Professor Abandons Grades for Experience Points


New member
Nov 5, 2009
If you're not motivated to learn, you should drop out. Simple as that. The professors shouldn't put forward these types of incentives.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Mobung said:
When I was in high school, there was an Algebra teacher who gave students full credit on every homework assignment they turned in, whether the answers were right or not. Once these students got to Geometry, many of them switched out of the "hard" class I was in. It was regular Geometry. The only reason they thought it was hard was because the teacher graded their homework. Now their lazy study-habits resulted in Ds and Fs instead of Bs and Cs. He also didn't give out extra credit. So while grades based on effort may be nice in a game-theory class or analyzing-Harry-Potter class, they are not suited to maths and sciences.
Well there's a difference there in fairness, having a guarantee of top marks provided you do an assignment is obviously not going to encourage people to apply themselves 100%.

But now take the same example and put this in its place, the teacher grades all homeworks accordingly and these types of assignments make up the majority of your end of year grade, or in this case they are worth the most XP, then having various other optional activities that students could take part in, study groups etc., in an attempt to encourage them to apply themselves in order to gradually improve their grades through putting in the effort.

It's impossible to say that it would definitely work, just as it is impossible to say it definitely wouldn't until it has been tried and tested. I think it would be interesting to look into it though. I like the idea.