Protagonists You Can't Get Behind


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Nov 18, 2011
Benpasko said:
Witty Name Here said:
And this last one is probably going to earn me some serious hatred considering how much what... "fanbase" is like but...
It's friendly hatred! (Not really though, Alliance scum)

I'm just sayin though, in old hillsbrad those are clearly concentration camps, the guards even make nazi references when you kill them. The Alliance carried on war after Thrall took power, and all Thrall wanted was peace. Garrosh a shit, but Thrall was clearly written to be the good guy in the conflict.
Do keep in mind that the Horde during the first and second wars burned down most of what is now Stormwind, Westfall, Redridge and Duskwood. Further the concentration camps were not intended to kill off the Orcs, many of the human kingdoms actually demanded the orcs be killed off.

However Archmage Antonidas proposed something different, that the orcs were not in control of themselves (And they werent), the Concentration camps had two goals, 1) To keep the Orcs from rising together and resuming the Genocide of Humanity, Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes (And any troll races that the Forest Trolls didn't like), and 2) To remove the Demonic taint from the Orcs through seperating them from the Dark Portal.

Both goals suceeded for a time, the only Orcs who openly worshiped Demons were the Burning Blade Clan that lived in Northern Eastern Kingdoms (though this is in part thanks to Gul'dan who decided to go find the Eye of Sargeras, he took most of the Warlocks with him)

Now in WOTLK, Cata and Mists the Orcs were clearly the villains again, In Wrath they ambushed the Alliance who were fighting Scourge forces infront of the Wrath Gate, The Alliance soldiers give you a quest asking for Death, the Horde Soldiers give you a quest to finish off the Alliance soldiers.

In Cata Garrosh's obession with the Alliance leads him to get most of his fleet destroyed in the Twilight Highlands, and in Cata the Forsaken show their true colours, Sylvanas is nothing more than a less powerful Lich King, and the Royal Apothecaries are still up to their "Experiments" In Hillsbrad, oddly enough as you mentioned, The Horde in Hillsbrad bears a striking resemblance to how the Nazi's acted, except these references straight up preform experiments on the people and kill them en masse, as opposed to the Old Hillsbrad, where the most that happened was Manual labor, and this is the big part, slave fighting (Which is referenced by one of the COT: OH bosses).

In Mists, Garrosh goes completely overboard, destroys towns fully, and well, There is no part of what Garrosh did during Mists that could be considered okay. In any respect.


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Dec 1, 2010
shintakie10 said:
Raven_Operative said:
Shiro from Fate/Stay night. That guy was so... so stupid, he single handedly made me abandon the series after episode 7. Its a shame too, because I love everything Type-moon related. Fuck, I can't stand him in the slightest.
I cant agree more with this. The amount of times he talks about how he needs to protect Saber, despite Saber absolutely being his better in every way was aggravating. "No dont fight Berserker Saber despite that literally being your sole purpose for being here and having the strength and ability to do it. I'll fight him with my complete lack of any actual combat skills or magical protection!" Screw you Shiro! At least every other person has somethin they can do to fight.

I love Fate Stay Night, but god is he obnoxious
Yes! Yes! Dear God. Shiro was the one that started up my freshly discovered pet peeve of fucking characters who gung ho risk their lives when they can't do shit.

I hate them. I hate them all. I yelled at him the whole time I watched this anime. It was all fine and dandy until he did that for reasons that are completely nonsensical. *screeches*

Nice to know I'm not alone. Truly.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
I can't stand Peter Griffin, he's a rude, stupid jerkass who never seems to get his comeuppance. Also the protagonists of Twilight. All of them.

Super Cyborg

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Jul 25, 2014
jpz719 said:
Protagonists in extremely long running series. Some good example are Luffy, Goku mentioned above, etc. They stop being interesting mainly because we're watching from their primary perspective so long that we know how their going to react to a particular situation. We get a feel for the characters thought process, and they suffer for it, becoming predictable.
Even if some don't find them interesting because they know how they react, doesn't mean they can't get behind them. Luffy for example, despite being straightforward, he's an honest and good person, so I can get behind him on what he's doing. I will agree there are better characters than him, but in most series I read, the main character is never the most interesting.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
Wanderer from Shadow of the Colossus.

Mind, I love the shit out of the game. But like, I have stronger feelings for his damn horse than I do for him (or the girl he's trying to bring back). And I have stronger feelings for some of the Colossi that I have to kill because some of them don't even try to hurt you unless you shoot at them or try and stab them first.

I don't care that he doesn't talk but he doesn't do anything to endear himself to me.

Wolverine. Batman. Superman. All 3 are boring as shit characters. And fuck Fox for basically making almost every X-Men movie "Wolverine and (insert whatever the plot is)". There's so many more interesting characters X-Men wise that I just don't see the point other than "oh the girls like Hugh Jackman shirtless so let's capitalize on that"(and we won't even go into my thoughts on the newest one). Batman's villains are more interesting than he is....well when they're not trying to make movies with them because some of them they just can't get right (*coughcoughscarecrowandnoreasonwhybanehasamaskcoughcough*). And Superman just...bores me. Spiderman does too to a point but then again he kind of doesn't.

Protagonists that either have no backstory, an underdeveloped backstory, or barely any backstory bother me. Because I like backstories. Or instances like Battle Royale 2 where a character does a complete 180 on their personality. That bothers me too.

And characters that feel like continuously pushing their agendas on you (though I get that more through books than any other form of media because I read more).

And characters who have been abused in their past to use that as an excuse to be abusive, manipulative, stalkers, man-babies who cry when everything isn't about them, or just assholes in general because of it. Likewise characters who had something bad happen to them as a child and decide to be good just because or be a borderline villain because they can (*coughcoughbatmancoughcough*). Don't get me wrong, I don't mind characters who are good just because but when it's because some sort of catalyst happened that they draw an arbitrary line over what's good or not then it starts bothering me.

And one-dimensional characters (but that's kind of covered under the no backstory thing).


New member
Jul 3, 2012
Cecilo said:
Now in WOTLK, Cata and Mists the Orcs were clearly the villains again, In Wrath they ambushed the Alliance who were fighting Scourge forces infront of the Wrath Gate, The Alliance soldiers give you a quest asking for Death, the Horde Soldiers give you a quest to finish off the Alliance soldiers.
But the ones betraying at the wrathgate where... the forsaken. Not the orcs. And the forsaken that did so even went against their own kind, under Sylvanas nose. Then, the Alliance invaded Undercity (wich was occupied by the forsaken seperatists, who where keeping the horde out as well). Thrall tried to keep things under controll, but when the forsaken where killed (by both horde and alliance forces) Varian Wrynn was the one to attack the horde. Jania stopped him and Thrall realised that this meant the uneasy peace was over.

Cecilo said:
In Cata Garrosh's obession with the Alliance leads him to get most of his fleet destroyed in the Twilight Highlands, and in Cata the Forsaken show their true colours, Sylvanas is nothing more than a less powerful Lich King, and the Royal Apothecaries are still up to their "Experiments" In Hillsbrad, oddly enough as you mentioned, The Horde in Hillsbrad bears a striking resemblance to how the Nazi's acted, except these references straight up preform experiments on the people and kill them en masse, as opposed to the Old Hillsbrad, where the most that happened was Manual labor, and this is the big part, slave fighting (Which is referenced by one of the COT: OH bosses).
Agreed, Garrosh is terrible in Cata and so is Sylvanas. And for horde players this is seen clearly as the beginning of the storm. Garrosh and Sylvanas are butting heads because one does not trust the other (Garrosh hates the forsaken because of what some of them did at the wrathgate) and the other has no respect for the "warchief". Meanwhile the other races are just trying to hold the crumbling horde together.

Cecilo said:
In Mists, Garrosh goes completely overboard, destroys towns fully, and well, There is no part of what Garrosh did during Mists that could be considered okay. In any respect.
Indeed. That is why even the horde (including orcs) turn against him.

I realise I might come across as a bit too know-it-all but one thing I always liked in later expansions where how both horde and alliance where shown to be good and bad. Both sides are both trying to survive and destroy, but not everyone agrees within the factions. Politics, I think it's called.

I'll just say most anime protaganists. Seriously, it's like every anime deliberatly tries to make the main character less interesting/likeable than pretty much everyone else.

Also some voiced protaganists whose lines I can't control. So many are just so... poorly written.


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Dec 8, 2010
The three leads from GTA V. Say what you want about Niko from GTA IV, but at least he didn't whine or act like he was better than everyone else.
Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. How can anyone stand a whiny, self-important, condescending asshat who thinks everyone exists solely to serve him?


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Apr 19, 2014
Alcarohtare said:
Yuna from FFX
She annoyed the hell out of me. I get that she is meant to represent innocence and stuff but my god! Would it have killed her to be a bit more fiesty? Even later on in the game she comes off as a total wuss (other than the scene in Bevelle) despite the fact she is a summoner and has major power...

Also Tidus because he is a bit whiny (redeems himself a bit tho)
So... Deciding from a young age that you're going to train to sacrifice yourself to train your world isn't a strong character trait? I hated in FFX-2 when the developers thought that making Yuna have an attitude and wear booty shorts made her "fiesty."


New member
Jun 17, 2010
drh1975 said:
The three leads from GTA V. Say what you want about Niko from GTA IV, but at least he didn't whine or act like he was better than everyone else.
- snip -
Say what? I think you played a different version of GTA IV than I did, is yours still available?
When I played GTA IV Nico had smartass putdowns for every person he met and the only time he stopped talking down to them was to demand sympathy for his terrible past. Of course, he usually brought up his past to explain why he couldn't help but do all of the things he despised others for doing so I guess he never stopped acting like he was better than everyone else.
I completely agree about Eren & Naruto, I'm getting pretty fed up with Ichigo myself and I can see what a lot of posters are saying about Malcom Reynolds and evil-but-pretty vampires but for me Nico really stands above the crowd for arrogant hypocrisy. The only comparison I can think of is Light Yagami but I don't know that we're ever supposed to be on his side so I don't consider that a failure of storytelling.

Also, if you think Muad'dib is a Marty Stu you're going to hate it when
they bring back Idaho.
Man, I couldn't see them die hard enough or often enough.


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Sep 18, 2008
Scott Pilgrim.

only have seen the movie but i lost all enjoyment of the movie due to who he was as a character.

Dating a very young girl then cheating on her just cause.

i couldnt support him as a character after that and hence disliked his character


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May 3, 2012
Candidus said:
Oh man, too many to mention individually.

1. Protagonists who draw an arbitrary line through acceptable and unacceptable violence in the pursuit of good and/or the punishment of evil-- so let's strike all superheroes off the list of protags I can get behind.

2. Spineless, incompetent brats whose discovery of great power (usually a mecha) allows them to "come of age" and save the world doing it.

3. Characters who're despicably fragile, pacifistic, sensitive, kind etc etc... In JRPG's, this is usually a woman who eventually `develops`- if you can call it that- to be a little more willful and assertive, as though that's anywhere near enough to make them appealing to me. Just give her a scene where she tortures the shit out of a villain's lieutenant or something and she'll get an instant draft even if her stats are bad.

4. Male characters in general... Sorry, this is just... Yeah, I can't get behind a male character. I don't relate to them, I don't aspire to be like them. I don't care what they're going through. I don't care how they feel or what they want. I don't want to inhabit them, assist them or watch them. Get out.

Protags I can get behind:

Metallica - The Witch and the Hundred Knight
Light Yagami - A rare exception to the fourth rule.
Female Bhaalspawn - Baldur's Gate series.
Phantom Assassin - Dota 2 (hey now! each match has its own narrative, and you're always your own protagonist!)
Lucy - Elfen Lied
I also hate White characters because I can't relate to them aspire to be like them, don't care what they're going through. I don't care how they feel or what they want. I don't want to inhabit them, assist them or watch them. Get out.
This is what you sound like.

OT: Um protags I can't get behind. Well Batman from the Arkham Asylum series because is actions don't mirror what I would do in his shoes. Why? Because of the Joker, why is it in every single Arkham game he goes out of his way to save this self-destructive, graveyard filling piece of shit? No seriously, in the first game he doesn't kill him when given the chance by him which would save the life every guard that died in the game and stop the super steroid Titan from hitting the street. Then in Arkham City when he does die, he decides to get all mopey about it rather than throw a party to celebrate and I was like. "DUDE! THE MAN WHO CRIPPLED ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS, KILLED ONE OF YOUR ADOPTIVE SONS IS AND FILLED MORE COFFINS THAN JASON VOORHEES IS DEAD THROUGH NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN! STOP BEING SUCH A MOPEY PIECE OF SHIT AND CELEBRATE!" And then in Arkham Origins when the Joker is about to fall to his dead, he goes out of his way to save him even though there's no reason for him to jump after him as he won't be responsible for his death. But unfortunately seeing as we have to fight the Joker in Asylum and City you know how it goes.


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Mar 30, 2011
Zhukov said:
Been reading Dune recently.

Gotta say, the main character, Paul, is so bloody capable that I find it damn near impossible to give a shit about him.

He's super-duper smart, highly trained in the ways of basically everything. has perfect observation and perfect memory, can figure out almost anything at a glance, can learn any skill super quickly, can read people so well that he can almost read their minds, can kinda-sorta make people do what he says just by commanding them to. Oh, and of course he's physically adept at pretty much anything he tries his hand at.

Oh, and I almost forgot that he's also The Chosen One As Foretold by Prophesy And Legend. Although I'm pretty sure the author's going to try and pull something cute with that.

But yeah, makes it pretty hard to sympathise or fell any kind of tension. Even when the plot is getting all "Ohhhhh! Treachery! Drama! Danger!" all I can think is, "Eh, whatever, fucking Wunderkind here will have it under control in no time."
Well, do bear in mind that as the Kwisatch Haderach, Paul is basically SUPPOSED to be the perfect human being. On the plus side, once you get past the first book a lot of the stuff with Paul kinda gets flipped on its head.

Anyway, Sarah Kerrigan is the one for me that I can't get behind (though I guess it's debatable if she's a "protagonist"). "Oh woe is me, I was betrayed by this one guy, even though due to his betrayal I was turned into the most powerful being in the universe and command my own unstoppable Army of monsters. Doesn't matter!!! I'm still SO MAD and I'm going to murder billions of people to kill this guy!"


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Apr 2, 2008
Witty Name Here said:
The Horde from World of Warcraft. Essentially monsters that wage wars of genocide against the civilized races of the Alliance. Yet they have an underdog complex bigger than the moon and scream that the Alliance are "racist imperial pigs". To give you an idea, it's like a bunch of aliens came to the planet, they slaughtered cities full of people and gleefully butchered others by the millions. Humanity is forced to work together to overcome this threat and, through grit and heroism, wins the day... and then they found out that the aliens started spawning on the planet and building homes over the ashes of their loved ones.

For whatever reason Humanity decides not to destroy the alien threat and, instead, puts them in prison camps. All is fine and well until the aliens scream it's time to "throw off human oppression" and decry humans as "the real monsters". They wage another war to free themselves then "make peace" by essentially demanding humanity cede more land to them, or else. Humanity doesn't, so the aliens move to antartica all the while claiming to be "peaceful" and, all the while, raiding other countries for resources.

Yet in spite of ALL that, people still claim the horde are the underdogs. It's mindblowing that they accuse the Alliance of being Racists when there's no evidence in lore or in game that that's even remotely true. Sadly, The Horde is the golden boy of Blizzard, so the past two expacs have been about their story at the Alliance's expense.
Hmmmm, I like that one.

And it wasn't always the case. I haven't played WoW, but in the original "Warcraft", the Horde were first summoned by a guy who technically I believe was human, although he was the son of an immortal divine being, so... not sure on that one. Anyway, the Horde appear, fleeing their dying planet of Draenor, find a village in Azeroth, and promptly have the bad manners to slaughter everyone inside it. Some armed humans come along to fight them, and thus the war begins. It's quite interesting, though, that it's the son of one of humanity's protectors who starts the whole thing off.

From that point on, the Horde's portrayal changes throughout each iteration of the franchise. In the original Warcraft, they're a single tribe of unruly savages who rely on cunning, brute force and primitive magic, rather than strategy or intellect.

In Warcraft 2, they've become a race of what are essentially treasure hunters, but there are orcs with the skills to use powerful trinkets - principally, Gul'dan. Now the orcs can negotiate with allies - specifically the put-upon ogres and trolls - and also have abilities that go far beyond the necromancy of the first game. (Unfortunately what they can't now do is summon demons. I understand why - the demons pretty much broke the game in the first "Warcraft" - but it still feels kinda like they were nerfed.) They've gone from being a single tribe of refugees to an organised force that looks to conquer. In "Beyond the Dark Portal", the expansion for Warcraft 2, this was more pronounced, with the Orcish tribes having their own specific identities and backstories.

In Warcraft 3, they're no longer savages. They have a leader, Thrall, who has plans beyond just fighting the humans. I don't think anybody would ever claim that the alliance were the "good guys" in this game - their leader, Arthas, pretty much goes crazy (unfortunately you have to control him while he does it. Seriously, he's one of the more annoying protagonists in gaming history. What a whiny jerk.) He kills his father at the end of the Human campaign, becoming an enslaved undead lich in the process. Now the undead take the place of the orcs, looking to "recruit" the dead of war using necromancy (previously a tool used mostly by orcs themselves, who no longer have access to it.)

I don't know what happens at the end of Warcraft 3 as I've never yet managed to finish it. I presume Thrall gets his people away to somewhere safe, the elves stop the undead, and the remaining humans try and find a leader who isn't a powerful lich. Although given that I've heard Arthas is a major boss character in WoW, maybe that doesn't happen. Anyway, it's interesting to see just how much the Horde have changed over the course of three full games and at least two large expansions.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Not that I'm treading on dangerous territory here or anything, but I despise the entire world of Duke Nukem, especially Duke Nukem: Forever. Duke himself is a self-aggrandizing, self-serving meathead, and the only reason people look up to him is because in his universe, the collective IQ of the human species equals that of an exceptionally dim rutabaga. I quit playing Forever in the sincere hope that it meant Earth would be conquered and every last moron on it exterminated.


New member
May 24, 2013
Anybody involved in "The Horse Whisperer." I've never seen it. I will never see it. As far as I am concerned the whole concept of rich people needing a therapist for their horse makes everybody involved with that movie an asshole on the grandest of all possible scales.