Prototype Is VERY HARD


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
How do you guys handle the Leader Hunters? I can take them down, but the most efficient method I've found so far is jumping really high and Whipping them from air. Not exactly epic, exciting or anything like that. At least the regular hunters have the decency to get stunned for a few seconds while you bash them but not these guys. Going melee with them just feels like asking to take a punch in the face, get knocked down, and then get another punch while you're trying to get up...


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
quack35 said:
Weren't people just complaining a few days ago about how easy games have become?
Hey this is not the place for that kind of logic. :D

And yes it is bloody hard. I am stuck on the first encounter with the hunters. In other words the first mission. I might have to crack open the int. book. The horror oh the horror.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Just did the dreaded Lizzy Green fight, not that bad. Here's the short of it.

1. Keep Shield up, it can block her homing attacks. Screw Armor, you need to be mobile for this one.

2. The Blood Wave is the biggest danger since it can drop you from max health to almost dead. Fortunately, it only affects ground level. When it's about to fire the entire screen will go gray, so just charge a quick jump to the nearest building and keep running upwards. It can be avoided even if it triggers while you're standing right on top of her.

3. Her remaining attacks are rock throwing which is easy to dodge, some Hydras which are stationary and Hunters which by this point are nothing more than health boosts on legs. If you're having teouble beating Hunters this far into the game, you either suck or haven't been doing any side missions so your EP is low.

4. For damaging her, use any of the following: Throw stuff (unreliable), vehicles, Whip secondary attack, Blade Air Slice (charged secondary while in air), Air Critical Pain Devastator. Air Slice is the most powerful, but also most risky. Vehicles work OK, but die fast (Tanks are better then Choppers this time). Critical Pain is a fairly safe bet that can be excecuted from a safe distance. Throwing and whipping is just too slow.

5. If you take too much damage run into one of the side streets where Green can't target you, the whole area is full of low level infected for you to snack on. Also, Hunters will come after you most of the time, so you can snack up on them as well.

6. Remember, she's a stationary target and you're in no rush. After each attack run get to higher ground and get your bearings. Eat someone if you took damage. Don't charge in while hurt. This fight is easy as long as you're careful.

squid5580 said:
And yes it is bloody hard. I am stuck on the first encounter with the hunters. In other words the first mission. I might have to crack open the int. book. The horror oh the horror.
That one is tricky when you're starting out. The key here is to run & jump like crazy and hit them with weapons. Also, Air kicks are not a bad idea. Use the lock-on so your shots land on your target even if you're running away from it. Try to learn at which point the hunter becomes "consumeable" and don't kill it, rather eat it for a fat health boost. If you can avoid them then you can slowly kill them off one by one. Focus on one at a time and don't take too long or you'll run out of soldiers to act as a diversion. As soon as you get the objective to blow up the fuel tanks, grab a grenade/missile launcher and start taking them out as fast as you can. Once you blow up all of them, the mission is over.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
I actually find Alex Mercer to be one of the most powerful video game protagonists ever. I mean seriously, on normal difficulty, I can jump into any given heavily fortified military base. Then, I go ape shit, everyone else goes crazy, and later I've leveled the entire complex with the ground in ways one couldn't possibly imagine. (Ramping on a dead body to plunge straight into a chopper anyone?)

I mean, I certainly struggle at some points, but most of the game I can do just about anything I want with everyone I want.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Jandau said:
Just did the dreaded Lizzy Green fight, not that bad. Here's the short of it.

1. Keep Shield up, it can block her homing attacks. Screw Armor, you need to be mobile for this one.

2. The Blood Wave is the biggest danger since it can drop you from max health to almost dead. Fortunately, it only affects ground level. When it's about to fire the entire screen will go gray, so just charge a quick jump to the nearest building and keep running upwards. It can be avoided even if it triggers while you're standing right on top of her.

3. Her remaining attacks are rock throwing which is easy to dodge, some Hydras which are stationary and Hunters which by this point are nothing more than health boosts on legs. If you're having teouble beating Hunters this far into the game, you either suck or haven't been doing any side missions so your EP is low.

4. For damaging her, use any of the following: Throw stuff (unreliable), vehicles, Whip secondary attack, Blade Air Slice (charged secondary while in air), Air Critical Pain Devastator. Air Slice is the most powerful, but also most risky. Vehicles work OK, but die fast (Tanks are better then Choppers this time). Critical Pain is a fairly safe bet that can be excecuted from a safe distance. Throwing and whipping is just too slow.

5. If you take too much damage run into one of the side streets where Green can't target you, the whole area is full of low level infected for you to snack on. Also, Hunters will come after you most of the time, so you can snack up on them as well.

6. Remember, she's a stationary target and you're in no rush. After each attack run get to higher ground and get your bearings. Eat someone if you took damage. Don't charge in while hurt. This fight is easy as long as you're careful.

squid5580 said:
And yes it is bloody hard. I am stuck on the first encounter with the hunters. In other words the first mission. I might have to crack open the int. book. The horror oh the horror.
That one is tricky when you're starting out. The key here is to run & jump like crazy and hit them with weapons. Also, Air kicks are not a bad idea. Use the lock-on so your shots land on your target even if you're running away from it. Try to learn at which point the hunter becomes "consumeable" and don't kill it, rather eat it for a fat health boost. If you can avoid them then you can slowly kill them off one by one. Focus on one at a time and don't take too long or you'll run out of soldiers to act as a diversion. As soon as you get the objective to blow up the fuel tanks, grab a grenade/missile launcher and start taking them out as fast as you can. Once you blow up all of them, the mission is over.
Ya I know what I need to do it is just matter of getting it done. To often I will try and grab a army guy or a weapon but end up grappling with a hunter instead. I have no doubt I will get it done. Just need to learn what the game expects me to do.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I didn't find anything about Prototype "Hard", definitely challenging but you can always heal or get away at any time and once you figure out how to deal with any particular creature or structure, you can take it out with a quickness.

Some tips
-Read the mission and do that and only that. eg if the mission is to pilot a tank somewhere, do not stop and fight, just rush to the location you have to get to
-If you are fighting something and it isn't dying quick, switch powers and/or location you are hitting it.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Just finished the last boss and it goes to show that difficulty is an oppinion, not an absolute. Some in this thread have reported that he's easier than Greene, I've had the oposite experience. While Greene was a walk in the park (she doesn't move, for god's sake!), the Supreme Hunter took me almost ten tries to finish.

First of all, it's a timed fight, but you don't get to see the timer until the last minute and a half. Second, the Supreme Hunter has a one-hit-kill Tentacle Rape Devastator. Same as yours, only stronger. It WILL kill you, even if you're at 100% Critical Mass. He also has a plethora of damaging moves, jumps and attacks, all of which can drop 1/5th or more of your health. He'll also completely ignore the soldiers and choppers shooting at him.

As for attacking him, I can safely say you might as well forget melee. You'll land 2-3 hits, and then he'll kick the shit out of you. Even if you try landing only one hit, he'll still get to kick the shit out of you. And to add the cherry on top, you'll likely get hit by all the rockets the coppers are shooting at him.

Forget air attacks. If you start flying, he starts blocking. Air Slice does practically no damage at all. Forget hijacking choppers. The damage they do to the boss is crap, and he'll shoot you down in about 5 seconds.

Forget Armor, it's crap anyway and any serious fight requires mobility. This one is no exception. You can use shield if you want, but it's not neccesary. The attacks that can kill you in this fight can't be blocked anyway.

I'd suggest using the Blade, it seems to have the fastest Consume animations and you need that.

The only remotely reliable method of taking him out that I've found is the Critical Pain Devastator. If you can land this on him, you'll take out a nice chunk out of his health bar. Dodge one of his attacks and trigger it while he's recovering. Also, use the regular version, not the air version, he'll usually block the air devastator. Be careful when using Crit Pain, it gets stuck on ANY obstacle between you and your target. Also, it has a fairly limited range, so you can't shoot him from across the carrier deck.

On the subject of consuming soldiers, there's plenty of them, but you need to catch a few seconds of peace to gobble them up. Your best bet is to grab a soldier, sprint close to the Supreme Hunter and get him to start swinging. Then while he's recovering, eat the soldier, grab a new one and repeat until in Critical Mass, then hit him with Critical Pain. Remember to dodge to the side as soon as you finish firing the Devastator since the Supreme Hunter will likely be on top of you and swinging like crazy. You're invulnerable while in the Devastator animation, but as soon as it ends, you'll be standing next to a very pissed and very powerful infected.

Remember to keep your eyes on the Supreme Hunter. If you see him stop and start spazzing out, it's likely a sign that he's charging his Devastator. Run away and use the time to eat a few soldiers. If you're in Critical Mass wait for the tentacles to fully extend, then hit him with Crit Pain. This time the flying version will work as well.

And one last thing, try not to fall off the carrier. It's hard getting back up since Alex will regularly get stuck on the lifeboats and fall back into the water. If this happens to you, try to airdash along the hull of the carrier to a part without lifeboats.

Hope this helps some of you :)


Good news everyone!
Jun 9, 2008
Jandau said:
Words you wrote
I also just beat the game this weekend. I am in the camp that the hardest boss is the FIRST time you fight the supreme hunter.

This is what I did...
With Green I used the skyscraper method. I would let the hunters run up after me, consume them, then do the massive spike devestator while dropping from on high. Kill her shield then slice her up with the blade. Repeat that process 3 times and she is dead. I think I died twice with this one.

The final boss, even though I died maybe 6-7 times. The first time I tried this method, it worked. I had shield up and used whipfist. I realized that a blade to his face didn't end up well for me. I used whipfist for the soldiers. I would run away from hunter and long reach grab a soldier until I had full overload. I targeted SH and used critical pain. The trick is avoiding his devestator. I did it by sound. I did not have him targeted so that I could more easily grab soldiers. If I heard the sound of his devestator starting (it is a unique sound) I stopped what I was doing and ran like hell. I would then approach while it was retracting and critcal pain devestator his face. When the time limit came up, I had 1:45 left and he only had 1/3 health left. Devestator and done. Roll credits.

So, for me the hardest was the first time you fight him. I don't think I had the critical pain (so that might be what made it harder) and if you remember he had some regular hunter friends in that fight that made it a little more difficult. I would also occasionally get shot by a tank. What I would end up doing is waiting for him to finish an attach sequence (which seemed really hard to dodge) then run up and get like 2 hits. Dodge him while concentrating on a regular hunter to consume. But I would usually end up hurt too bad and find myself running around the walls in a circle to regenerate only to get my 2 hits in before I had to run away again. That fight was hardest for me.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
All I used were the devastator attacks until green died it wasn't hard just annoying trying to get close. I do have to agree with the game being extremely difficult though.

Also most of the bosses do just die with a few devastator attacks.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Game is EASY... BUT... then bosses are ridiculously hard

completed the game though and my tips

keep moving... roll.. and dodge.. run run run..

use the big fists to defeat hunters and tanks
throw cars into helicopters
always have a army disguise handy

and upgrade upgrade and upgrade

other than that this game is not very hard

and if you want some more suggestions on how to beat any mission just ask.. the game took me like 8 hours to play


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Jandau said:
Just finished the last boss and it goes to show that ....

Hope this helps some of you :)

Im guessing that you never got to stun the final boss???

people people people if you throw the helicopters and the bombs lying about at the final boss and hit him in a rapid succession i believe it was something like 3 items in like a 3 second span he will become "stunned" and you can run up to him and press "square" to hope on his back and punch him in the head.. this does much damage but make sure you close when he is stunned because the window before he gets back up is very short...


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
mrx19869 said:
Jandau said:
Just finished the last boss and it goes to show that ....

Hope this helps some of you :)
Im guessing that you never got to stun the final boss???

people people people if you throw the helicopters and the bombs lying about at the final boss and hit him in a rapid succession i believe it was something like 3 items in like a 3 second span he will become "stunned" and you can run up to him and press "square" to hope on his back and punch him in the head.. this does much damage but make sure you close when he is stunned because the window before he gets back up is very short...
I did manage to stun him, though this was seemingly random and I couldn't reproduce it with any degree of reliability.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
I'm not ashamed to say that I had to restart on Easy difficulty. Did the same thing for Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. I still enjoyed it, and I can't wait to try it again on harder difficulties. But right now, Red Faction: Guerrilla is taking my life at the moment.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Just read the damned tips the game gives you. Not all combos work well for all situations, experiment! I only got stuck in a few place's in that game and all I needed to do was change my game plan.

Psyco Slim

New member
Apr 16, 2008
In the Mother Boss fight i just ran around picking up cars and throwing them at her and only stopped to fight a hunter so i can reach critical mass and then i just got as close to her as i can and used a devestator.

When i faced the Supreme Hunter i used Muscle Mass and kept chucking choppers at him.


New member
Mar 27, 2009

The "Lizzy Greene" fight is cake. Just jump around like a monkey doing long range whips... To be more exact, I ran up the buildings then ran + jumped off doing a fully charged whip attack while falling down. If you do it right you dodge all of the attacks, out run the hunters and can even attack more then of the things at a time!