking for things that largely don't exist in the DC Universe. Besides that, the devs said they went through many alternate power and weapon styles, deciding to cut away all the ones that weren't as fun to play with. Would you really want sonic attacks and single pistol even though it wouldn't be as fun or interesting as the others? And you're really splitting hairs here. You've got dual pistols and rifles to decide between; do you really have to be so hard to please as to demand a single pistol option?

No customization over look? You gotta be kidding me. And as far as a power suit, that's a skin you can select and/or earn.

Teleportation was the worst travel mode in CoH. Why would you be so upset that it doesn't see use in DCUO?

DCUO is wisely not trying to be a game that already exists. It doesn't have any reason to have darkforce or sonics, and complaining that it doesn't is just so much qq.

digital warrior

New member
Oct 17, 2008
I got to say I was skeptical but after watching this video and playing a bit of the beta on my brothers ps3 I have to say I'm interested. While I'm not stupid to say some BS like it will topple wow, but if it works and they polish the few bugs I found in the beta i think it will at least be able to stand on its own.
Feb 13, 2008
SmileyBat said:
Actually Shamus had made a previous article pointing out this very thing; CoH had most content unlocked early on to put all the fun up front, but higher levels got noticeably bare.
Which was later added on, at the expense of some of the earlier stuff. Bye Lusca, Hello Police Missions.
The soundtrack is not great by any measures. That annoying techno loop in most of the technology levels was shallow and repetitive, like a jumble of a bunch of random electronic sfx on fast forward.
Pfftt, I still listen to it now. Tastes vary.
You're asking for things that largely don't exist in the DC Universe.
You mean Sonics like Cyborg and Black Canary? Darkforce like Raven? Tele-reformation like Swamp Thing? Powersuits like Cyborg again. The Mad Hatter's Hat? The Riddler's Hat? These are basics filled by characters in game already.

Besides that, the devs said they went through many alternate power and weapon styles, deciding to cut away all the ones that weren't as fun to play with. Would you really want sonic attacks and single pistol even though it wouldn't be as fun or interesting as the others? And you're really splitting hairs here. You've got dual pistols and rifles to decide between; do you really have to be so hard to please as to demand a single pistol option?
They missed, badly. Bow and Arrows are an insanely underused power group. Single pistol would have been far better but dual pistol is more "gangsta". What would the Joker use? Single Pistol almost assuredly - he wouldn't be caught dead with Akimbo or Rifle.
There's little difference between Brawling and Martial Arts anyway, and no option for Stronghouse moves like Bane.

See, this is where they're really failing at the moment, not including the basics of DC characters. If I shapeshift, why am I fixed into appearing as a normal Gorilla - when Changeling doesn't, and neither does Gorilla Grodd. What good is illusion when the targeting lock will jump to you anyway?
No customization over look? You gotta be kidding me.
I didn't say no, I said limited. How many "Mask" options change what part of your face is showing but have none to have just eyes and mouth, as a basic example? Where are the fishnet tights for Zatara? Or is that another "unlock"?
And as far as a power suit, that's a skin you can select and/or earn.
But most High Tech characters start off with a clunky powersuit that gets upgraded to that suit. They need a powersuited character to begin with.
Teleportation was the worst travel mode in CoH. Why would you be so upset that it doesn't see use in DCUO?
Superspeed was FAR worse. Try Oranbega with Superspeed.
DCUO is wisely not trying to be a game that already exists. It doesn't have any reason to have darkforce or sonics, and complaining that it doesn't is just so much qq.
If it was wise, it would try to be better than an existing game. Two of the main characters you meet early on, that are lynchpins of the whole IP, are based around Darkforce and Sonics.
That's not QQ, that's understanding the IP.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
SmileyBat said:
Teleportation was the worst travel mode in CoH. Why would you be so upset that it doesn't see use in DCUO?
I loved Teleportation. :( I miss it badly, and I really hope they'll introduce a fourth travelpower.


New member
Jun 14, 2010
I know we're going on a tangent here, but CoH's teleporting was awful. It's true that you can get amazing speed with it, but you'll require full slotting it to do so whereas other travels required none to be good. I was partial to jump myself, but it really depends on your setup. One or two exception maps aren't a reason to disregard an entire travel style either.

I don't think it's anything to do with 'gangsta'-ness at all. Hush uses double pistol, and he's fucking awesome. Devs said they tried other styles and cut out the ones that weren't as great. Based on the quality of work they've done everywhere else, I believe em! If they decided to leave something on the cutting room floor then I'm not going to miss it. Besides, even though Joker pulls a dirty harry sometimes, he'd never slog through entire crouds with it. Not his style by a long shot. Speaking of fun, the dual's multi-targetting is pretty damn awesome, like something out of Underworld or Boondock Saints.

Bow seems fine to me; what exactly are you saying? Just that people don't tend to use it? I know my wife in particular is set on using bow just for the aesthetic style, numbers be damned. At any rate, weapon styles will be seeing patches, and my guess is either brawling or ma won't look much like it does right now anymore.

The_root_of_all_evil said:
no customisation over look
lol. But I digress.

You've got one single example of a darkforce user, and not a very important one at that. Whoopee. And as far as power suits, which are still btw available in game, it's not exactly something that fits in with the plot of civilians getting traits transferred to them.

It's WAY better than the existing games CoH or CO. CoH was boring and poorly imagined and CO was underdeveloped and it's story was a joke.
Feb 13, 2008
SmileyBat said:
I know we're going on a tangent here, but CoH's teleporting was awful. It's true that you can get amazing speed with it, but you'll require full slotting it to do so whereas other travels required none to be good. I was partial to jump myself, but it really depends on your setup. One or two exception maps aren't a reason to disregard an entire travel style either.
How about any map that uses vertical motion? Like the entirety of the Shadow Shards, or the Warzones, or say..half the maps.

Besides, even though Joker pulls a dirty harry sometimes, he'd never slog through entire crouds with it. Not his style by a long shot.
So, what Spam power does the Joker use? Martial Arts? Brawling? or...did they forget that there are Masterminds as well as Sluggers?
Speaking of fun, the dual's multi-targetting is pretty damn awesome, like something out of Underworld or Boondock Saints.
But completely unrealistic to anything other than an anti-hero.
Bow seems fine to me; what exactly are you saying? Just that people don't tend to use it? I know my wife in particular is set on using bow just for the aesthetic style, numbers be damned.
Bow users - Not an awful lot of them in the Universe, are there?
And as far as super-powers go, there is only really one power you can get with a bow, super aim.

It's not a SUPER weapon. It's a focus at best. Irregardless of style.
At any rate, weapon styles will be seeing patches, and my guess is either brawling or ma won't look much like it does right now anymore.
Which means what, precisely?

The_root_of_all_evil said:
no customisation over look
lol. But I digress.
Let's not digress. Let's look at this in particular. I'm so sorry you felt this was just an invalid point, but given that the powers aren't changeable, their abilities aren't changeable, their exit-point isn't changeable, there are huge swathes of possible clothing missing and replaced with 10 different sorts of face-masks and costume patterns - yet leaving out such basics as body size, body mass, height, clothing, wing-types, animal features without animal skins, skulls, Batman's own suit, something for the ladies that doesn't look like they've stepped out of a Victoria's Secret know...basic things like that that CoH and CO had in droves.

I mean, customising the primary weapon? Thought of that?

You've got one single example of a darkforce user, and not a very important one at that.
You haven't played the game then. Raven is the entire lynchpin of a third of the game.
Along with Cyborg, who I also mentioned. Who is also a high-tech.

And as far as power suits, which are still btw available in game,
At level 20/30.
it's not exactly something that fits in with the plot of civilians getting traits transferred to them.
Uh-uh. Want that barrel scraper now? I seem to believe that there are a VAST number of high-tech heroes that specifically wear powered armour. I can name them if you want, but small time heroes like Steel, Booster Gold, Batman and Lex Luthor probably used them sometime in the past. Or Nite Owl. Or anyone that gets "Heightened Intellect" usually.
It's WAY better than the existing games CoH or CO. CoH was boring and poorly imagined
Given you can't provide any examples, I'll take this as hyperbole.
and CO was underdeveloped and it's story was a joke.
On that we can agree.

Try playing CoH & DCUO again. Look for how important Raven is in DCUO and how much more fun "Frostfire" is than taking out Huntress.

There's still a way to go on making DCUO a CoH beater. But they still have time.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
IF the combat lives up to the show standards, hell yeah i´ll buy it, current "point and forguet" mechanics are kind of dull and boring, but this may keep me interested.


New member
Dec 25, 2010
I don't play MMOs typically, but this game looks good enough to try. I'm really looking forward to it coming out--do they have a set release date yet?